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CssWork parent

Functions in users
    adminDispatch, changePasswd, checkList, displayForm, 
    editComm, editHome, editKey, editMiscOpts, 
    editTags, editUser, forceAccountVerify, getCommentListing, 
    getError, _get_lastjournal, getMessage, getOtherUserParams, 
    getTitle, getUserAdmin, listAbuses, listBanned, 
    listReadOnly, mailPasswd, main, newUser, 
    newUserForm, noUser, previewSlashbox, saveComm, 
    saveHome, saveMiscOpts, savePasswd, saveTags, 
    saveUser, saveUserAdmin, setToDefaults, showBookmarks, 
    showComments, showFireHose, showInfo, showSubmissions, 
    showTags, tildeEd, topAbusers, validateUser,
    adminDispatch, checkList, displayForm, editKey, 
    editMiscOpts, editUser, forceAccountVerify, getCommentListing, 
    getError, _get_lastjournal, getMessage, getOtherUserParams, 
    getTitle, getUserAdmin, listAbuses, listBanned, 
    listReadOnly, mailPasswd, main, newUser, 
    newUserForm, noUser, previewSlashbox, saveMiscOpts, 
    saveUser, saveUserAdmin, setToDefaults, showFireHose, 
    showInfo, tildeEd, topAbusers, validateUser, 

Man page for users

Don't waste your time...

# man Slash::Users
No manual entry for Slash::Users
[root@slashcode htdocs]# man Slash::Users2
Users2(3)             User Contributed Perl Documentation            Users2(3)


               use Slash::Users2;

       Provides homepages for users.

       Christopher Brown,


perl v5.10.1                      2014-02-20                         Users2(3)

Source of

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This code is a part of Slash, and is released under the GPL.
# Copyright 1997-2005 by Open Source Technology Group. See README
# and COPYING for more information, or see
# $Id$

use strict;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
use Slash;
use Slash::Display;
use Slash::Utility;
use Slash::Constants qw(:messages);

sub main {
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $gSkin = getCurrentSkin();
        my $formname = $0;
        $formname =~ s/.*\/(\w+)\.pl/$1/;

        my $error_flag = 0;
        my $formkey = $form->{formkey};

        my $suadmin_flag = $user->{seclev} >= 10000 ? 1 : 0 ;
        my $postflag = $user->{state}{post};
        my $op = lc($form->{op});

        # savepasswd is a special case, because once it's called, you
        # have to reload the form, and you don't want to do any checks if
        # you've just saved.
        my $savepass_flag = $op eq 'savepasswd' ? 1 : 0 ;

        my $ops = {
                admin           =>  {
                        function        => \&adminDispatch,
                        seclev          => 10000,       # if this should be lower,
                                                        # then something else is
                                                        # broken, because it allows
                                                        # anyone with this seclev
                                                        # to change their own seclev
                        formname        => $formname,
                        # just in case we need it for something else, we have it ...
                        checks          => [ qw (generate_formkey) ],
#               userlogin       =>  {
#                       function        => \&showInfo,
#                       seclev          => 1,
#                       formname        => $formname,
#                       checks          => [],
#                       tab_selected_1  => 'me',
#               },
                no_user =>  {
                        function        => \&noUser,
                        seclev          => 0,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                userinfo        =>  {
                        function        => \&showInfo,
                        #I made this change, not all sites are going to care. -Brian
                        seclev          => $constants->{users_show_info_seclev},
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'me',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'info',
                userfirehose    => {
                        function        => \&showFireHose,
                        seclev          => 0,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'me',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'firehose'
                usersubmissions =>  {
                        function        => \&showSubmissions,
                        #I made this change, not all sites are going to care. -Brian
                        seclev          => $constants->{users_show_info_seclev},
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'me',
                usercomments    =>  {
                        function        => \&showComments,
                        #I made this change, not all sites are going to care. -Brian
                        seclev          => $constants->{users_show_info_seclev},
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'me',
                display =>  {
                        function        => \&showInfo,
                        #I made this change, not all sites are going to care. -Brian
                        seclev          => $constants->{users_show_info_seclev},
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'me',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'info',
#               savepasswd      => {
#                       function        => \&savePasswd,
#                       seclev          => 1,
#                       post            => 1,
#                       formname        => $formname,
#                       checks          => [ qw (max_post_check valid_check
#                                               formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
#                       tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
#                       tab_selected_2  => 'password',
#               },
                saveuseradmin   => {
                        function        => \&saveUserAdmin,
                        seclev          => 10000,
                        post            => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                savehome        => {
                        function        => \&saveHome,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        post            => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ qw (valid_check
                                                formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'home',
                savecomm        => {
                        function        => \&saveComm,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        post            => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ qw (valid_check
                                                formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'comments',
                saveuser        => {
                        function        => \&saveUser,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        post            => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ qw (valid_check
                                                formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'user',
#               changepasswd    => {
#                       function        => \&changePasswd,
#                       seclev          => 1,
#                       formname        => $formname,
#                       checks          => $savepass_flag ? [] :
#                                               [ qw (generate_formkey) ],
#                       tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
#                       tab_selected_2  => 'password',
#               },
                editmiscopts    => {
                        function        => \&editMiscOpts,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'misc',
                savemiscopts    => {
                        function        => \&saveMiscOpts,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'misc',
                edituser        => {
                        function        => \&editUser,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ qw (generate_formkey) ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'user',
                authoredit      => {
                        function        => \&editUser,
                        seclev          => 10000,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                edithome        => {
                        function        => \&editHome,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ qw (generate_formkey) ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'home',
                editcomm        => {
                        function        => \&editComm,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ qw (generate_formkey) ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
                        tab_selected_2  => 'comments',
#               newuser         => {
#                       function        => \&newUser,
#                       seclev          => 0,
#                       formname        => "${formname}/nu",
#                       checks          => [ qw (max_post_check valid_check
#                                               formkey_check regen_formkey) ],
#               },
                newuseradmin    => {
                        function        => \&newUserForm,
                        seclev          => 10000,
                        formname        => "${formname}/nu",
                        checks          => [],
                previewbox      => {
                        function        => \&previewSlashbox,
                        seclev          => 0,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
#               mailpasswd      => {
#                       function        => \&mailPasswd,
#                       seclev          => 0,
#                       formname        => "${formname}/mp",
#                       checks          => [ qw (max_post_check valid_check
#                                               interval_check formkey_check ) ],
#                       tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
#                       tab_selected_2  => 'password',
#               },
                validateuser    => {
                        function        => \&validateUser,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => ['regen_formkey'],
                showtags => {
                        function        => \&showTags,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected    => 'tags',
                showbookmarks => {
                        function        => \&showBookmarks,
                        seclev          => 0,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected    => 'bookmarks',
                edittags => {
                        function        => \&editTags,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected    => 'tags',
                savetags => {
                        function        => \&saveTags,
                        seclev          => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        tab_selected    => 'tags',
#               userclose       =>  {
#                       function        => \&displayForm,
#                       seclev          => 0,
#                       formname        => $formname,
#                       checks          => [],
#               },
#               newuserform     => {
#                       function        => \&displayForm,
#                       seclev          => 0,
#                       formname        => "${formname}/nu",
#                       checks          => [ qw (max_post_check
#                                               generate_formkey) ],
#               },
#               mailpasswdform  => {
#                       function        => \&displayForm,
#                       seclev          => 0,
#                       formname        => "${formname}/mp",
#                       checks          => [ qw (max_post_check
#                                               generate_formkey) ],
#                       tab_selected_1  => 'preferences',
#                       tab_selected_2  => 'password',
#               },
                displayform     => {
                        function        => \&displayForm,
                        seclev          => 0,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [ qw (generate_formkey) ],
                        tab_selected_1  => 'me',
                listreadonly => {
                        function        => \&listReadOnly,
                        seclev          => 100,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        adminmenu       => 'security',
                        tab_selected    => 'readonly',
                listbanned => {
                        function        => \&listBanned,
                        seclev          => 100,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        adminmenu       => 'security',
                        tab_selected    => 'banned',
                topabusers      => {
                        function        => \&topAbusers,
                        seclev          => 100,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                        adminmenu       => 'security',
                        tab_selected    => 'abusers',
                listabuses      => {
                        function        => \&listAbuses,
                        seclev          => 100,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => [],
                force_acct_verify => {
                        function        => \&forceAccountVerify,
                        seclev          => 100,
                        post            => 1,
                        formname        => $formname,
                        checks          => []

