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<h2>The htaccess problem</h2>
Put a n htaccess file in the rott folder for slash, as I have done hundreds to times before...and it did not work.
[[Development]] - parent

Specifically, it did nothing at all.
== AudioGuy ==

No error, just...nothing.
* [[AudioGuyWorkNotes]] What I am actually working on will be found here.

Nothing in log that revealed much.

A problem with debugging this is the presence of 'Varnish' a cache ahead of the server. However, in the end I am told this is not, on this particular server, doing anything but passing the requests through.
== Note - paulj ==
With javascript on, when I submit a story using the submit story link, and use the preview function, the background of the preview is solid red.  Not just the header, the body as well.
== Related pages ==
This is getting too big, and much of it has nothing to do directly with css, so I have moved this index to:
* [[SlashDocumentationIndex]]
== Unanswered Questions ==
* The templates are individually output by routine slashDisplay(), but how is the order of delivery determined, and how does one insure a new template goes to the right place on the page?
* The users home page link goes to /my/homepage. I can find no apache redirect for this nor is there a 'my' folder anywhere. I am guessing this is done in the apache perl module, through some redirects that hook into Apache innards. It is hard to be sure what script is actually being called first. I am assuming it is users. Once an edit is made, you are in /users.pl without /my/
* Two users scripts, users,users2 Am guesssing users2 is for the d2 interface we are not using, since the forms on the page call users.pl
* There are actually four mysterious redirects:
** /my/
** soyenltnews.org/~audioguy/ redirects to my user pageg overriding the apache userdir.
** The index page is either .pl or shtml, other pages too in some cases ?
** The page authors.pl ALWAYS redirects to authors.shtml and there MAY be others like this. Most .pl pages do not however.

First problem noted was that in the main apache config, the directive AllowOverride None was in place. this prevents anything in htaccess files from overriding the main config. Changed to AllowOverride All. Still not working. Checked the local apache config in the site/sslashcott.org dir and saw that had another such directive. Changed that one. Still not working.
Deciuded to give up an htaccess completely, and put the directives into the main apache file. Still not working.

Noticed, however, this in the slash config file:
     # Fourth Apache phase:  access control
Partially Solved!!!!! 2 out of 4 !!!
     PerlAccessHandler  Slash::Apache::Banlist
     PerlAccessHandler  Slash::Apache::User
From the install script:
# this directive will redirect non-logged-in users to
     # index.shtml if they request the home page; turn it
    # on to help increase performance or if you are using something
    # other than index.pl for the index
     PerlTransHandler Slash::Apache::IndexHandler
     # this directive will display a user's pages at /~username
    PerlTransHandler Slash::Apache::User::userdir_handler

The redirect of authors.pl SOLVED!!!

The slash apache module has taken control of the Apache access control phase.
And other pages. It is HARD CODED. !!!

I am pretty sure this means that ONLY the perl modules now can operate in that phase, as in apache 1.3, there is just a traversal through the different phases, and whoever handles the phase causes apache to go to the nexrt phase.
Location: file in final install: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/Slash/Apache.pm      subroutine: IndexHandler()

Tried to check the docs to confirm this, but apache has removed 1.3 docs from their site.
        if ($uri eq '/authors.pl') {
                my $filename = $r->filename;
                my $basedir  = $constants->{basedir};

Finally found an old 1.3 source on a backup, grabbed the docs out of this, and read:
                if (!$dbon || !$is_user) {
                        return OK;

Apache breaks down request handling into a series of steps, more or less the same way the Netscape server API does (although this API has a few more stages than NetSite does, as hooks for stuff I thought might be useful in the future). These are:

* URI -> Filename translation
Along with a number of others.
* Auth ID checking [is the user who they say they are?]
* Auth access checking [is the user authorized here?]
* Access checking other than auth
* Determining MIME type of the object requested
* `Fixups' --- there aren't any of these yet, but the phase is intended as a hook for possible extensions like SetEnv, which don't really fit well elsewhere.
* Actually sending a response back to the client.
* Logging the request

These phases are handled by looking at each of a succession of modules, looking to see if each of them has a handler for the phase, and attempting invoking it if so. The handler can typically do one of three things:
                                # For any directory which can be accessed by a
                                # logged-in user in the URI form /foo or /foo/,
                                # but which is not a skin's directory, there
                                # is a problem;  we cannot simply bounce the uri
                                # back to /index.pl or whatever, since the
                                # index handler will not recognize the section
                                # key argument above and will just present the
                                # ordinary homepage.  I don't know the best way
                                # to handle this situation at the moment, so
                                # instead I'm hardcoding in the solution for the
                                # most common problem. - Jamie 2004/07/17

* Handle the request, and indicate that it has done so by returning the magic constant OK.
Apparently /foo/ is used as a skin directory by default, anything else, problem...
* Decline to handle the request, by returning the magic integer constant DECLINED. In this case, the server behaves in all respects as if the handler simply hadn't been there.
* Signal an error, by returning one of the HTTP error codes. This terminates normal handling of the request, although an ErrorDocument may be invoked to try to mop up, and it will be logged in any case.

