Talk:Board Meetings Rules of Order

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Revision as of 13:30, 5 October 2014 by Crutchy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Re: If there is a tie, does the Chair have a vote to break the tie?=== it is probably commonplace in the corporate world for the chair to break a tie, but i would recommend...")
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Re: If there is a tie, does the Chair have a vote to break the tie?

it is probably commonplace in the corporate world for the chair to break a tie, but i would recommend not; it may lead to issues down the track, and if there is no agreement then the item probably needs to be fleshed out some more till there is clear majority, or tabled for later till more information can be sourced and details can be worked out. if a vote is called and results in a tiebreaker, it was probably too early to call that vote (but this is not always obvious till the vote is taken and objections are raised). imho motions should not be forced by a tiebreaker, which may or may not yield the right decision (the chair may not have all the info either). maybe if there is a problematic vote at board level it could be brought to the community for input. ~ crutchy 13:30, 5 October 2014 (UTC)