        } ;

        # Note this is NOT the default op.  "userlogin" or "userinfo" is
        # the default op, and it's set either 5 lines down or about 100
        # lines down, depending.  Yes, that's dumb.  Yes, we should
        # change it.  It would require tracing through a fair bit of logic
        # though and I don't have the time right now. - Jamie
        $ops->{default} = $ops->{displayform};
        for (qw(newuser newuserform mailpasswd mailpasswdform changepasswd savepasswd userlogin userclose)) {
                $ops->{$_} = $ops->{default};

        my $errornote = "";
        if ($form->{op} && ! defined $ops->{$op}) {
                $errornote .= getError('bad_op', { op => $form->{op}}, 0, 1);
                $op = $user->{is_anon} ? 'userlogin' : 'userinfo'; 

        if ($op eq 'userlogin' && ! $user->{is_anon}) {
                redirect(cleanRedirectUrl($form->{returnto} || ''));

        # this will only redirect if it is a section-based rootdir with
        # its rootdir different from real_rootdir
        } elsif ($op eq 'userclose' && $gSkin->{rootdir} ne $constants->{real_rootdir}) {
                redirect($constants->{real_rootdir} . '/');

        } elsif ($op =~ /^(?:newuser|newuserform|mailpasswd|mailpasswdform|changepasswd|savepasswd|userlogin|userclose|displayform)$/) {
                my $op = $form->{op};
                $op = 'changeprefs' if $op eq 'changepasswd';
                $op = 'saveprefs'   if $op eq 'savepasswd';
                redirect($constants->{real_rootdir} . '/' . $op);

        # never get here now
        } elsif ($op eq 'savepasswd') {
                my $error_flag = 0;
                if ($user->{seclev} < 100) {
                        for my $check (@{$ops->{savepasswd}{checks}}) {
                                # the only way to save the error message is to pass by ref
                                # $errornote and add the message to note (you can't print
                                # it out before header is called)
                                $error_flag = formkeyHandler($check, $formname, $formkey, \$errornote);
                                last if $error_flag;

                if (! $error_flag) {
                        $error_flag = savePasswd({ noteref => \$errornote }) ;
                # change op to edituser and let fall through;
                # we need to have savePasswd set the cookie before
                # header() is called -- pudge
                if ($user->{seclev} < 100 && ! $error_flag) {
                        $slashdb->updateFormkey($formkey, length($ENV{QUERY_STRING}));
                $op = $error_flag ? 'changepasswd' : 'userinfo';
                $form->{userfield} = $user->{uid};

        # Figure out what the op really is.
        $op = 'userinfo' if (! $form->{op} && ($form->{uid} || $form->{nick}));
        $op ||= $user->{is_anon} ? 'userlogin' : 'userinfo';
        if ($user->{is_anon} && ( ($ops->{$op}{seclev} > 0) || ($op =~ /^newuserform|mailpasswdform|displayform$/) )) {
                redirect($constants->{real_rootdir} . '/');
        } elsif ($user->{seclev} < $ops->{$op}{seclev}) {
                $op = 'userinfo';
        if ($ops->{$op}{post} && !$postflag) {
                $op = $user->{is_anon} ? 'default' : 'userinfo';

        # Print the header and very top stuff on the page.  We have
        # three ops that (may) end up routing into showInfo(), which
        # needs to do some stuff before it calls header(), so for
        # those three, don't bother.
        my $header;
        if ($op !~ /^(userinfo|display|saveuseradmin|admin|userfirehose$)/) {
                my $data = {
                        adminmenu => $ops->{$op}{adminmenu} || 'admin',
                        tab_selected => $ops->{$op}{tab_selected},
                header(getMessage('user_header'), '', $data) or return;
                # This is a hardcoded position, bad idea and should be fixed -Brian
                # Yeah, we should pull this into a template somewhere...
                print getMessage('note', { note => $errornote }) if defined $errornote;
                $header = 1;

        if ($constants->{admin_formkeys} || $user->{seclev} < 100) {

                my $done = 0;
                $done = 1 if $op eq 'savepasswd'; # special case
                $formname = $ops->{$op}{formname};

                # No need for HumanConf if the constant for it is not
                # switched on, or if the user's karma is high enough
                # to get out of it.  (But for "newuserform," the current
                # user's karma doesn't get them out of having to prove
                # they're a human for creating a *new* user.)
                my $options = {};
                if (       !$constants->{plugin}{HumanConf}
                        || !$constants->{hc}
                        || !$constants->{hc_sw_newuser}
                                && ($formname eq 'users/nu' || $op eq 'newuserform')
                        || !$constants->{hc_sw_mailpasswd}
                                && ($formname eq 'users/mp' || $op eq 'mailpasswdform')
                        || $user->{karma} > $constants->{hc_maxkarma}
                                && !$user->{is_anon}
                                && !($op eq 'newuser' || $op eq 'newuserform')
                ) {
                        $options->{no_hc} = 1;

                DO_CHECKS: while (!$done) {
                        for my $check (@{$ops->{$op}{checks}}) {
                                $ops->{$op}{update_formkey} = 1 if $check eq 'formkey_check';
                                $error_flag = formkeyHandler($check, $formname, $formkey,
                                        undef, $options);
                                if ($error_flag == -1) {
                                        # Special error:  HumanConf failed.  Go
                                        # back to the previous op, start over.
                                        if ($op =~ /^(newuser|mailpasswd)$/) {
                                                $op .= "form";
                                                $error_flag = 0;
                                                next DO_CHECKS;
                                } elsif ($error_flag) {
                                        $done = 1;
                        $done = 1;

                if (!$error_flag && !$options->{no_hc}) {
                        my $hc = getObject("Slash::HumanConf");
                        $hc->reloadFormkeyHC($formname) if $hc;


        errorLog(" error_flag '$error_flag'") if $error_flag;

        # call the method
        my $retval;
        $retval = $ops->{$op}{function}->({
                op              => $op,
                tab_selected_1  => $ops->{$op}{tab_selected_1} || "",
                note            => $errornote,
        }) if !$error_flag;

        return if !$retval;

        if ($op eq 'mailpasswd' && $retval) {
                $ops->{$op}{update_formkey} = 0;

        if ($ops->{$op}{update_formkey} && $user->{seclev} < 100 && ! $error_flag) {
                # successful save action, no formkey errors, update existing formkey
                # why assign to an unused variable? -- pudge
                my $updated = $slashdb->updateFormkey($formkey, length($ENV{QUERY_STRING}));
        # if there were legit error levels returned from the save methods
        # I would have it clear the formkey in case of an error, but that
        # needs to be sorted out later
        # else { resetFormkey($formkey); }


sub checkList {
        my($string, $len) = @_;
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        $string =~ s/[^\w,-]//g;
        my @items = grep { $_ } split /,/, $string;
        $string = join ",", @items;