Most phases are terminated by the first module that handles them; however, for logging, `fixups', and non-access authentication checking, all handlers always run (barring an error)
        if ($uri eq '/hof.pl') {
                my $basedir  = $constants->{basedir};

        if ($uri eq '/code.shtml') {
                redirect('/faq/code.shtml', 301);

So in short, if perl decides to handle the 'access' phase, Apache cannot.
      } elsif ($uri eq '/slashdottit.shtml') {
                redirect('/faq/badges.shtml', 301);

        } elsif ($uri eq '/book.review.guidelines.shtml') {
                redirect('/faq/bookreviews.shtml', 301);

        # redirect to static if
21:09 stderr Hmm... Can you use an AuthUser on a virtual host that acts like a proxy?
        # * not a user, nor a daypass holder,
NCommander audioguy, oh wait, you're using varnish
        # and
        # * var is on
NCommander You need a fucking hack in slash to make that work
        # * is article.pl
NCommander There's a sanity check I stabbed out that causes slash to act stupid when its varnished
        # * no page number > 1 specified
audioguy That is what I was afraid of. Wondering if there is a simple way to do the same thing in slash code.
        # * sid specified
21:10 NCommander I think the patch is on the master branch, if not, you need to grep for "X-Forwarded-By" in slashcode
        # * referrer exists AND is external to our site
        if (!$dbon && $uri !~ /\.(?:shtml|html|jpg|gif|png|rss|rdf|xml|txt|css)$/) {
                # if db is off we don't necessarily have access to constants
                # this means we change the URI and return DECLINED which lets
                # Apache do the URI to filename translation
                $r->notes('SLASH_FAILURE' => "db"); # You should be able to find this in other processes

        return DECLINED;
mechanicjay audioguy: is it borked?

21:45 mechanicjay Varnish is passing everything through
audioguy It is getting in the way of me trying to debug a problem
audioguy I am trying to use .htaccess files, it is not letting me see the real errors,
audioguy Logs shows this:
audioguy [Wed Mar 5 05:40:08 2014] [error] :Slash::Utility::Environment:/usr/local/lib64/perl5/Slash/Utility/Environment.pm:683:cannot getSkin for empty skid='' ;; Which was called by:Slash::Apache:/usr/local/lib64/perl5/Slash/Apache.pm:359
21:46 mechanicjay Varnish should not be caching anything for the slashcott domain. I'll double check right now

STILL UNCERTAIN - the /my/ redirection. However, it -may- be done in the same code section, if it is assumed to represent a 'page' or 'skin' by the slash code. Which would appear likely.

<h2>Related pages  </h2>
I believe this may be where that redirection lies, bu my perl syntax knowledge is too limited to be certain:

* Official docs
        # match /section/ or /section
** [[InstallDoc]] - original INSTALL document
        if ($uri =~ m|^/(\w+)/?$|) {
** [[SlashGuide]] - this is the guide (from htdocs) you are supposed to read immediately after installing slashcode
                my $key = $1;
** [[SectionTopics]] - This is the 'new' sections and topics rewrite and is more important to read than it first appears, explains what a skin is. Sort of.
** [[SlashChart]] Png chart of slashcode organization
** [[SlashManPages]] Man pages available by typing man PAGENAME
** [[TemplateManPages]] Man pages for the template library used to deliver the html

* [[SlashHelperProgramsInBin]] - provided admin helpers in slash/bin
                if (!$dbon) {
* [[SlashGlossary]] Glossary of terms used in Slash code
* [[FileLocations]] Locations of important files on disk. Has Main Libraries called by all routines
                        return DECLINED;
* [[FileLocations2]] Locations of files on disk continued. This is the stuff in local/slash.
* [[FileLocations3]] Locations of files on disk continued. This is the stuff in /usr/local/share/perl5/Slash/
* [[FileLocationsMisc]] Has Apache, Man pages,...
* [[MySql]]
** [[SqlSchema]] - tables used in the database
** [[SqlDefaults]] - defaults for those tables
* [[PageScriptList]] - scripts (= 'pages') in /slash/site/slashcott.org/htdocs with routines listed
* [[PerlModuleDisplay]] - this is what actually sends a single template out to the broswer (through Apache)
* [[PerlModuleUsers]] - this is what handles the users home page and similar user functions.
* [[SlashJavaScript]] -  javascript used on site.
* [[AvailableThemes]] and how they are organized
* [[ThemesAnatomy]] Overview - "A theme is a website design." (includes HOWTO-THemes doc)
** [[TemplateAnatomy]] - All html in these. "parsed by Perl Template Toolkit" (HOWTO-Templates)
***  [[TemplateTutorialWeb]] - man page
*** [[TemplateManualDirective]] - man page, has all the keywords used by template library
*** [[ThePartsOfTemplateLibraryActuallyUsedInSlashCode]] - knowing this can save time reading docs
*** [[TemplateLists]] - lists of the template in our Theme, some descriptions fm src
**[[TasksAnatomy]] -

* [[TagboxesAnatomy]] - I don't realy know what these are yet. But there are a lot of them ;-)
* [[PluginsAnatomy]] - (HOWTO-plugins)

* [[ChangelogForCss]] - Put final finished change here
* [[HowSlashCssWorks]] Overview
* [[CssFilesUsedEachPage]] Which css files are used on different pages

* [[http://dev.soylentnews.org/plugins/scmgit/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=soylentnews/soylentnews.git;a=tree;f=themes;hb=refs/heads/master]] git - themes
##### This code is the best likely place to put a handler to force all unlogged in users to the login page I have yet found. The user/reader/anonymous user determination seems to be here.

SEE ALSO  /usr/local/lib64/perl5/Slash/Apache/User.pm which handles the /my/ targets.

<h2>Unanswered Questions</h2>
The my redirect is specifically in /usr/local/lib64/perl5/Slash/Apache/User.pm
* The templates are individually output by routine slashDisplay(), but how is the order of delivery determined, and how does one insure a new template goes to the right place on the page?
* The users home page link goes to /my/homepage. I can find no apache redirect for this nor is there a 'my' folder anywhere. I am guessing this is done in the apache perl module, through some redirects that hook into Apache innards. It is hard to be sure what script is actually being called first. I am assuming it is users. Once an edit is made, you are in /users.pl without /my/
* Two users scripts, users,users2 Am guesssing users2 is for the d2 interface we are not using, since the forms on the page call users.pl


<h2>Got tired of scrolling through pages of perl code just to see what subs were in a module</h2>
==Got tired of scrolling through pages of perl code just to see what subs were in a module==

So wrote this, now in /usr/local/sbin/listsubs.sh:
So wrote this, now in /usr/local/sbin/listsubs.sh:
Line 152: Line 167:

