Bug tracker

From SoylentNews
Revision as of 12:48, 13 February 2014 by FunPika (talk | contribs) (Add some information about the possible bug trackers I listed.)
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This page is for discussing possible options for a bug tracker to use. If you have any other possible options in mind, make a new level 3 heading for them.

General requirements

  • Should allow submitting issues without requiring logging in/creating an account.

Possible bug trackers


  • Uses this wiki that we already have running.
  • Would use a Bug: namespace.
  • This wiki currently requires registration before editing, although logged out editing can be re-enabled if needed.
  • May be more difficult for developers to sort issues by values like status, assignee, etc. that are normally found in bug trackers.

Needed configuration changes to the wiki if we did this:

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = true;
define("NS_BUG", 112);
define("NS_BUG_TALK", 113);
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_BUG] = "Bug";
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_BUG_TALK] = "Bug_talk";

MediaWiki with semantic extensions

  • Uses this wiki that we already have running.
  • Would use a Bug: namespace.
  • This wiki currently requires registration before editing, although logged out editing can be re-enabled if needed.
  • Would require the installation of the Semantic MediaWiki and Semantic Forms extensions.
  • Should be easier to sort issues, although it still likely will lack features found in standalone bug trackers
  • Probably needs more configuration and initial setup than MediaWiki alone.

GitHub issues

  • Already set up and running alongside the repository where the code currently is.
  • GitHub requires registration, which likely makes it undesirable.


  • Not sure if this one requires registration or not.
  • Free and open source.


  • Pretty sure this one can handle creating issues without users logging in.
  • Proprietary software, but they offer a free as in beer license to open source projects.


I threw a quick Mantis install up. It's not pretty, but quite functional and allows bug submission without login. The current address is if anybody wants to test it out. (if you create an account, the confirmation email is probably in your spam folder)Popeidol