        $len ||= $constants->{checklist_length} || 255;
        if (length($string) > $len) {
                print getError('checklist_err');
                $string = substr($string, 0, $len);
                $string =~ s/,?\w*$//g;
        } elsif (length($string) < 1) {
                $string = '';

        return $string;

sub previewSlashbox {
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();

        my $block = $reader->getBlock($form->{bid}, ['title', 'block', 'url']);
        my $is_editable = $user->{seclev} >= 1000;

        my $title = getTitle('previewslashbox_title', { blocktitle => $block->{title} });
        slashDisplay('previewSlashbox', {
                width           => '100%',
                title           => $title,
                block           => $block,
                is_editable     => $is_editable,

        print portalbox($constants->{fancyboxwidth}, $block->{title},
                $block->{block}, '', $block->{url});

sub newUserForm {
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $suadmin_flag = $user->{seclev} >= 10000;
        my $title = getTitle('newUserForm_title');

        slashDisplay('newUserForm', {
                title           => $title, 
                suadmin_flag    => $suadmin_flag,

sub newUser {
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my $plugins = $slashdb->getDescriptions('plugins');
        my $title;
        my $suadmin_flag = $user->{seclev} >= 10000 ? 1 : 0;

        # Check if User Exists
        $form->{newusernick} = nickFix($form->{newusernick});
        my $matchname = nick2matchname($form->{newusernick});

        if (!$form->{email} || $form->{email} !~ /\@/) {
                print getError('email_invalid', 0, 1);
        } elsif ($form->{email} ne $form->{email2}) {
                print getError('email_do_not_match', 0, 1);
        } elsif ($slashdb->existsEmail($form->{email})) {
                print getError('emailexists_err', 0, 1);
        } elsif ($matchname ne '' && $form->{newusernick} ne '') {
                if ($constants->{newuser_portscan}) {
                        my $is_trusted = $slashdb->checkAL2($user->{srcids}, 'trusted');
                        if (!$is_trusted) {
                                my $is_proxy = $slashdb->checkForOpenProxy($user->{hostip});
                                if ($is_proxy) {
                                        print getError('new user open proxy', {
                                                unencoded_ip    => $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR},
                                                port            => $is_proxy,
                my $uid;
                my $rootdir = getCurrentSkin('rootdir');

                $uid = $slashdb->createUser(
                        $matchname, $form->{email}, $form->{newusernick}
                if ($uid) {
                        my $data = {};

                        for (qw(tzcode)) {
                                $data->{$_} = $form->{$_} if defined $form->{$_};
                        $data->{creation_ipid} = $user->{ipid};

                        $slashdb->setUser($uid, $data) if keys %$data;
                        $title = getTitle('newUser_title');

                        $form->{pubkey} = $plugins->{'Pubkey'} ?
                                strip_nohtml($form->{pubkey}, 1) : '';
                        print getMessage('newuser_msg', { 
                                suadmin_flag    => $suadmin_flag, 
                                title           => $title, 
                                uid             => $uid

                        if ($form->{newsletter} || $form->{comment_reply} || $form->{headlines}) {
                                my $messages  = getObject('Slash::Messages');
                                my %params;
                                $params{MSG_CODE_COMMENT_REPLY()} = MSG_MODE_EMAIL()
                                        if $form->{comment_reply};
                                $params{MSG_CODE_NEWSLETTER()}  = MSG_MODE_EMAIL()
                                        if $form->{newsletter};
                                $params{MSG_CODE_HEADLINES()}   = MSG_MODE_EMAIL()
                                        if $form->{headlines};
                                $messages->setPrefs($uid, \%params);

                        mailPasswd({ uid => $uid });

                } else {
                        print getError('duplicate_user', { 
                                nick => $form->{newusernick},

        } else {
                print getError('duplicate_user', { 
                        nick => $form->{newusernick},

sub mailPasswd {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my $uid = $hr->{uid} || 0;

        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $form = getCurrentForm();

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        if (! $uid) {
                if ($form->{unickname} =~ /\@/) {
                        $uid = $slashdb->getUserEmail($form->{unickname});

                } elsif ($form->{unickname} =~ /^\d+$/) {
                        my $tmpuser = $slashdb->getUser($form->{unickname}, ['uid']);
                        $uid = $tmpuser->{uid};

                } else {
                        $uid = $slashdb->getUserUID($form->{unickname});

        my $user_edit;
        my $err_name = '';
        my $err_opts = {};
        if (!$uid || isAnon($uid)) {
                $err_name = 'mailpasswd_notmailed_err';
        if (!$err_name) {
                # Check permissions of _this_ user, not the target
                # user, to determine whether this IP is OK'd to
                # send the mail to the target user.
                # XXXSRCID This should check a separate field like
                # 'openproxy' instead of piggybacking off of the
                # existing nopost and spammer
                my $srcids_to_check = $user->{srcids};
                $err_name = 'mailpasswd_readonly_err'
                        if $reader->checkAL2($srcids_to_check, 'nopost');
        if (!$err_name) {
                $err_name = 'mailpasswd_toooften_err'
                        if $slashdb->checkMaxMailPasswords($user_edit);

        if (!$err_name) {
                if ($constants->{mailpasswd_portscan}) {
                        my $is_trusted = $slashdb->checkAL2($user->{srcids}, 'trusted');
                        if (!$is_trusted) {
                                my $is_proxy = $slashdb->checkForOpenProxy($user->{hostip});
                                if ($is_proxy) {
                                        $err_name = 'mailpasswd open proxy';
                                        $err_opts = { unencoded_ip => $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, port => $is_proxy }; 


        if ($err_name) {
                print getError($err_name, $err_opts);
                $form->{op} = 'mailpasswdform';

        my $newpasswd = $slashdb->getNewPasswd($uid);
        my $tempnick = $user_edit->{nickname};

        my $emailtitle = getTitle('mailPassword_email_title', {
                nickname        => $user_edit->{nickname}
        }, 1);

        # Pull out some data passed in with the request.  Only the IP
        # number is actually trustworthy, the others could be forged.
        # Note that we strip the forgeable ones to make sure there
        # aren't any "<>" chars which could fool a stupid mail client
        # into parsing a plaintext email as HTML.
        my $r = Apache->request;
        my $remote_ip = $r->connection->remote_ip;
        my $xff = $r->header_in('X-Forwarded-For') || '';
        $xff =~ s/\s+/ /g;
        $xff = substr(strip_notags($xff), 0, 20);
        my $ua = $r->header_in('User-Agent') || '';
        $ua =~ s/\s+/ /g;
        $ua = substr(strip_attribute($ua), 0, 60);

        my $msg = getMessage('mailpasswd_msg', {
                newpasswd       => $newpasswd,
                tempnick        => $tempnick,
                remote_ip       => $remote_ip,
                x_forwarded_for => $xff,
                user_agent      => $ua,
        }, 1);

        doEmail($uid, $emailtitle, $msg) if $user_edit->{nickname};
        print getMessage('mailpasswd_mailed_msg', { name => $user_edit->{nickname} });

sub showSubmissions {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my($uid, $nickname);

