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Revision as of 18:11, 7 March 2014 by Mrcoolbp (talk | contribs)
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This list is a compilation of Suggestions from various users. Think of it like a "wish" list. These differ from a feature request in that they are projects that may take a significant amount of time. A system should be developed for selecting from them and having the community vote on which to tackle.

Suggestions can currently be added via suggestions at soylentnews dot com or by typing "!suggestion [your suggestion here]" in our IRC rooms. You can also just add them below.

  • SNR, News Roundup (best stories, comments, best of IRC)
  • Article reviews correcting mistakes/expanding (by +5 commenters, "revisited.soylent")
  • wiki: settled arguments section
  • New post every couple of days re: updates or another location for project updates
  • RSS - enable full story (this is also logged as a bug I believe)
  • Add markdown support in SoylentNews ex:
  • Soylent alternate logo S/N (signal/noise) (also SN = Tin (atomic symbol)) ART&ST
  • Enable Internet Archive auto-crawling (we may need to update robots.txt)
  • Allow users to suggest to this list anonymously (via IRC !suggestion)
  • Dokuwiki as an alternative wiki platform. It's probably not too far on the MediaWiki to do a manual port over, and Dokuwiki has several features about it that make it valuable. ACL's for different sections of the site, the ability to mandate CAPTCHA for registrations and posts, and such
  • Allow users to mod stories down.
  • Allow community to submit bugs on SoylentNews much like how they submit a story; prepopulate the "story" with prompts for desired info (summary, severity, error message seen, steps to reproduce, etc.)