<h2>Order css files are loaded when simple switch on user prefs page is selected viewing main page main page</h2>
=== Use an IDE as an alternative ===
The <sub>listsubs</sub> shell script is useful and very interesting, however if you are on a platform that cannot run Shell scripts or if you simply want a more integrated solution there are powerful tools that you can use.
An IDE (''Integrated Development Environment'') makes working with large code bases much easy. According to many developers, it is the ''only'' way to work with large and complex code bases.
One of the many ways an IDE makes things so much easier is that they help you ''Navigate'' the project as well as integrating the different tools you need to use. In addition to navigating the Project, the IDEs automatically scan the code you have open to collect lists of very useful information for you including Procedures and Sub Procedures.
Here's a small gallery of Screen-Shots from both Eclipse and Geany showing off this capability:
File:Windows-Eclipse-Navigator.png|Eclipse on Windows, showing off the Code|Project Navigators
File:Windows-Geany-Sidebar.png|Geany on Windows, showing off the SideBar
If you think either Eclipse or Geany might be useful for you, a simple guide exists on the SoylentNews Wiki's Developer page:
: [[Development#Integrated_Development_Environment|Development - Integrated Development Environment]]
==Order css files are loaded when simple switch on user prefs page is selected viewing main page main page==

* base.css?T_2_5_0_272 The numbers are the slash verion number (from one of the docs).
* base.css?T_2_5_0_272 The numbers are the slash verion number (from one of the docs).
Line 160: Line 193:
* print.cssT_2_5__0_272
* print.cssT_2_5__0_272

<h2>Follow a page link from the main page to an individual article page </h2>
==Follow a page link from the main page to an individual article page ==

* Link: http://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=14/02/18/0336229
* Link: http://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=14/02/18/0336229
* article.pl is foind in slash/themes/slashcode/htdocs/article.pl So 'slashcode' is treated as a theme.
* article.pl is foind in slash/themes/slashcode/htdocs/article.pl So 'slashcode' is treated as a theme.

The stuff of interest to us
The stuff of interest to us


use Slash;  -------- located in /local/lib64/perl5/slash.pm
use Slash;  -------- located in /local/lib64/perl5/slash.pm
Line 267: Line 300:

<syntaxhighlight line start="479">
sub getCSS {
        my($self, $layout) = @_;
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $page = $user->{currentPage};
        my $skin = getCurrentSkin('name');
        my $admin = $user->{is_admin};
        my $theme = ($user->{simpledesign} || $user->{pda}) ? "light" : $user->{css_theme};
        my $secure = apacheConnectionSSL();
        $layout ||= '';
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $expire_time = $constants->{css_expire} || 3600;
        $expire_time += int(rand(60)) if $expire_time;
        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css', $expire_time);
        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_pages', $expire_time);
        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_skins', $expire_time);
        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_themes', $expire_time);
        my $css_ref            = $self->{_css_cache} ||= {};
        my $css_pages_ref      = $self->{_css_pages_cache};
        my $css_skins_ref      = $self->{_css_skins_cache};
        my $css_themes_ref      = $self->{_css_themes_cache};
        my $css_layouts_ref    = $self->{_css_layouts_cache};
        $css_pages_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('page') if !$css_pages_ref;
        $css_skins_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('skin') if !$css_skins_ref;
        $css_themes_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('theme') if !$css_themes_ref;
        $css_layouts_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('layout') if !$css_layouts_ref;
        my $lowbandwidth = ($user->{lowbandwidth} || $user->{pda}) ? "yes" : "no";
        $page  = '' if !$css_pages_ref->{$page};
        $skin  = '' if !$css_skins_ref->{$skin};
        $theme  = '' if !$css_themes_ref->{$theme};
        $layout = '' if !$css_layouts_ref->{$layout};
        return $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure}
                if exists $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure};
        my @clauses;
        my $page_q = $self->sqlQuote($page);
        my $page_in = $page ? "(page = '' or page = $page_q)" : "page = ''";
        push @clauses, $page_in;
        my $skin_in = $skin ? "(skin = '' or skin = '$skin')" : "skin = ''";
        push @clauses, $skin_in;
        push @clauses, "admin='no'" if !$admin;
        my $theme_q  = $self->sqlQuote($theme);
        my $theme_in = $theme ? "(theme='' or theme=$theme_q)" : "theme=''";
        push @clauses, $theme_in;
        push @clauses, "lowbandwidth='$lowbandwidth'" if $lowbandwidth eq "no";

        my $layout_q = $self->sqlQuote($layout);
        push @clauses, "layout=$layout_q";

        my $where = "css.ctid=css_type.ctid AND ";
        $where .= join ' AND ', @clauses;

        my $css = $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("rel,type,media,file,title,ie_cond,skin",
                "css, css_type", $where, "ORDER BY css_type.ordernum, css.ordernum");
        if ($secure) {
                for my $hr (@$css) { $hr->{file} =~ s/\.css/.ssl.css/ }
        $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure} = $css;
        return $css;

