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'''To the tsunami of volunteers... thank you!'''
This is a home for information about how '''[]''' was started, and the vision for it.

I'm building a news site alternative to Slashdot. I've only started a day ago, this wiki is a temporary measure so that volunteers can coordinate and others can see what's happening.

Welcome to the '''[]''' Wiki.

I intend to run a site much like Slashdot used to be - better articles, less decoration and less "in your face" functionality. I'm looking for volunteers to help with setup and running the site. If the site becomes profitable, I intend to hire from the pool of volunteers. If you've ever wanted to participate in a site like Slashdot, here's your chance!
We deliver community-sourced news and discussion. This is an, grassroots effort powered by article submissions from our readers, volunteers, and our forked version of [ slashcode] called [ 'Rehash']. We highlight stories on the web which are important to everyone - especially nerds. We also provide a soapbox for discussion moderated by the site's patrons, and allow anonymous discourse as there's no mandatory registration needed to comment.

We are mindful of community sentiment, and will not bend to overreaching corporate agenda. The goal is to be an excellent source for discussion and news about technology, art, science and politics.

The proposed business model is [[Finances|here]].
We've incorporated as a Delaware Public Benefit Corporation (similar to a non-profit) as we feel our mission to provide a platform for news dissemination and relevant discussion is not only essential for mankind, but also a legal right (i.e. freedom of press, freedom of speech) in some places, and these are liberties which we aim to protect.
Some business planning is [[Business|here]].
A statement of functionality (turn into a requirements document?)--- [[FeatureList]]

Though the site is young and there are [ bugs], we are improving and adapting to satisfy the community's needs. We look forward to pushing the boundaries of web experience and are committed to involving the community on all major decisions.

If you would like to volunteer, please go to and register as a forum user. There will be forums to discuss various topics: style, content, code, and so on.
==Get Involved==

Start thinking about what you would like to see at the site.
This project is run entirely by the community and there are many ways to contribute. Here are some of the many ways to participate:

*'''[ Submit a Story]'''
** Try joining the #rss-bot channel in [[SoylentNews:IRC|IRC]] for story ideas
** Get in touch with the '''[[Development|Development Team]]''', especially if you know perl
** Reach out to one of the other '''[[TeamPages|Teams]]''' (we have openings for many skill sets)
** Contact the relevant person: '''[[WhosWho| Who's Who?]]'''
*Hop on to '''IRC:'''
** #Soylent on
** [ Webchat]
** [[SoylentNews:IRC|IRC Wiki Page]]
*'''Bugs''' and Features:
** [ Submit a bug or Feature Request]
** [[Suggestions|Add a Suggestion]] - larger projects to tackle for the future
*'''Tell Somebody''' A friend, a colleague, any major news source....
** Do what you can to [[Spreading the word|get the word out]]
** You could participate in [[The_Slashcott|The Slashcott]]

If you want to send me a note:

John (at) AltSlashdot (dot) org
A list of people working on this project:
===[[WhosWho| Who's Who?]]===

== Useful Links ==

AltSlashdot Discussion:
*[[Submission guidelines]] - best practices for story submissions
Head to IRC channel ##AltSlashdot on, Web client is here:
*[[Story Style]] - a guide for editors on article formatting
*[[Development]] team page
**[ Code Repo] - The Slashcode fork repository for this project on GitHub
** <strike>[[DevelopmentVMHowto]] - How to get our code setup in a VM</strike>
** [[SlashDocumentationIndex]]
*[[UserExperience]] team page
**[[Style]] - some of this info needs to be merged/moved/organized into/with [[UserExperience]]
* [[SystemAdministration|System Administration]]
*[[Finances]] - Breakdown of our proposed spending
*[[Licensing]] - ideas about which license to use for our slashcode fork
*[[Staff_Meetings|Staff Meeting Logs]]
*[[SoylentNews_PBC|SoylentNews PBC]]
*[[SoylentNews_Site_Policy|SoylentNews Policy]]