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        if ($form->{uid} or $form->{nick}) {
                $uid            = $form->{uid} || $reader->getUserUID($form->{nick});
                $nickname       = $reader->getUser($uid, 'nickname');
        } else {
                $nickname       = $user->{nickname};
                $uid            = $user->{uid};

        my $storycount = $reader->countStoriesBySubmitter($uid);
        my $stories = $reader->getStoriesBySubmitter(
        ) unless !$storycount;

        slashDisplay('userSub', {
                nick                    => $nickname,
                uid                     => $uid,
                nickmatch_flag          => ($user->{uid} == $uid ? 1 : 0),
                stories                 => $stories,
                storycount              => $storycount,

sub showComments {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $commentstruct = [];
        my($uid, $nickname);

        my $user_edit;
        if ($form->{uid} || $form->{nick}) {
                $uid = $form->{uid} || $reader->getUserUID($form->{nick});
                $user_edit = $reader->getUser($uid);
        } else {
                $uid = $user->{uid};
                $user_edit = $user;
        $nickname = $user_edit->{nickname};

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $user_edit->{uid} == $user->{uid} ? 'me' : 'otheruser',

        my $min_comment = $form->{min_comment} || 0;
        $min_comment = 0 unless $user->{seclev} > $constants->{comments_more_seclev}
                || $constants->{comments_more_seclev} == 2 && $user->{is_subscriber};
        my $comments_wanted = $user->{show_comments_num}
                || $constants->{user_comment_display_default};
        my $commentcount = $reader->countCommentsByUID($uid);
        my $comments = $reader->getCommentsByUID(
                $uid, $comments_wanted, $min_comment
        ) if $commentcount;

        if (ref($comments) eq 'ARRAY') {
                my $kinds = $reader->getDescriptions('discussion_kinds');
                for my $comment (@$comments) {
                        # This works since $sid is numeric.
                        $comment->{replies} = $reader->countCommentsBySidPid($comment->{sid}, $comment->{cid});

                        # This is ok, since with all luck we will not be hitting the DB
                        # ...however, the "sid" parameter here must be the string
                        # based SID from either the "stories" table or from
                        # pollquestions.
                        my $discussion = $reader->getDiscussion($comment->{sid});

                        if ($kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } =~ /^journal(?:-story)?$/) {
                                $comment->{type} = 'journal';
                        } elsif ($kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } eq 'poll') {
                                $comment->{type} = 'poll';
                        } else {
                                $comment->{type} = 'story';
                        $comment->{disc_title}  = $discussion->{title};
                        $comment->{url} = $discussion->{url};

        my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
        slashDisplay('userCom', {
                nick                    => $nickname,
                useredit                => $user_edit,
                nickmatch_flag          => ($user->{uid} == $uid ? 1 : 0),
                commentstruct           => $comments,
                commentcount            => $commentcount,
                min_comment             => $min_comment,
                reasons                 => $mod_reader->getReasons(),
                karma_flag              => 0,
                admin_flag              => $user->{is_admin},

sub noUser {
        print getData("no_user");

sub showFireHose {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });

        my $uid = $form->{uid} || $user->{uid};
        my $user_edit = $reader->getUser($uid);

        $user->{state}{firehose_page} = "user";
        $user->{state}{firehose_user_uid} = $uid;

        my $firehose = getObject("Slash::FireHose");
        header(getMessage('userfirehose_header', { useredit => $user_edit })) or return;
        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $user_edit->{uid} == $user->{uid} ? 'me' : 'otheruser',

        $form->{mode} = "full";
        $form->{color} = "black";
        $form->{orderby} = "createtime";
        $form->{orderdir} = "DESC";
        $form->{skipmenu} = 1;
        $form->{duration} = -1;
        $form->{fhfilter} = "\"user:$user_edit->{nickname}\"";
        $form->{pause} = 1;
        $form->{listonly} = 1;
        $form->{legacy} = 1;

        my $fhbox = $firehose->listView({ fh_page => '', tab => 'userfirehose', user_view => $user_edit });
        slashDisplay("userFireHose", { firehosebox => $fhbox, uid => $uid, useredit => $user_edit });

# arhgghgh. I love torture. I love pain. This subroutine satisfies
# these needs of mine
sub showInfo {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $id = $hr->{uid} || 0;

        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();

        my $admin_flag = ($user->{is_admin}) ? 1 : 0;
        my $suadmin_flag = $user->{seclev} >= 10000 ? 1 : 0;
        my($title, $admin_block, $fieldkey) = ('', '', '');
        my $comments = undef;
        my $commentcount = 0;
        my $commentcount_time = 0;
        my $commentstruct = [];
        my $requested_user = {};
        my $time_period = $constants->{admin_comment_display_days} || 30;
        my $cid_for_time_period = $reader->getVar("min_cid_last_$time_period\_days",'value', 1) || 0;
        my $admin_time_period_limit = $constants->{admin_daysback_commentlimit} || 100;
        my $admin_non_time_limit    = $constants->{admin_comment_subsequent_pagesize} || 24;

        my($points, $nickmatch_flag, $uid, $nick);
        my($mod_flag, $karma_flag, $n) = (0, 0, 0);

        if ($admin_flag
                && (defined($form->{show_m2s}) || defined($form->{show_m1s}) || defined($form->{m2_listing})))
                my $update_hr = {};
                $update_hr->{mod_with_comm} = $form->{show_m1s}
                        if defined $form->{show_m1s};
                $update_hr->{m2_with_mod} =     ($constants->{m2} ? $form->{show_m2s} : undef)
                        if defined $form->{show_m2s};
                $update_hr->{show_m2_listing} = ($constants->{m2} ? $form->{m2_listing} : undef)
                        if defined $form->{m2_listing};
                $slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, $update_hr);

        if (!$id && !$form->{userfield}) {
                if ($form->{uid} && ! $id) {
                        $fieldkey = 'uid';
                        ($uid, $id) = ($form->{uid}, $form->{uid});
                        $requested_user = isAnon($uid) ? $user : $reader->getUser($id);
                        $nick = $requested_user->{nickname};
                        $form->{userfield} = $nick if $admin_flag;

                } elsif ($form->{nick} && ! $id) {
                        $fieldkey = 'nickname';
                        ($nick, $id) = ($form->{nick}, $form->{nick});
                        $uid = $reader->getUserUID($id);
                        if (isAnon($uid)) {
                                $requested_user = $user;
                                ($nick, $uid, $id) = @{$user}{qw(nickname uid nickname)};
                        } else {
                                $requested_user = $reader->getUser($uid);
                        $form->{userfield} = $uid if $admin_flag;

                } else {
                        $fieldkey = 'uid';
                        ($id, $uid) = ($user->{uid}, $user->{uid});
                        $requested_user = $reader->getUser($uid);
                        $form->{userfield} = $uid if $admin_flag;

        } elsif ($user->{is_admin}) {
                $id ||= $form->{userfield} || $user->{uid};
                if ($id =~ /^[0-9a-f]{16}$/) {
                        $requested_user->{nonuid} = 1;
                        $fieldkey = "srcid";
                        $requested_user->{$fieldkey} = $id;
                } elsif ($id =~ /^\d+$/) {
                        # If it's longer than a uid could possibly be, it
                        # must be a srcid.  The uid column right now is a
                        # MEDIUMINT (max 16M) but at most might someday
                        # be an INT (max 4G).
                        if (length($id) > 11) {
                                $requested_user->{nonuid} = 1;
                                $fieldkey = "srcid";
                                $requested_user->{$fieldkey} = $id;
                        } else {
                                $fieldkey = 'uid';
                                $requested_user = $reader->getUser($id);
                                $uid = $requested_user->{uid};
                                $nick = $requested_user->{nickname};
                                if ((my $conflict_id = $reader->getUserUID($id)) && $form->{userinfo}) {
                                        slashDisplay('showInfoConflict', {
                                                op              => 'userinfo',
                                                id              => $uid,
                                                nick            => $nick,
                                                conflict_id     => $conflict_id
                                        return 1;