479 sub getCSS {
480        my($self, $layout) = @_;
481        my $user = getCurrentUser();
482        my $page = $user->{currentPage};
483        my $skin = getCurrentSkin('name');
484        my $admin = $user->{is_admin};
485        my $theme = ($user->{simpledesign} || $user->{pda}) ? "light" : $user->{css_theme};
486        my $secure = apacheConnectionSSL();
487        $layout ||= '';
488        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
490        my $expire_time = $constants->{css_expire} || 3600;
491        $expire_time += int(rand(60)) if $expire_time;
492        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css', $expire_time);
493        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_pages', $expire_time);
494        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_skins', $expire_time);
495        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_themes', $expire_time);
497        my $css_ref            = $self->{_css_cache} ||= {};
498        my $css_pages_ref      = $self->{_css_pages_cache};
499        my $css_skins_ref      = $self->{_css_skins_cache};
500        my $css_themes_ref      = $self->{_css_themes_cache};
501        my $css_layouts_ref    = $self->{_css_layouts_cache};
503        $css_pages_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('page') if !$css_pages_ref;
504        $css_skins_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('skin') if !$css_skins_ref;
505        $css_themes_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('theme') if !$css_themes_ref;
506        $css_layouts_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('layout') if !$css_layouts_ref;
508        my $lowbandwidth = ($user->{lowbandwidth} || $user->{pda}) ? "yes" : "no";
510        $page  = '' if !$css_pages_ref->{$page};
511        $skin  = '' if !$css_skins_ref->{$skin};
512        $theme  = '' if !$css_themes_ref->{$theme};
513        $layout = '' if !$css_layouts_ref->{$layout};
515        return $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure}
516                if exists $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure};
518        my @clauses;
520        my $page_q = $self->sqlQuote($page);
521        my $page_in = $page ? "(page = '' or page = $page_q)" : "page = ''";
522        push @clauses, $page_in;
524        my $skin_in = $skin ? "(skin = '' or skin = '$skin')" : "skin = ''";
525        push @clauses, $skin_in;
527        push @clauses, "admin='no'" if !$admin;
529        my $theme_q  = $self->sqlQuote($theme);
530        my $theme_in = $theme ? "(theme='' or theme=$theme_q)" : "theme=''";
531        push @clauses, $theme_in;
533        push @clauses, "lowbandwidth='$lowbandwidth'" if $lowbandwidth eq "no";
535        my $layout_q = $self->sqlQuote($layout);
536        push @clauses, "layout=$layout_q";
538        my $where = "css.ctid=css_type.ctid AND ";
539        $where .= join ' AND ', @clauses;
541        my $css = $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("rel,type,media,file,title,ie_cond,skin",
542                "css, css_type", $where, "ORDER BY css_type.ordernum, css.ordernum");
543        if ($secure) {
544                for my $hr (@$css) { $hr->{file} =~ s/\.css/.ssl.css/ }
545        }
547        $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure} = $css;
548        return $css;
549 }

<syntaxhighlight line start="548">

my %ops_my = (
        inbox          => { args => 'op=list', uri => 'messages.pl' },
        # XXX change messages to be same as /inbox, move this to /my/preferences/messages
        messages        => { args => 'op=display_prefs', uri => 'messages.pl' },
        comments        => { args => 'op=editcomm' },
        homepage        => { args => 'op=edithome' },
        password        => { args => 'op=changeprefs', uri => 'login.pl' },
        logout          => { args => 'op=userclose', uri => 'login.pl' },
        misc            => { args => 'op=editmiscopts' },
        amigos          => { args => 'op=friendview', uri => 'journal.pl' },
        bookmarks      => { args => 'op=showbookmarks' },
        firehose        => { args => 'op=userfirehose' },
        preferences    => { args => 'op=displayprefs', uri => 'preferences.pl' },
        tags            => { args => 'op=showtags' },
        journal        => { args => 'op=list', uri => 'journal.pl' },

        friends        => { args => 'op=friends', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
        fans            => { args => 'op=fans', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
        freaks          => { args => 'op=freaks', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
        foes            => { args => 'op=foes', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
        zoo            => { args => 'op=all', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },

        default        => { args => 'op=edituser' }

548 {
549 my %ops_my = (
550        inbox          => { args => 'op=list', uri => 'messages.pl' },
551        # XXX change messages to be same as /inbox, move this to /my/preferences/messages
552        messages        => { args => 'op=display_prefs', uri => 'messages.pl' },
553        comments        => { args => 'op=editcomm' },
554        homepage        => { args => 'op=edithome' },
555        password        => { args => 'op=changeprefs', uri => 'login.pl' },
556        logout          => { args => 'op=userclose', uri => 'login.pl' },
557        misc            => { args => 'op=editmiscopts' },
558        amigos          => { args => 'op=friendview', uri => 'journal.pl' },
559        bookmarks      => { args => 'op=showbookmarks' },
560        firehose        => { args => 'op=userfirehose' },
561        preferences    => { args => 'op=displayprefs', uri => 'preferences.pl' },
562        tags            => { args => 'op=showtags' },
563        journal        => { args => 'op=list', uri => 'journal.pl' },
565        friends        => { args => 'op=friends', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
566        fans            => { args => 'op=fans', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
567        freaks          => { args => 'op=freaks', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
568        foes            => { args => 'op=foes', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
569        zoo            => { args => 'op=all', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
571        default        => { args => 'op=edituser' }
572 );

<syntaxhighlight lang="sql" line start="134">
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','base.css','','','','no','',1,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','comments','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','article','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','print','print.css','','','','no','',5,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','admin.css','','','','yes','',1,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','pollBooth','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_lite.css','','','','no','light',4,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','journal','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_lite.css','','','','no','light',4,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','journal','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode.css','','','','no','',3,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','metamod','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_low_bw.css','','','','no','',4,99, "","yes");

134 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','base.css','','','','no','',1,0, "","no");
# Dumping data for table 'css_type'
135 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','comments','no','',2,0, "","no");
136 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','article','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (1,'base',1);
137 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','print','print.css','','','','no','',5,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (2,'page',2);
138 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','admin.css','','','','yes','',1,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (3,'theme',3);
139 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','pollBooth','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (4,'user_theme',5);
140 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_lite.css','','','','no','light',4,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (5,'print',6);
141 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','journal','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (6,'skin',4);
142 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_lite.css','','','','no','light',4,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (7,'handheld',7);
143 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','journal','no','',2,0, "","no");
144 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode.css','','','','no','',3,0, "","no");
145 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','metamod','no','',2,0, "","no");
146 INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_low_bw.css','','','','no','',4,99, "","yes");
148 #
149 # Dumping data for table 'css_type'
150 #
151 INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (1,'base',1);
152 INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (2,'page',2);
153 INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (3,'theme',3);
154 INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (4,'user_theme',5);
155 INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (5,'print',6);
156 INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (6,'skin',4);
157 INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (7,'handheld',7);


