IRC:exec aliases

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Revision as of 11:37, 23 January 2016 by Crutchy (talk | contribs) (added some aliases)
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a link to exec's main wiki page will be output if any user types "exec: help" in a channel where the bot resides













~count <nick>



~define term


~define-add term, meaning












~find-first <text>


~find-last <text>


~first <nick>





~header <header> <url>
returns value of header (if found)
fails silently if error occurs or header not found







~isup host[:port] (checks connection, returns http status if found)


~join #channel (don't have to be channel op)


syntax: ~kick %nick%
kicks %nick% from the channel. admin-only command


syntax: ~kill %pid%
kills process run by exec with process id %pid%
admin-only command
only works for processes run by exec. processes outside exec aren't affected by this command


kills all processes being run by the bot at the time. admin-only command


~last <nick>


syntax to search: ~link %search%, set: ~link %id% %content%, delete: ~link %id% -

can't use pipe (|) char, %id% can't contain spaces, but %content% can, %search% is a regexp pattern

will return a list of one or more %id% => %content% if %search% matches either %id% or %content%


alias of ~link


syntax: ~list
lists available commands that don't require elevated privs


syntax: ~list-auth
lists available commands requiring nickserv authentication


~location %name%
returns the location associated with the specified name


syntax: ~lock %alias%
treats all lines entered as being prefixed with alias, channel-specific
see also: ~unlock


syntax: ~lockdown
bot must be op
MODE $dest +ntipm


syntax: ~log param=value ...
returns data from chromas' logging website
refer to for more info


apt-get moo


syntax: ~op [%nick%]
admin-only command
%nick% is optional
if %nick% isn't specified, will op the calling admin
if %nick% is supplied, will op the specified %nick%
bot must be op in channel


fortune -s -o


instruct bot to leave the current channel, or a different channel with optional parameter
syntax: ~part [channel]





~queue (returns number of SN submissions in the queue)


~rainbow text






infinite asynchronous play-by-irc rock/paper/scissors
syntax: ~rps [ranks|r|p|s]
handicap = losses/wins/turns*rounds*100




~sed on|off
[nick[:|,|>|.] ]s/pattern/replace[/[g]] (similar to SedBot)



syntax: ~staff meeting
displays meeting info from either the site news slashbox or the board meeting wiki page






Syntax: ~time location
Related commands: ~time-add ~time-del ~location
Developer(s): crutchy





~translate tolang text (auto-detects source lang, eg: ~translate en prueba)


~translate-sl fromlang tolang text (eg: ~translate-sl es en prueba)



Syntax: ~unlock
Related commands: ~lock
Developers: crutchy



syntax: ~users %command% %subject%
admin-only command
where %command% is one of:


%subject% is the channel that you want to get a listing of nicks for


%subject% is the nick that you want to get a list of channels for


%subject% not applicable for this command
returns a listing of all channels that stored users are members of


%subject% is the channel that you want the user count of


%subject% is the nick that you want to return stored data for


%subject% is the nick that you want to find out the nickserv account of



~weather location
~weather JFK
~weather vostok, aq
Related commands:


Syntax: ~weather-add name location
Developer(s): crutchy
Related commands:
Enables storing a short name to refer to a longer location description when using the ~weather or ~time commands.
If a name already exists, setting it again will overwrite the existing named location.
Names cannot be deleted at this stage.
A few thousand ICAO and IATA/FAA airport codes have been imported into the codes file thanks to OpenFlights.
<crutchy> ~weather-add crutchy melbourne australia
<exec> code "crutchy" set for location "melbourne australia"





the "~x" alias allows a bot operator to create and manage scripts from within IRC (dubbed "live scripts")

scripts created using this alias are stored in a bucket by the bot instead of a file

the handler uses php's eval to run live scripts

to prevent anyone from executing arbitrary commands on the bot host, a whois command is issued to verify that the NickServ account of the user of the ~x alias is the bot operator (by settling the userlist parameter of the alias definition line to "@")

the general form of the command is:

   ~x %action% [%param%] [%code%]

in a nutshell the possible actions and params are: "global on|off" (enables or disables all live scripts) "kill" (a shorcut for disabling all live scripts) "enable %script-name%" (enables an individual live script) "disable %script-name%" (disables an individual live script) "delete-script %script-name%" (deletes a live script from memory) "open %script-name%" (opens a live script for editing in the active channel) "close" (closes the currently open live script in the active channel) "code" (outputs a line-numbered code listing of the currently open live script in the active channel) "list" (outputs a listing of available live scripts, and highlights enabled scripts) "replace [L]%line-number% %old-code%|%new-code%" (replaces a line of code in the currently open live script) "delete-line [L]%line-number%" (deletes a line of code in the currently open live script) "insert [L]%line-number% %code%" (inserts a line of code in the currently open live script) "add %code%" (adds a line of code to the currently open live script)

import and export (from/to file) actions are also proposed but not yet implemented.

live scripts have access to common lib functions used by other scripts, and also have direct access to $nick, $dest (channel), $trailing. the privmsg lib function doesn't work for live scripts as the live script handler is triggered internally by the bot using a registered privmsg event handler, so to privmsg the channel that the sender ($nick) is in you simply call pm($dest,"message) instead.

when a new live script is created, it must be enabled before it will run, but once enabled any changes will come into affect immediately.

whilst the code is currently limited to php, it could potentially be adapted to execute code in other languages using their command-line interpreters. it also doesn't have to be limited to code. it could potentially be used to collaborate on lines of non-executing text (such as for collaborative editing of SN submissions). with some tweaks it could be possible to collaborate on code as well, with other users being able to add/edit/delete lines but requiring the operator to re-enable the script for changes to come into effect.


In Soviet Russia, x2 x1s YOU!


syntax to add: .macro <trigger> <chanlist> PRIVMSG|INTERNAL <command_template>

syntax to delete: .macro <trigger> -

<chanlist> is comma-separated or * for any

Used to set a PRIVMSG or INTERNAL macro.


Outputs a list of freenode channel relays currently active.


syntax: systemctl %subject%
tries to do %subject% and fails