                } elsif (length($id) == 32) {
                        $requested_user->{nonuid} = 1;
                        if ($form->{fieldname}
                                && $form->{fieldname} =~ /^(ipid|subnetid)$/) {
                                $fieldkey = $form->{fieldname};
                        } else {
                                $fieldkey = 'md5id';
                        $requested_user->{$fieldkey} = $id;
                } elsif ($id =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\.0)$/ 
                                || $id =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\.?$/) {
                        $fieldkey = 'subnetid';
                        $requested_user->{subnetid} = $1; 
                        $requested_user->{subnetid} .= '.0' if $requested_user->{subnetid} =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/; 
                        $requested_user->{nonuid} = 1;
                        $requested_user->{subnetid} = md5_hex($requested_user->{subnetid});

                } elsif ($id =~ /^([\d+\.]+)$/) {
                        $fieldkey = 'ipid';
                        $requested_user->{nonuid} = 1;
                        $id ||= $1;
                        $requested_user->{ipid} = md5_hex($1);

                } elsif ($id =~ /^(.*@.*\..*?)$/) {
                        # check for email addy, but make it by uid
                        $fieldkey = 'uid';
                        $id = $uid = $reader->getUserEmail($id);
                        $requested_user = $reader->getUser($uid);
                        $nick = $requested_user->{nickname};

                } else {  # go by nickname, but make it by uid
                        $fieldkey = 'uid';
                        $id = $uid = $reader->getUserUID($id);
                        $requested_user = $reader->getUser($uid);
                        $nick = $requested_user->{nickname};

        } else {
                $fieldkey = 'uid';
                ($id, $uid) = ($user->{uid}, $user->{uid});
                $requested_user = $reader->getUser($uid);

        # Can't get user data for the anonymous user.
        if ($fieldkey eq 'uid' && isAnon($uid)) {
                header(getMessage('user_header')) or return;
                return displayForm();

        my $user_change = { };
        if ($fieldkey eq 'uid' && !$user->{is_anon}
                && $uid != $user->{uid} && !isAnon($uid)) {
                # Store the fact that this user last looked at that user.
                # For maximal convenience in stalking.
                $user_change->{lastlookuid} = $uid;
                $user_change->{lastlooktime} = time;
                $user->{lastlookuid} = $uid;
                $user->{lastlooktime} = time;
                $hr->{tab_selected_1} = 'otheruser';

        # showInfo's header information is delayed until here, because
        # the target user's info is not available until here.
        header(getMessage('user_header', { useredit => $requested_user, fieldkey => $fieldkey })) or return;
        # This is a hardcoded position, bad idea and should be fixed -Brian
        # Yeah, we should pull this into a template somewhere...
        print getMessage('note', { note => $hr->{note} }) if defined $hr->{note};

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        my $comments_wanted = $user->{show_comments_num}
                || $constants->{user_comment_display_default};
        my $min_comment = $form->{min_comment} || 0;
        $min_comment = 0 unless $user->{seclev} > $constants->{comments_more_seclev}
                || $constants->{comments_more_seclev} == 2 && $user->{is_subscriber};

        my($netid, $netid_vis) = ('', '');

        my $comment_time;
        my $non_admin_limit = $comments_wanted;

        if ($requested_user->{nonuid}) {
                $requested_user->{fg} = $user->{fg};
                $requested_user->{bg} = $user->{bg};

                if ($requested_user->{ipid}) {
                        $netid = $requested_user->{ipid} ;

                } elsif ($requested_user->{md5id}) {
                        $netid = $requested_user->{md5id} ;

                } elsif ($requested_user->{srcid}) {
                        $netid = $requested_user->{srcid} ;
                } else {
                        $netid = $requested_user->{subnetid} ;

                my $data = {
                        id => $id,
                        md5id => $netid,
                vislenify($data); # add $data->{md5id_vis}
                $netid_vis = $data->{md5id_vis};

                $title = getTitle('user_netID_user_title', $data);

                $admin_block = getUserAdmin($netid, $fieldkey, 0) if $admin_flag;

                if ($form->{fieldname}) {
                        if ($form->{fieldname} eq 'ipid') {
                                $commentcount           = $reader->countCommentsByIPID($netid);
                                $commentcount_time      = $reader->countCommentsByIPID($netid, { cid_at_or_after => $cid_for_time_period });
                                $comments = getCommentListing("ipid", $netid,
                                        $min_comment, $time_period, $commentcount, $commentcount_time, $cid_for_time_period, 
                                        $non_admin_limit, $admin_time_period_limit, $admin_non_time_limit)
                                                if $commentcount;
                        } elsif ($form->{fieldname} eq 'subnetid') {
                                $commentcount           = $reader->countCommentsBySubnetID($netid);
                                $commentcount_time      = $reader->countCommentsBySubnetID($netid, { cid_at_or_after => $cid_for_time_period });
                                $comments = getCommentListing("subnetid", $netid,
                                        $min_comment, $time_period, $commentcount, $commentcount_time, $cid_for_time_period,
                                        $non_admin_limit, $admin_time_period_limit, $admin_non_time_limit)
                                                if $commentcount;

                        } else {
                                delete $form->{fieldname};
                if (!defined($comments)) {
                        # Last resort; here for backwards compatibility mostly.
                        my $type;
                        ($commentcount,$type) = $reader->countCommentsByIPIDOrSubnetID($netid);
                        $commentcount_time = $reader->countCommentsByIPIDOrSubnetID($netid, { cid_at_or_after => $cid_for_time_period });
                        if ($type eq "ipid") {
                                $comments = getCommentListing("ipid", $netid,
                                        $min_comment, $time_period, $commentcount, $commentcount_time, $cid_for_time_period,
                                        $non_admin_limit, $admin_time_period_limit, $admin_non_time_limit)
                                                if $commentcount;
                        } elsif ($type eq "subnetid") {
                                $comments = getCommentListing("subnetid", $netid,
                                        $min_comment, $time_period, $commentcount, $commentcount_time,  $cid_for_time_period,
                                        $non_admin_limit, $admin_time_period_limit, $admin_non_time_limit)
                                                if $commentcount;
        } else {
                $admin_block = getUserAdmin($id, $fieldkey, 1) if $admin_flag;

                $commentcount      = $reader->countCommentsByUID($requested_user->{uid});
                $commentcount_time = $reader->countCommentsByUID($requested_user->{uid}, { cid_at_or_after => $cid_for_time_period });
                $comments = getCommentListing("uid", $requested_user->{uid},
                        $min_comment, $time_period, $commentcount, $commentcount_time, $cid_for_time_period,
                        $non_admin_limit, $admin_time_period_limit, $admin_non_time_limit,
                        { use_uid_cid_cutoff => 1 })
                                if $commentcount;
                $netid = $requested_user->{uid};