<h2>plugins/FireHose/mysql_dump.sql </h2>
==plugins/FireHose/mysql_dump.sql ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="sql">
    INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
==> INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','users','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','users','no','',2,0, '');
    INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','calendar.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','calendar.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
==> INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','users','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','users','no','',2,0, '');
    INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
    INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','index2','no','',2,0, '');  
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','index2','no','',2,0, '');  

<p>I believe that we are not using FireHose but it was needed to make the site work.  As can be seen in the db dump above, it adds the firehose.css file to any of the user pages. Need to verify and then see if we can get the db purged of these values.</p>
<p>I believe that we are not using FireHose but it was needed to make the site work.  As can be seen in the db dump above, it adds the firehose.css file to any of the user pages. Need to verify and then see if we can get the db purged of these values.</p>
Line 430: Line 458:
<p>I think there was some firehose slashboxes that showed up in the users pages.  They needed to be wider than the default, so they patched those pages with the firehose.css. Next step is to get a current dump of the two css tables. The important part is I know what files are for what parts of the code.  Slashcode.css is the theme css file slashcode-lite.css is the style file that is called by a user pref.  This means I need to fix comments.css to remove the theme elements I inserted and put them in the theme file.  I still need to make sure that the changes that benefited the Simplified theme stay intact. -EP</p>
<p>I think there was some firehose slashboxes that showed up in the users pages.  They needed to be wider than the default, so they patched those pages with the firehose.css. Next step is to get a current dump of the two css tables. The important part is I know what files are for what parts of the code.  Slashcode.css is the theme css file slashcode-lite.css is the style file that is called by a user pref.  This means I need to fix comments.css to remove the theme elements I inserted and put them in the theme file.  I still need to make sure that the changes that benefited the Simplified theme stay intact. -EP</p>


Line 451: Line 479:

<h2>User Menu</h2>
==User Menu==

<syntaxhighlight lang="sql" line start="123">
INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Logout','logout','/my/logout',1,0,10);
INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Logout','logout','/my/logout',1,0,10);
124 INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Preferences','preferences','/users.pl?op=edituser',1,0,20);
INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Preferences','preferences','/users.pl?op=edituser',1,0,20);
125 INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Password','password','[% constants.real_rootdir %]/my/password',1,0,40);
INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Password','password','[% constants.real_rootdir %]/my/password',1,0,40);
126 INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','~[% user.nickname | strip_literal %] ([% user.uid %])','me','/~[% user.nickname | fixparam %]',1,0,50);
INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','~[% user.nickname | strip_literal %] ([% user.uid %])','me','/~[% user.nickname | fixparam %]',1,0,50);
<p> This code sets up the upper menu on http://slashcott.org/users.pl which is linked from your userid on the home page.  The Preferences is wrong, as it needs to be all three links: Info, Homepage, Comments.  This will allow users with low-bandwidth option set to easily get to the setting to unset low-bandwidth. -EP</p>
<p> This code sets up the upper menu on http://slashcott.org/users.pl which is linked from your userid on the home page.  The Preferences is wrong, as it needs to be all three links: Info, Homepage, Comments.  This will allow users with low-bandwidth option set to easily get to the setting to unset low-bandwidth. -EP</p>

<h2>Refernces to css in the man pages in /usr/local/share/man/man3</h2>
==Refernces to css in the man pages in /usr/local/share/man/man3==
grep -i css *
grep -i css *
Line 493: Line 521:

<h2>CSS commit for Feb 23</h2>
==CSS commit for Feb 23==

Line 502: Line 530:
On article body and comment body, made the font size a bit smaller. Also on comments body set the margins to be smaller.
On article body and comment body, made the font size a bit smaller. Also on comments body set the margins to be smaller.
[[Category:User experience]]

Latest revision as of 21:26, 20 September 2016

Obsolete Page
This page is obsolete and only retained for archival purposes.

Development - parent


Note - paulj

With javascript on, when I submit a story using the submit story link, and use the preview function, the background of the preview is solid red. Not just the header, the body as well.

Related pages

This is getting too big, and much of it has nothing to do directly with css, so I have moved this index to:

Unanswered Questions

  • The templates are individually output by routine slashDisplay(), but how is the order of delivery determined, and how does one insure a new template goes to the right place on the page?
  • The users home page link goes to /my/homepage. I can find no apache redirect for this nor is there a 'my' folder anywhere. I am guessing this is done in the apache perl module, through some redirects that hook into Apache innards. It is hard to be sure what script is actually being called first. I am assuming it is users. Once an edit is made, you are in /users.pl without /my/
  • Two users scripts, users,users2 Am guesssing users2 is for the d2 interface we are not using, since the forms on the page call users.pl

  • There are actually four mysterious redirects:
    • /my/
    • soyenltnews.org/~audioguy/ redirects to my user pageg overriding the apache userdir.
    • The index page is either .pl or shtml, other pages too in some cases ?
    • The page authors.pl ALWAYS redirects to authors.shtml and there MAY be others like this. Most .pl pages do not however.

Partially Solved!!!!! 2 out of 4 !!!

From the install script:

# this directive will redirect non-logged-in users to
    # index.shtml if they request the home page; turn it
    # on to help increase performance or if you are using something
    # other than index.pl for the index
    PerlTransHandler Slash::Apache::IndexHandler

    # this directive will display a user's pages at /~username
    PerlTransHandler Slash::Apache::User::userdir_handler

The redirect of authors.pl SOLVED!!!

And other pages. It is HARD CODED. !!!

Location: file in final install: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/Slash/Apache.pm       subroutine: IndexHandler()

        if ($uri eq '/authors.pl') {
                my $filename = $r->filename;
                my $basedir  = $constants->{basedir};

                if (!$dbon || !$is_user) {
                        return OK;

Along with a number of others.