== Similar Projects ==
* [ Pipedot] - A complete re-write that uses a modern codebase and sports a clean look
* Usenet newsgroup comp.misc - [!forum/comp.misc on Google Groups], [ on Squte], [news:comp.misc via newsreader application]
* [ Technocrat] - (now defunt) News site presented by Bruce Perens

== Archive ==
* We upgraded the hosting by two tiers - this should fix the problems people were having yesterday accessing the system.
* The System team is working on installing SlashCode. If all goes well, we expect to have a working system by Monday. Everyone believes this goal is achievable.
* The site now has forums with four user groups: Code, Content, Style, and System.
* Probably won't be non-profit, see [[Finances|business model]].
* We won't poach from Slashdot. This includes articles and logos, also "style" to a reasonable extent.

Mailing list update Messages are [[MailingListUpdates|here]]
[[Archive]] -- An archive of obsolete pages/discussions that occurred before launch
* Registered "", also ".com" and ".net".
* Purchased hosting through BlueHost
[[SlashcodeTodo|Slashcode Todo list]]
* Install SlashCode on the production site
* Get some people to help with the site
* Run a contest for a better name [[NewName|New name discussion]]
* Incorporate
* Consult a lawyer
* How to handle Advertising (necessary evil) - Opt Out, Limited, Standard ?? 
* Find and submit some stories
* Improved Mod/Meta-Mod/Story-Selection system to minimize required editor input
* Profit!  ???
== List of Discussion Pages ==
*[[Submission guidelines|Submission guidelines]]
That's all I see at the moment, please add more as you start or find new pages.
== Comments ==
* Have you considered talking with Bruce Parens?  He had a site called "" that some people from slashdot were quite fond of not too long ago.  It seems some people on slashdot are already trying to get him to re-launch it.  I don't know if the two of you would have compatible goals or not, but it might be worth sending him an email.  He has a parking page up on right now that has his email address on it. 
* I'm a professional web developer and can help. I was about to register a domain on my VPS to start something like this. If you want, I'll do what I can to help. I've built a few CMS from scratch and am downloading slashcode right now. Incidentally I'm a hybrid as I am also a digital artist (namely in UI). We need an IRC channel to talk about this I think.--[[User:Hedgie|Hedgie]] ([[User talk:Hedgie|talk]]) 18:34, 6 February 2014 (MST)
* I don't know about other people, but I think I would be more liable to stick with an alternative if it scraped content from original /. in addition to whatever else you do. [[Special:Contributions/|]] 09:21, 6 February 2014 (MST)
''I'm against this. I don't consider it fair - they've put a lot of effort into building up their brand and community. If we are to succeed, we need to do it on our own merits."
There are no doubt legal as well as moral objections to content scraping, but when you say "...they've put a lot of effort into building up their brand and community...", well, for over 15 years *we* have been that community and if not for us there would be some former college students who used to have a little hobby site.--unitron
** Scraping bad. Having editors dotted around the timezones that create their own better versions of the summaries, even if they contain just the same links as the /. story that inspired them, not bad. [[User:FatPhil|FatPhil]] ([[User talk:FatPhil|talk]]) 14:14, 6 February 2014 (MST)
** Agree with scraping bad. The general trend for the summaries has gone downhill badly over the past few years so better to have editors (re-)publish articles even if they use the same (or better) links ([[User:Qwade|Qwade]])
*  Maybe a wiki is the best way to do this?  I see you've started with slashcode, but that might be a misstep.  You have noticed by now that slashcode hasn't been updated in many years, hence it will be way behind the current slashdot.  I think you might be better off hacking a wiki into slashdot-style functionality. 
''I agree, this may be a misstep (and this occurred to me independently of your note). My best guess is to attempt installing slashcode and see where that goes, and try for a new system if it's unworkable. We'll see.''
**[[ Wikinews]] is Wikimedia's attempt to turn a wiki in to a news site. Not sure how easy that would be to mold in to a more Slashdotty site
* If you don't want to use the old slashcode, have you considered looking at '''discourse''' as the site server? AFAICT, it's a reasonably new project which being developed intended to address the authors' perceived flaws in the status-quo of forum software. It's written in JavaScript, but it might serve as a starting point for a new codebase, or worth a look to get some inspiration:
* '''Do this as a non-profit, user-run organization please'''. From what you write it looks like you want replace the regime, not giving the users the control over the website. Why should we trust you not to sell the website to a DICE-like company after it becomes successful? I applaud your efforts to change things, but I really believe that a [ Debian Project] like institution that is both non-commercial and controlled/run by the community has a much higher chance of securing the goals we fight for right now in the long-term. --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 03:20, 6 February 2014 (MST)
* I like the comment on a Debian like project organization, also, maybe we can create a freenode IRC channel to further organize?
* see Freenode, #slashdot-refugees for real time discussion.
'''UPDATE:''' ''My proposed [[Finances|business plan]] should allay these fears.''
''You make some good points.''
''In my experience, community-driven projects don't usually do well. This is not to say that no such projects succeed, but the balance of probability does not favor group management.''
''There is a wide selection of projects which are successful because one person had a vision and the drive to make that vision happen - every successful business starts this way.''