        # Grab the nicks of the uids we have, we're going to be adding them
        # into the struct.
        my @users_extra_cols_wanted       = qw( nickname );
        my @discussions_extra_cols_wanted = qw( type );
        my $uid_hr = { };
        my $sid_hr = { };
        if ($comments && @$comments) {
                my %uids = ();
                my %sids = ();
                for my $c (@$comments) {
                my $uids = join(", ", sort { $a <=> $b } keys %uids);
                my $sids = join(", ", sort { $a <=> $b } keys %sids);
                $uid_hr = $reader->sqlSelectAllHashref(
                        "uid, " . join(", ", @users_extra_cols_wanted),
                        "uid IN ($uids)"

                $sid_hr = $reader->sqlSelectAllHashref(
                        "id, " . join(", ", @discussions_extra_cols_wanted),
                        "id IN ($sids)"


        my $cids_seen = {};
        my $kinds = $slashdb->getDescriptions('discussion_kinds');
        for my $comment (@$comments) {
                my $type;
                # This works since $sid is numeric.
                my $replies = $reader->countCommentsBySidPid($comment->{sid}, $comment->{cid});

                # This is cached.
                my $discussion = $reader->getDiscussion($comment->{sid});
#use Data::Dumper; if ($discussion && !$discussion->{dkid}) { print STDERR scalar(gmtime) . " discussion but no dkid: " . Dumper($discussion) }
                if (!$discussion || !$discussion->{dkid}) {
                        # A comment with no accompanying discussion;
                        # basically we pretend it doesn't exist.
                } elsif ($kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } =~ /^journal(?:-story)?$/) {
                        $type = 'journal';
                } elsif ($kinds->{ $discussion->{dkid} } eq 'poll') {
                        $type = 'poll';
                } else {
                        $type = 'story';

                $comment->{points} += $user->{karma_bonus}
                        if $user->{karma_bonus} && $comment->{karma_bonus} eq 'yes';
                $comment->{points} += $user->{subscriber_bonus}
                        if $user->{subscriber_bonus} && $comment->{subscriber_bonus} eq 'yes';

                # fix points in case they are out of bounds
                $comment->{points} = $constants->{comment_minscore} if $comment->{points} < $constants->{comment_minscore};
                $comment->{points} = $constants->{comment_maxscore} if $comment->{points} > $constants->{comment_maxscore};
                my $data = {
                        pid             => $comment->{pid},
                        url             => $discussion->{url},
                        disc_type       => $type,
                        disc_title      => $discussion->{title},
                        disc_time       => $discussion->{ts},
                        sid             => $comment->{sid},
                        cid             => $comment->{cid},
                        subj            => $comment->{subject},
                        cdate           => $comment->{date},
                        pts             => $comment->{points},
                        reason          => $comment->{reason},
                        uid             => $comment->{uid},
                        replies         => $replies,
                        ipid            => $comment->{ipid},
                        ipid_vis        => $comment->{ipid_vis},
                        karma           => $comment->{karma},
                        tweak           => $comment->{tweak},
                        tweak_orig      => $comment->{tweak_orig},

                #Karma bonus time

                for my $col (@users_extra_cols_wanted) {
                        $data->{$col} = $uid_hr->{$comment->{uid}}{$col} if defined $uid_hr->{$comment->{uid}}{$col};
                for my $col(@discussions_extra_cols_wanted) {
                        $data->{$col} = $sid_hr->{$comment->{sid}}{$col} if defined $sid_hr->{$comment->{sid}}{$col};
                push @$commentstruct, $data;
#       if (grep { !defined($_->{disc_time}) || !defined($_->{sid}) } @$commentstruct) { use Data::Dumper; print STDERR "showInfo undef in commentstruct for id=$id: " . Dumper($commentstruct) }
        # Sort so the chosen group of comments is sorted by discussion
        @$commentstruct = sort {
                $b->{disc_time} cmp $a->{disc_time} || $b->{sid} <=> $a->{sid}
        } @$commentstruct
                unless $user->{user_comment_sort_type} && $user->{user_comment_sort_type} == 1;

        my $cid_list = [ keys %$cids_seen ];
        my $cids_to_mods = {};
        my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
        if ($constants->{m1} && $admin_flag && $constants->{show_mods_with_comments}) {
                my $comment_mods = $mod_reader->getModeratorCommentLog("DESC",
                        $constants->{mod_limit_with_comments}, "cidin", $cid_list);

                # Loop through mods and group them by the sid they're attached to
                while (my $mod = shift @$comment_mods) {
                        push @{$cids_to_mods->{$mod->{cid}}}, $mod;

        my $sub_limit = ((($admin_flag || $user->{uid} == $requested_user->{uid}) ? $constants->{submissions_all_page_size} : $constants->{submissions_accepted_only_page_size}) || "");

        my $sub_options = { limit_days => 365 };
        $sub_options->{accepted_only} = 1 if !$admin_flag && $user->{uid} != $requested_user->{uid};

        my $sub_field = $form->{fieldname};

        my ($subcount, $ret_field) = $reader->countSubmissionsByNetID($netid, $sub_field)
                if $requested_user->{nonuid};
        my $submissions = $reader->getSubmissionsByNetID($netid, $ret_field, $sub_limit, $sub_options)
                if $requested_user->{nonuid};

        my $ipid_hoursback = $constants->{istroll_ipid_hours} || 72;
        my $uid_hoursback = $constants->{istroll_uid_hours} || 72;

        if ($requested_user->{nonuid}) {
                slashDisplay('netIDInfo', {
                        title                   => $title,
                        id                      => $id,
                        useredit                => $requested_user,
                        commentstruct           => $commentstruct || [],
                        commentcount            => $commentcount,
                        min_comment             => $min_comment,
                        admin_flag              => $admin_flag,
                        admin_block             => $admin_block,
                        netid                   => $netid,
                        netid_vis               => $netid_vis,
                        reasons                 => $mod_reader->getReasons(),
                        subcount                => $subcount,
                        submissions             => $submissions,
                        hr_hours_back           => $ipid_hoursback,
                        cids_to_mods            => $cids_to_mods,
                        comment_time            => $comment_time

        } else {
                if (! $requested_user->{uid}) {
                        print getError('userinfo_idnf_err', { id => $id, fieldkey => $fieldkey});
                        return 1;

                $karma_flag = 1 if $admin_flag;
                $requested_user->{nick_plain} = $nick ||= $requested_user->{nickname};
                $nick = strip_literal($nick);

                if ($requested_user->{uid} == $user->{uid}) {
                        $karma_flag = 1;
                        $nickmatch_flag = 1;
                        $points = $requested_user->{points};

                        $mod_flag = 1 if $points > 0;

                        $title = getTitle('userInfo_main_title', { nick => $nick, uid => $uid });

