
From SoylentNews
Revision as of 20:50, 11 March 2014 by Mrcoolbp (talk | contribs)
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Please consolidate all team-related info here (todo, documentation, depenencies).

Some of these have been duplicated from TodoList

  • Staff
    • Get "true" staff emails (not forwards) to all staff that want them
    • Migrate mailing list address to new addresses
  • Volunteers
    • Outline difference between volunteer VS staff
    • Develop process for becoming staff (get email, get on mailing list, privileges, orientation booklet, etc.)
    • Create address and link in Main Soylent pages, IRC, Wiki (workaround is
    • Develop system for recruiting/organizing volunteers
    • SN Story Submission: Volunteers Needed (after determining which skills we need most i.e. perl, editors)
  • Refine Suggestions system
    • Develop process to select good items, hold vote, then implement
    • Automate *ways to post* suggestions that all end up in same place (suggestions@ email and !suggestions irc are forwarded to an email and are manually added)
      • This could all be done with slash
  • Clarify our stance on vulgarity in comments (ALL CAPS is preventing posting in some cases (filter) swears seem to work)
  • Contact CmdrTaco via twitter?
  • IRC log links need updating in various places <-
  • New Name contest (final one, we hope)
  • Summarize staff meeting(s) (or not?)(move to Editors section?)