                                # For any directory which can be accessed by a
                                # logged-in user in the URI form /foo or /foo/,
                                # but which is not a skin's directory, there
                                # is a problem;  we cannot simply bounce the uri
                                # back to /index.pl or whatever, since the
                                # index handler will not recognize the section
                                # key argument above and will just present the
                                # ordinary homepage.  I don't know the best way
                                # to handle this situation at the moment, so
                                # instead I'm hardcoding in the solution for the
                                # most common problem. - Jamie 2004/07/17

Apparently /foo/ is used as a skin directory by default, anything else, problem...

        if ($uri eq '/hof.pl') {
                my $basedir  = $constants->{basedir};

        if ($uri eq '/code.shtml') {
                redirect('/faq/code.shtml', 301);

       } elsif ($uri eq '/slashdottit.shtml') {
                redirect('/faq/badges.shtml', 301);

        } elsif ($uri eq '/book.review.guidelines.shtml') {
                redirect('/faq/bookreviews.shtml', 301);

        # redirect to static if
        # * not a user, nor a daypass holder,
        # and
        # * var is on
        # * is article.pl
        # * no page number > 1 specified
        # * sid specified
        # * referrer exists AND is external to our site
        if (!$dbon && $uri !~ /\.(?:shtml|html|jpg|gif|png|rss|rdf|xml|txt|css)$/) {
                # if db is off we don't necessarily have access to constants
                # this means we change the URI and return DECLINED which lets
                # Apache do the URI to filename translation
                $r->notes('SLASH_FAILURE' => "db"); # You should be able to find this in other processes

        return DECLINED;

STILL UNCERTAIN - the /my/ redirection. However, it -may- be done in the same code section, if it is assumed to represent a 'page' or 'skin' by the slash code. Which would appear likely.

I believe this may be where that redirection lies, bu my perl syntax knowledge is too limited to be certain:

        # match /section/ or /section
        if ($uri =~ m|^/(\w+)/?$|) {
                my $key = $1;

                if (!$dbon) {
                        return DECLINED;


##### This code is the best likely place to put a handler to force all unlogged in users to the login page I have yet found. The user/reader/anonymous user determination seems to be here.

SEE ALSO  /usr/local/lib64/perl5/Slash/Apache/User.pm which handles the /my/ targets.

The my redirect is specifically in /usr/local/lib64/perl5/Slash/Apache/User.pm

Got tired of scrolling through pages of perl code just to see what subs were in a module

So wrote this, now in /usr/local/sbin/listsubs.sh:

[root@slashcode Slash]# listsubs.sh Admin.pm
    addSpriteForSid, ajax_authorbox, ajax_learnword, ajax_neverdisplay, 
    ajax_perfbox, ajax_signoff, ajax_signoffbox, ajax_slashdbox, 
    ajax_storyadminbox, ajax_sub_memory, DESTROY, extractRelatedStoriesFromForm, 
    findTheTime, getAccesslogAbusersByID, getAccesslogMaxID, get_ispell_comments, 
    getRecentSubs, getRecentWebheads, getRelated, getSignoffData, 
    getStorySignoffs, getStoryThumbLargeLink, grantStoryPostingAchievements, otherLinks, 
    relatedLinks, showAdminTodo, showAuthorActivityBox, showPerformanceBox, 
    showSignoffBox, showSlashdBox, showStoryAdminBox, write_to_temp_file, 

Also will work from a list, as in

ls *.pm > list.tst
listsubs.sh < list.txt

Maybe someone else will find it useful as well.

Use an IDE as an alternative

The listsubs shell script is useful and very interesting, however if you are on a platform that cannot run Shell scripts or if you simply want a more integrated solution there are powerful tools that you can use.

An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) makes working with large code bases much easy. According to many developers, it is the only way to work with large and complex code bases.

One of the many ways an IDE makes things so much easier is that they help you Navigate the project as well as integrating the different tools you need to use. In addition to navigating the Project, the IDEs automatically scan the code you have open to collect lists of very useful information for you including Procedures and Sub Procedures.

Here's a small gallery of Screen-Shots from both Eclipse and Geany showing off this capability:

If you think either Eclipse or Geany might be useful for you, a simple guide exists on the SoylentNews Wiki's Developer page:

Development - Integrated Development Environment

Order css files are loaded when simple switch on user prefs page is selected viewing main page main page

  • base.css?T_2_5_0_272 The numbers are the slash verion number (from one of the docs).
  • slashcode.css?T_2_5__0_272
  • slashcode_lite.css?T_2_5__0_272
  • slashcode_lite.css?T_2_5__0_272 (appears to be loading this twice,why?)
  • print.cssT_2_5__0_272

Follow a page link from the main page to an individual article page


The stuff of interest to us

use Slash;  -------- located in /local/lib64/perl5/slash.pm
use Slash::Display;     
use Slash::Utility;

sub main {
        my $slashdb   = getCurrentDB();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $user      = getCurrentUser();
        my $form      = getCurrentForm();
        my $gSkin     = getCurrentSkin();
        my $story;
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });

                # Make sure the reader is viewing this story in the
                # proper skin.
                my $cur_skid = determineCurrentSkin();
                if ($story->{primaryskid} != $cur_skid) {
                        my $cur_skin = $reader->getSkin($cur_skid);
                        my $story_skin = $reader->getSkin($story->{primaryskid});
                        if ($story_skin && $story_skin->{rootdir}
                                && $story_skin->{rootdir} ne $cur_skin->{rootdir})$

               # XXXSECTIONTOPICS this needs to be updated
                my $SECT = $reader->getSection($story->{section});
                # This should be a getData call for title
                my $title = "$constants->{sitename} | $story->{title}";
                if ($gSkin->{name} && $gSkin->{name} eq "idle") {
                        $title = "$gSkin->{hostname} | $story->{title}";
if (my $pollbooth_db = getObject('Slash::PollBooth')) {

slashDisplay('display', {
                        poll                    => $pollbooth,
                        section                 => $SECT,
                        section_block           => $reader->getBlock($SECT->{secti$
                        show_poll               => $pollbooth ? 1 : 0,
                        story                   => $story,
                        stories                 => \%stories,

               my $called_pc = 0;
                if ($story->{discussion}) {
                        # Still not happy with this logic -Brian
                        my $discussion = $reader->getDiscussion($story->{discussio$