                } else {
                        $title = getTitle('userInfo_user_title', { nick => $nick, uid => $uid });

                my $lastjournal = _get_lastjournal($uid);

                my $subcount = $reader->countSubmissionsByUID($uid);

                my $submissions = $reader->getSubmissionsByUID($uid, $sub_limit, $sub_options);
                my $metamods;
                if ($constants->{m2} && $admin_flag) {
                        my $metamod_reader = getObject('Slash::Metamod', { db_type => 'reader' });
                        $metamods = $metamod_reader->getMetamodlogForUser($uid, 30);

                my $tags_reader = getObject('Slash::Tags', { db_type => 'reader' });
                my $tagshist = [];
                if ($tags_reader && $user->{is_admin}) {
                        $tagshist = $tags_reader->getAllTagsFromUser($requested_user->{uid}, { orderby => 'created_at', orderdir => 'DESC', limit => 30, include_private => 1 });

                slashDisplay('userInfo', {
                        title                   => $title,
                        uid                     => $uid,
                        useredit                => $requested_user,
                        points                  => $points,
                        commentstruct           => $commentstruct || [],
                        commentcount            => $commentcount,
                        min_comment             => $min_comment,
                        nickmatch_flag          => $nickmatch_flag,
                        mod_flag                => $mod_flag,
                        karma_flag              => $karma_flag,
                        admin_block             => $admin_block,
                        admin_flag              => $admin_flag,
                        suadmin_flag            => $suadmin_flag,
                        reasons                 => $mod_reader->getReasons(),
                        lastjournal             => $lastjournal,
                        hr_hours_back           => $ipid_hoursback,
                        cids_to_mods            => $cids_to_mods,
                        comment_time            => $comment_time,
                        submissions             => $submissions,
                        subcount                => $subcount,
                        metamods                => $metamods,
                        tagshist                => $tagshist

        if ($user_change && %$user_change) {
                $slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, $user_change);

        return 1;

sub _get_lastjournal {
        my($uid) = @_;
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $lastjournal = undef;
        if (my $journal = getObject('Slash::Journal', { db_type => 'reader' })) {
                my $j = $journal->getsByUid($uid, 0, 1);
                if ($j && @$j) {
                        # Yep, there are 1 or more journals... get the first.
                        $j = $j->[0];
                if ($j && @$j) {
                        # Yep, that first journal exists and has entries...
                        # convert from stupid numeric array to a hashref.
                        my @field = qw( date article description id
                                        posttype tid discussion         );
                        $lastjournal = { };
                        for my $i (0..$#field) {
                                $lastjournal->{$field[$i]} = $j->[$i];

        if ($lastjournal) {

                # Strip the article field for display.
                $lastjournal->{article} = strip_mode($lastjournal->{article},

                # For display, include a reduced-size version, where the
                # size is based on the user's maxcomment size (which
                # defaults to 4K) and can't have too many line-breaking
                # tags.
                my $art_shrunk = $lastjournal->{article};
                my $maxsize = int($constants->{default_maxcommentsize} / 25);
                $maxsize =  80 if $maxsize <  80;
                $maxsize = 600 if $maxsize > 600;
                $art_shrunk = chopEntity($art_shrunk, $maxsize);

                my $approvedtags_break = $constants->{approvedtags_break} || [];
                my $break_tag = join '|', @$approvedtags_break;
                if (scalar(() = $art_shrunk =~ /<(?:$break_tag)>/gi) > 2) {
                        $art_shrunk =~ s/\A
                                (?: <(?:$break_tag)> )?
                                .*?   <(?:$break_tag)>
                        )       <(?:$break_tag)>.*
                        if (length($art_shrunk) < 15) {
                                # This journal entry has too much whitespace
                                # in its first few chars;  scrap it.
                                undef $art_shrunk;
                        $art_shrunk = chopEntity($art_shrunk) if defined($art_shrunk);

                if (defined $art_shrunk) {
                        if (length($art_shrunk) < length($lastjournal->{article})) {
                                $art_shrunk .= " ...";
                        $art_shrunk = strip_html($art_shrunk);
                        $art_shrunk = balanceTags($art_shrunk);

                $lastjournal->{article_shrunk} = $art_shrunk;

                if ($lastjournal->{discussion}) {
                        $lastjournal->{commentcount} = $reader->getDiscussion(
                                $lastjournal->{discussion}, 'commentcount');
        return $lastjournal;

sub validateUser {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        # If we aren't expiring accounts in some way, we don't belong here.
        if (! allowExpiry()) {

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        # Since we are here, if the minimum values for the comment trigger and
        # the day trigger are -1, then they should be reset to 1.
        $constants->{min_expiry_comm} = $constants->{min_expiry_days} = 1
                if $constants->{min_expiry_comm} <= 0 ||
                   $constants->{min_expiry_days} <= 0;

        if ($user->{is_anon} || $user->{registered}) {
                if ($user->{is_anon}) {
                        print getError('anon_validation_attempt');
                } else {
                        print getMessage('no_registration_needed')
                                if !$user->{reg_id};
                        showInfo({ uid => $user->{uid} });
        # Maybe this should be taken care of in a more centralized location?
        } elsif ($user->{reg_id} eq $form->{id}) {
                # We have a user and the registration IDs match. We are happy!
                my($maxComm, $maxDays) = ($constants->{max_expiry_comm},
                my($userComm, $userDays) =
                        ($user->{user_expiry_comm}, $user->{user_expiry_days});

                # Ensure both $userComm and $userDays aren't -1 (expiry has
                # just been turned on).
                $userComm = $constants->{min_expiry_comm}
                        if $userComm < $constants->{min_expiry_comm};
                $userDays = $constants->{min_expiry_days}
                        if $userDays < $constants->{min_expiry_days};

                my $exp = $constants->{expiry_exponent};

                # Increment only the trigger that was used.
                my $new_comment_expiry = ($maxComm > 0 && $userComm > $maxComm)
                        ? $maxComm
                        : $userComm * (($user->{expiry_comm} < 0)
                                ? $exp
                                : 1
                my $new_days_expiry = ($maxDays > 0 && $userDays > $maxDays)
                        ? $maxDays
                        : $userDays * (($user->{expiry_days} < 0)
                                ? $exp
                                : 1

                # Reset re-registration triggers for user.
                $slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, {
                        'expiry_comm'           => $new_comment_expiry,
                        'expiry_days'           => $new_days_expiry,
                        'user_expiry_comm'      => $new_comment_expiry,
                        'user_expiry_days'      => $new_days_expiry,

                # Handles rest of re-registration process.
                setUserExpired($user->{uid}, 0);


sub editTags {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $user = getCurrentUser(); 
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $note = $hr->{note} || "";

        return if $user->{is_anon}; # shouldn't be, but can't hurt to check

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        my $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($user->{uid});
        my $title = getTitle('editTags_title');

        slashDisplay('editTags', {
                user_edit       => $user_edit,
                title           => $title,
                note            => $note,

sub saveTags {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        return if $user->{is_anon}; # shouldn't be, but can't hurt to check

        $slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, {
                tags_turnedoff =>       $form->{showtags} ? '' : 1 });
        editTags({ note => getMessage('savetags_msg') });

sub showTags {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $tags_reader = getObject('Slash::Tags', { db_type => 'reader' });

        # XXX if $user_edit->{acl}{spammer}, either abort or put ref=nofollow in all links

        my $tagname = $form->{tagname} || '';
        $tagname = '' if !$tags_reader->tagnameSyntaxOK($tagname);

        my($uid, $user_edit);
        if ($form->{uid} || $form->{nick}) {
                $uid = $form->{uid} || $tags_reader->getUserUID($form->{nick});
                $user_edit = $tags_reader->getUser($uid);
        if (!$user_edit || $user_edit->{is_anon}) {
                $uid = $user->{uid};
                $user_edit = $user;
        my $nickname = $user_edit->{nickname};

        if (!$constants->{plugin}{Tags}) {
                print getError('bad_op', { op => $form->{op}});

        my $tagnameid = $tags_reader->getTagnameidFromNameIfExists($tagname);
        if ($tagnameid) {
                # Show all user's tags for one particular tagname.
                my $tags_hr = $tags_reader->getGroupedTagsFromUser($user_edit->{uid},
                        { tagnameid => $tagnameid });
                my $tags_ar = $tags_hr->{$tagname} || [ ];
                slashDisplay('usertagsforname', {
                        useredit        => $user_edit,
                        tagname         => $tagname,
                        tags            => $tags_ar,