''I've run businesses that use a lot of volunteer help, so I've got some experience there.''
''As far as selling the website, it's crossed my mind. I don't want to "sell out" and destroy the community, but it would be nice to have an "exit strategy". Commenting on Slashdot fun, but doing it as a day job will probably get tedious.''
''I don't know what the answer is - it's something that we'll have to work out.''
* (I put in a topic with a suggestion on the discussion page so this doesn't get too cluttered. ~ElectricTurtle)
* Additional points: Make the whole website (including stories/comments) available under [ CC-BY-SA] to retain the [ right to fork]. You should also reconsider the name. I imagine "AltSlashdot" could get you into all sorts of legal trouble, since it is very close to the "Slashdot" trademark. --[[Special:Contributions/|]] 03:20, 6 February 2014 (MST)
* seems to be bouncing. I'd like to help.
''It's fixed now - please try again.''
''(I created the E-mails through the registrar and tested them. When I pointed the DNS to BlueHost the E-mail target changed along with the web. Didn't expect that to change, so never bothered to check after initial test.)''
* Attempt to '''coordinate and combine''' the parallel efforts. E.g. Slashdot user [ dotancohen] has [ apparently] registered the domain "slashdotan" and is looking to build a new Slashdot there. There are probably a dozen people hacking away separately on similar efforts. Competition is probably good, but combining efforts should be considered. --Slashdot user [ JustinOpinion].
* [ DigiLord] - I would like to help
* I'm the dotancohen mentioned by JustinOpinion. I have some limited experience with Amazon Web Services to run cloud servers for sites with very dynamic load profiles. Altslashdot seems like the perfect application of that technology, as we can expect to get slashdotted at any time. I also agree that we should coordinate efforts, as the whole premise is to keep the /. community together. [[User:Dotancohen|Dotancohen]] ([[User talk:Dotancohen|talk]]) 08:38, 6 February 2014 (MST)
* Re: combining efforts. User somenickname (1270442) has registered bangslashdot.(org|net|com) [[]]
* I think it would be best to just go over to Usenet.  It is distributed, uncensorable, scales extremely well, the infrastructure is already in place, and it works.  No Javascript, no business models, nothing but pure text-mode comment goodness.  [ Eternal September] is free and works well, but does not allow binaries.  That's fine, we have magnet links these days.  EDIT:  comp.misc is the new Slashdot.  It's official now.  Join us there and keep it free as in FREEDOM!
== IRC ==
General Slashdot Discussion: Come on IRC channel #slashdot at Or use the web client:
AltSlashdot Discussion: Head to IRC channel ##AltSlashdot on, Web client is here:
== Banned ==
Anyone else get banned from Slashdot? I did a few 'Fuck Beta' posts and a Beta submission, and apparently this was enough to get a temporary ban. - Robotron23
That is surprising, I posted several times today and did not get anything. I wonder if it had something to do with the Beta submission. - Nightbrood
I've posted loudly, angrily, reflectively, snarkily, thoughtfully, sarcastically, and in many other different ways today (classic and beta). Yet, I've not been banned. - cervesaebraciator
== Features ==
What features worked and what features did not work during the lifetime of Slashdot? I would like to create a section about this but there's no link to do so.
IE: Feature that worked was the karma system allowed users to voluntarily disable the advertisement, made them feel happy even though it did nothing different for the business.
Feature that did not work: Adding a sponsored poll / slashvertising
I'm trying to list out all the critical features of Slashdot plus some clarifications and minor changes here: [[FeatureList]]
==== Confessions Of an Ex-SLASHDOT BETA user ====
Day 1: It wouldn't stop, the redirecting. At first I thought it was malware. Had my first drink in a long time.
Day 2: Barely had the strength to carry on as the BETA REDIRECTIONS continue.. trying not to talk to hallucinations at the bar and in the bathroom which laugh at me about these redirections.
Day 3: Discovered the BETA redirections were random, and while at first they looked somewhat usable, when I looked at me and my monitor screen in the mirror, a horrible woman with flesh hanging off of her body looked back, trying to lead me into a dance as the word BETA appeared across her rancid breasts.
Day 4: These BETA corridors go on FOREVER! On the plus side, I've taken up disassembling vehicles to corner this BETA beast and sacrifice myself rather than lead others to discovering it. I ate some red snow.
Day 5: Finding it harder to concentrate. I've ate some more of the red snow. The taste is starting to grow on me.
Day 6: This typewriter is the only entertainment I have, apart from throwing things at the walls, trying to get some response from the BETA which is now taking over my mind.
Day 7: Hahahahahha! Would you believe it? I'M STILL BEING REDIRECTED TO SLASHDOT BETA PAGES! AHAHhahahaah! Type, type, ding, ding! Wooo!
Day 8: The hallucinations are actually real! Would you believe it? They have offered to help me if I agree to work for them. I'm thinking about patenting this delicious red snow, the taste is unreal!
Day 9: Having black out sessions where I cannot remember large passings of time. Found some makeup, thought I'd paint a joker smile on my face to amuse the people only I can see!
Day 10: Productive today, part of what I wrote for my new screenplay:
I cannot opt out of Slashdot BETA!
I cannot opt out of Slashdot BETA!
I cannot opt out of Slashdot BETA!
I cannot opt out of Slashdot BETA!
I cannot opt out of Slashdot BETA!
I cannot opt out of Slashdot BETA!
I cannot opt out of Slashdot BETA!
I cannot opt out of Slashdot BETA!
I cannot opt out of Slas
(drops of blood on paper)