                        # If no comments ever have existed and commentstatus is di$
                        # just skip the display of the comment header bar -Brian

                               &&  $discussion->{commentstatus} eq 'disabled'
                        )) {
                                $called_pc = 1;
                 if (!$called_pc && $form->{ssi} && $form->{ssi} eq 'yes' && $form-$
                        # This is a real hack, we're kind of skipping down
                        # two levels of code.  But the cchp printing is an
                        # important optimization;  we avoid having to do
                        # multiple expensive comment selects.  One problem
                        # is that if there's no discussion with a story,
                        # printComments() doesn't get called, which means
                        # selectComments() doesn't get called, which means
                        # the cchp file won't be written.  If article.pl
                       # is being called by slashd, and we need to write
                        # that file, then here's where we print an empty
                        # file that will satisfy slashd. - Jamie

                        Slash::Utility::Comments::_print_cchp({ stoid => "dummy" }$
        } else {
                header('Error', $form->{section}) or return;
       my $plugins = $slashdb->getDescriptions('plugins');
        if (!$user->{is_anon} && $plugins->{Tags} && $story) {
                my $tagsdb = getObject('Slash::Tags');
                        $reader->getGlobjidCreate('stories', $story->{stoid}));
        if ($story) {
                writeLog($story->{sid} || $sid);
        } else { 




sub getCSS {
        my($self, $layout) = @_;
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $page = $user->{currentPage};
        my $skin = getCurrentSkin('name');
        my $admin = $user->{is_admin};
        my $theme = ($user->{simpledesign} || $user->{pda}) ? "light" : $user->{css_theme};
        my $secure = apacheConnectionSSL();
        $layout ||= '';
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my $expire_time = $constants->{css_expire} || 3600;
        $expire_time += int(rand(60)) if $expire_time;
        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css', $expire_time);
        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_pages', $expire_time);
        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_skins', $expire_time);
        _genericCacheRefresh($self, 'css_themes', $expire_time);

        my $css_ref             = $self->{_css_cache} ||= {};
        my $css_pages_ref       = $self->{_css_pages_cache};
        my $css_skins_ref       = $self->{_css_skins_cache};
        my $css_themes_ref      = $self->{_css_themes_cache};
        my $css_layouts_ref     = $self->{_css_layouts_cache};

        $css_pages_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('page') if !$css_pages_ref;
        $css_skins_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('skin') if !$css_skins_ref;
        $css_themes_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('theme') if !$css_themes_ref;
        $css_layouts_ref = $self->getCSSValuesHashForCol('layout') if !$css_layouts_ref;

        my $lowbandwidth = ($user->{lowbandwidth} || $user->{pda}) ? "yes" : "no";

        $page   = '' if !$css_pages_ref->{$page};
        $skin   = '' if !$css_skins_ref->{$skin};
        $theme  = '' if !$css_themes_ref->{$theme};
        $layout = '' if !$css_layouts_ref->{$layout};

        return $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure}
                if exists $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure};

        my @clauses;

        my $page_q = $self->sqlQuote($page);
        my $page_in = $page ? "(page = '' or page = $page_q)" : "page = ''";
        push @clauses, $page_in;

        my $skin_in = $skin ? "(skin = '' or skin = '$skin')" : "skin = ''";
        push @clauses, $skin_in;

        push @clauses, "admin='no'" if !$admin;

        my $theme_q  = $self->sqlQuote($theme);
        my $theme_in = $theme ? "(theme='' or theme=$theme_q)" : "theme=''";
        push @clauses, $theme_in;

        push @clauses, "lowbandwidth='$lowbandwidth'" if $lowbandwidth eq "no";

        my $layout_q = $self->sqlQuote($layout);
        push @clauses, "layout=$layout_q";

        my $where = "css.ctid=css_type.ctid AND ";
        $where .= join ' AND ', @clauses;

        my $css = $self->sqlSelectAllHashrefArray("rel,type,media,file,title,ie_cond,skin",
                "css, css_type", $where, "ORDER BY css_type.ordernum, css.ordernum");
        if ($secure) {
                for my $hr (@$css) { $hr->{file} =~ s/\.css/.ssl.css/ }
        $css_ref->{$skin}{$page}{$admin}{$theme}{$lowbandwidth}{$layout}{$secure} = $css;
        return $css;


my %ops_my = (
        inbox           => { args => 'op=list', uri => 'messages.pl' },
        # XXX change messages to be same as /inbox, move this to /my/preferences/messages
        messages        => { args => 'op=display_prefs', uri => 'messages.pl' },
        comments        => { args => 'op=editcomm' },
        homepage        => { args => 'op=edithome' },
        password        => { args => 'op=changeprefs', uri => 'login.pl' },
        logout          => { args => 'op=userclose', uri => 'login.pl' },
        misc            => { args => 'op=editmiscopts' },
        amigos          => { args => 'op=friendview', uri => 'journal.pl' },
        bookmarks       => { args => 'op=showbookmarks' },
        firehose        => { args => 'op=userfirehose' },
        preferences     => { args => 'op=displayprefs', uri => 'preferences.pl' },
        tags            => { args => 'op=showtags' },
        journal         => { args => 'op=list', uri => 'journal.pl' },

        friends         => { args => 'op=friends', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
        fans            => { args => 'op=fans', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
        freaks          => { args => 'op=freaks', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
        foes            => { args => 'op=foes', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },
        zoo             => { args => 'op=all', uri  => 'zoo.pl' },

        default         => { args => 'op=edituser' }


INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','base.css','','','','no','',1,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','comments','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','article','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','print','print.css','','','','no','',5,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','admin.css','','','','yes','',1,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','pollBooth','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_lite.css','','','','no','light',4,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','journal','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_lite.css','','','','no','light',4,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','journal','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode.css','','','','no','',3,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','metamod','no','',2,0, "","no");
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond, lowbandwidth) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','slashcode_low_bw.css','','','','no','',4,99, "","yes");

