Bug tracker

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Revision as of 17:03, 13 February 2014 by Landon (talk | contribs) (→‎JIRA)
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This page is for discussing possible options for a bug tracker to use. If you have any other possible options in mind, make a new level 3 heading for them.

General requirements

  • It should allow submitting issues without requiring logging in/creating an account.
  • (?) Should it have the ability to allow uploading attachments (screenshots of the bug, patches, etc.)?

Possible bug trackers


  • Uses this wiki that we already have running.
  • Would use a Bug: namespace.
  • This wiki currently requires registration before editing, although logged out editing can be re-enabled if needed.
  • May be more difficult for developers to sort issues by values like status, assignee, etc. that are normally found in bug trackers.
  • Template:Bug was created to give some structure to bug reports if we use this system.

Needed configuration changes to the wiki if we did this:

$wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = true;
define("NS_BUG", 112);
define("NS_BUG_TALK", 113);
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_BUG] = "Bug";
$wgExtraNamespaces[NS_BUG_TALK] = "Bug_talk";


MediaWiki with semantic extensions

  • Uses this wiki that we already have running.
  • Would use a Bug: namespace.
  • This wiki currently requires registration before editing, although logged out editing can be re-enabled if needed.
  • Would require the installation of the Semantic MediaWiki and Semantic Forms extensions.
  • Should be easier to sort issues, although it still likely will lack features found in standalone bug trackers
  • Probably needs more configuration and initial setup than MediaWiki alone.

GitHub issues

  • Already set up and running alongside the repository where the code currently is.
  • GitHub requires registration, which likely makes it undesirable.


  • Requires registration.
  • Free and open source.


  • Pretty sure this one can handle creating issues without users logging in.
  • Proprietary software, but they offer a free as in beer license to open source projects.
  • Atlassian's open source overview
  • A bit of a resource hog, in my experience (For a 2-user setup) it will easily consume > 1 gig of RAM and still not be happy


  • It's not pretty, but allows bug submission without login.
  • Some integration with MediaWiki apparently available, as per this link
  • I've put up an install you can test out: If you create an account, check your spam folder for the confirmation email. Popeidol