Latest revision as of 13:43, 30 August 2019

This is a home for information about how was started, and the vision for it.


Welcome to the Wiki.

We deliver community-sourced news and discussion. This is an, grassroots effort powered by article submissions from our readers, volunteers, and our forked version of slashcode called 'Rehash'. We highlight stories on the web which are important to everyone - especially nerds. We also provide a soapbox for discussion moderated by the site's patrons, and allow anonymous discourse as there's no mandatory registration needed to comment.

We are mindful of community sentiment, and will not bend to overreaching corporate agenda. The goal is to be an excellent source for discussion and news about technology, art, science and politics.

We've incorporated as a Delaware Public Benefit Corporation (similar to a non-profit) as we feel our mission to provide a platform for news dissemination and relevant discussion is not only essential for mankind, but also a legal right (i.e. freedom of press, freedom of speech) in some places, and these are liberties which we aim to protect.

Though the site is young and there are bugs, we are improving and adapting to satisfy the community's needs. We look forward to pushing the boundaries of web experience and are committed to involving the community on all major decisions.

Get Involved

This project is run entirely by the community and there are many ways to contribute. Here are some of the many ways to participate:


A list of people working on this project:

Who's Who?

Useful Links

Similar Projects


Archive -- An archive of obsolete pages/discussions that occurred before launch