# Dumping data for table 'css_type'
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (1,'base',1);
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (2,'page',2);
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (3,'theme',3);
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (4,'user_theme',5);
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (5,'print',6);
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (6,'skin',4);
INSERT INTO css_type (ctid, name, ordernum) VALUES (7,'handheld',7);


INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','users','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','calendar.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','users','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','comments.css','','','firehose','no','',2,0, '');
INSERT INTO css (rel, type, media, file, title, skin, page, admin, theme, ctid, ordernum, ie_cond) VALUES ('stylesheet','text/css','screen, projection','firehose.css','','','index2','no','',2,0, '');

I believe that we are not using FireHose but it was needed to make the site work. As can be seen in the db dump above, it adds the firehose.css file to any of the user pages. Need to verify and then see if we can get the db purged of these values.

Good work. The question in my mind is why the heck css for one module has any effect *at all* on any other module. Talk about lack of localization...-AG

I think there was some firehose slashboxes that showed up in the users pages. They needed to be wider than the default, so they patched those pages with the firehose.css. Next step is to get a current dump of the two css tables. The important part is I know what files are for what parts of the code. Slashcode.css is the theme css file slashcode-lite.css is the style file that is called by a user pref. This means I need to fix comments.css to remove the theme elements I inserted and put them in the theme file. I still need to make sure that the changes that benefited the Simplified theme stay intact. -EP


This is what I usually start with:
   font-family: Helvetica,Geneva,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;

Too many can lead to a LOT of testing being required. As can the wrong order. ;-)

Others I have used in the past:
font-family: Geneva,Arial,Verdana,Helvetica,Chicago,sans-serif;
font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Geneva,Chicago,Verdana,sans-serif;
font-family: Helvetica,Geneva,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;

I have used:
font-family: Verdana, Geneva, "Bitstream Vera Sans", "DejaVu Sans", sans-serif;

Note this has Linux fonts as well to help with these users.

User Menu

INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Logout','logout','/my/logout',1,0,10);
INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Preferences','preferences','/users.pl?op=edituser',1,0,20);
INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','Password','password','[% constants.real_rootdir %]/my/password',1,0,40);
INSERT INTO menus (menu, label, sel_label, value, seclev, showanon, menuorder) VALUES ('users','~[% user.nickname | strip_literal %] ([% user.uid %])','me','/~[% user.nickname | fixparam %]',1,0,50);

This code sets up the upper menu on http://slashcott.org/users.pl which is linked from your userid on the home page. The Preferences is wrong, as it needs to be all three links: Info, Homepage, Comments. This will allow users with low-bandwidth option set to easily get to the setting to unset low-bandwidth. -EP

Refernces to css in the man pages in /usr/local/share/man/man3

grep -i css *

HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:.IP "enable_css" 4
HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:.IX Item "enable_css"
HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:Set some handy \s-1CSS\s0 class attributes on elements, enabled by default.
HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:.IP "semantic_css" 4
HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:.IX Item "semantic_css"
HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:Sets some additional \s-1CSS\s0 class attributes on elements, disabled by
HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:.IP "\fIdefault_css()\fR" 4
HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:.IX Item "default_css()"
HTML::CalendarMonth.3pm:document in conjunction with the classes assigned to elements when css
HTML::ElementSuper.3pm:might be when you'd like to assign multiple \s-1CSS\s0 classes to a single
HTML::PopupTreeSelect.3pm:.IP "include_css (optional)" 4
HTML::PopupTreeSelect.3pm:.IX Item "include_css (optional)"
HTML::PopupTreeSelect.3pm:Set this to 0 and the default \s-1CSS\s0 will not be included in the widget
HTML::PopupTreeSelect.3pm:output.  This allows you to include your own \s-1CSS\s0 which will be used by
HTML::PopupTreeSelect.3pm:your widget.  Modifying the \s-1CSS\s0 will allow you to control the fonts,
HTML::PopupTreeSelect.3pm:If you run the widget with include_css set to 1 then you can use that
HTML::Tree::Scanning.3pm:tagging, such is as useful in \s-1CSS\s0 \*(-- note the
Module::Build::API.3pm:.IP "\fIhtml_css()\fR" 4
Module::Build::API.3pm:.IX Item "html_css()"
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Reader.3pm:YAML::Tiny, \s-1YAML\s0, YAML::Syck, Config::Tiny, CSS::Tiny,
TAP::Parser::YAMLish::Writer.3pm:YAML::Tiny, \s-1YAML\s0, YAML::Syck, Config::Tiny, CSS::Tiny,
Template::Iterator.3pm:You can then style the \f(CW\*(C`tr.odd\*(C'\fR and \f(CW\*(C`tr.even\*(C'\fR elements using \s-1CSS:\s0
Template::Toolkit.3pm:kind of text documents: \s-1HTML\s0, \s-1XML\s0, \s-1CSS\s0, Javascript, Perl code, plain text,
Template::Tutorial::Web.3pm:kind of content they contain.  So you can use \s-1TT\s0 to generate \s-1HTML\s0, \s-1XML\s0, \s-1CSS\s0,

CSS commit for Feb 23

Changes to most of the css files to set all sizes to em (some were in px and broke flow). Changed the font-family to a more friendly chain for all platforms, and remove all other font-faimily calls from the code. Changed font sizes from % to ems and adjusted size for some of the main elements. Fix a issue with the middle column size caused by firehose.css. Many small fixes to spacing over many places.

Moved all of the slashcode theme items into the slashcode.cssraw file. Some were in comments.cssraw due to some previous work I did.

On article body and comment body, made the font size a bit smaller. Also on comments body set the margins to be smaller.