        } else {
                my $tags_hr = $tags_reader->getGroupedTagsFromUser($user_edit->{uid});
                my $num_tags = 0;
                for my $tn (keys %$tags_hr) {
                        $num_tags += scalar @{ $tags_hr->{$tn} };
                my $cutoff = $constants->{tags_usershow_cutoff} || 200;
                if ($num_tags <= $cutoff) {
                        # Show all user's tags, grouped by tagname.
                        slashDisplay('usertags', {
                                useredit        => $user_edit,
                                tags_grouped    => $tags_hr,
                } else {
                        # Show all user's tagnames, with links to show all
                        # tags for each particular tagname.
                        my $tagname_ar = [ sort keys %$tags_hr ];
                        slashDisplay('usertagnames', {
                                useredit        => $user_edit,
                                tagnames        => $tagname_ar,

sub showBookmarks {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $tags_reader = getObject('Slash::Tags', { db_type => 'reader' });

        my($uid, $user_edit);
        if ($form->{uid} || $form->{nick}) {
                $uid = $form->{uid} || $tags_reader->getUserUID($form->{nick});
                $user_edit = $tags_reader->getUser($uid);
        if (!$user_edit || $user_edit->{is_anon}) {
                $uid = $user->{uid};
                $user_edit = $user;
        my $nickname = $user_edit->{nickname};

        if (!$constants->{plugin}{Tags}) {
                print getError('bad_op', { op => $form->{op}});

        my $tags_ar = $tags_reader->getGroupedTagsFromUser($user_edit->{uid}, { type => "urls", only_bookmarked => 1 });

        slashDisplay('userbookmarks', {
                useredit        => $user_edit,
                tags_grouped    => $tags_ar,

sub editKey {
        my($uid) = @_;

        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();

        my $pubkey = $slashdb->getUser($uid, 'pubkey');
        my $editkey = slashDisplay('editKey', { pubkey => $pubkey }, 1);
        return $editkey;

# We arrive here without header() having been called.  Some of the
# functions we dispatch to call it, some do not.
sub adminDispatch {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $op = $hr->{op} || $form->{op};

        if ($op eq 'authoredit') {
                # editUser() does not call header(), so we DO need to.
                header(getMessage('user_header'), '', {}) or return;

        } elsif ($form->{saveuseradmin}) {
                # saveUserAdmin() tail-calls showInfo(), which calls
                # header(), so we need to NOT.

        } elsif ($form->{userinfo}) {
                # showInfo() calls header(), so we need to NOT.

        } elsif ($form->{userfield}) {
                # none of these calls header(), so we DO need to.
                header(getMessage('user_header'), '', {}) or return;
                if ($form->{edituser}) {

                } elsif ($form->{edithome}) {

                } elsif ($form->{editcomm}) {

                } elsif ($form->{changepasswd}) {

        } else {
                # showInfo() calls header(), so we need to NOT.

sub tildeEd {
        my($user_edit) = @_;

        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my %story023_default = (
                author  => { },
                nexus   => { },
                topic   => { },

        my %prefs = ( );
        for my $field (qw(
                story_never_topic       story_never_author      story_never_nexus
                story_always_topic      story_always_author     story_always_nexus      story_brief_always_nexus
                story_full_brief_nexus  story_full_best_nexus   story_brief_best_nexus
        )) {
                for my $id (
                        grep /^\d+$/,
                        split /,/,
                        ($user_edit->{$field} || "")
                ) {
                        $prefs{$field}{$id} = 1;
#print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " prefs: " . Dumper(\%prefs);

        # Set up $author_hr, @aid_order, and $story023_default{author}.

        my $author_hr = $reader->getDescriptions('authors');
        my @aid_order = sort { lc $author_hr->{$a} cmp lc $author_hr->{$b} } keys %$author_hr;
        for my $aid (@aid_order) {
                     if ($prefs{story_never_author}{$aid}) {
                        $story023_default{author}{$aid} = 0;
                } elsif ($prefs{story_always_author}{$aid}) {
                        $story023_default{author}{$aid} = 3;
                } else {
                        $story023_default{author}{$aid} = 2;

        # Set up $topic_hr, @topictid_order, and $story023_default{topic}.

        my $topic_hr = $reader->getDescriptions('non_nexus_topics-storypickable');
        my @topictid_order = sort { lc $topic_hr->{$a} cmp lc $topic_hr->{$b} } keys %$topic_hr;
        for my $tid (@topictid_order) {
                     if ($prefs{story_never_topic}{$tid}) {
                        $story023_default{topic}{$tid} = 0;
                } elsif ($prefs{story_always_topic}{$tid}) {
                        $story023_default{topic}{$tid} = 3;
                } else {
                        $story023_default{topic}{$tid} = 2;

        # Set up $nexus_hr, @nexustid_order, and $story023_default{nexus}.
        my $topic_tree = $reader->getTopicTree();
        my $nexus_tids_ar = $reader->getStorypickableNexusChildren($constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid}, 1);
        my $nexus_hr = { };

        for my $tid (@$nexus_tids_ar) {
                $nexus_hr->{$tid} = $topic_tree->{$tid}{textname};
        my @nexustid_order = sort {($b == $constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid}) <=> ($a == $constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid}) || 
                                    lc $nexus_hr->{$a} cmp lc $nexus_hr->{$b} } keys %$nexus_hr;

        my $mp_disp_nexuses = $reader->getMainpageDisplayableNexuses();
        my %mp_disp_nexus = ( map { ($_, 1) } @$mp_disp_nexuses );
        for my $tid (@nexustid_order) {
                     if ($prefs{story_never_nexus}{$tid}) {
                        $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 0;
                } elsif ($prefs{story_always_nexus}{$tid}) {
                        $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 5;
                } elsif ($prefs{story_full_brief_nexus}{$tid}) {
                        $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 4;
                } elsif ($prefs{story_brief_always_nexus}{$tid}) {
                        $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 3;
                } elsif ($prefs{story_full_best_nexus}{$tid}) {
                        $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 2;
                } elsif ($prefs{story_brief_best_nexus}{$tid}) {
                        $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 1;
                } else {
                        # If brief_sectional_mainpage is set, then all
                        # nexuses in getMainpageDisplayableNexuses are,
                        # by default, shown as brief on the mainpage.
                        if ($constants->{brief_sectional_mainpage}
                                && $mp_disp_nexus{$tid}
                        ) {
                                $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 4;
                        } else {
                                $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 2;

        # Set up $section_descref and $box_order, used to decide which
        # slashboxes appear.  Really this doesn't seem to have anything
        # to do with sections, so I'm not sure why it's called
        # "section"_descref.

        my $section_descref = { };
        my $box_order;
        my $sections_description = $reader->getSectionBlocks();

        # the names of all the boxes in @{$skinBoxes->{$constants->{mainpage_skid}}}
        # should be unioned into sections_description.  whether the
        # values are 0 or 1 is calculated correctly, but we're
        # missing some 0's that should appear, I think, under
        # some circumstances.  ah heck, the whole concept of
        # sectional slashboxes should be redone (why the heck
        # do we have skinname_more instead of just a block
        # called olderstories?)

        my $slashboxes_hr = { };
        my $slashboxes_textlist = $user_edit->{slashboxes};
        if (!$slashboxes_textlist) {
                # Use the default.
                my($boxes, $skinBoxes) = $reader->getPortalsCommon();
                $slashboxes_textlist = join ",", @{$skinBoxes->{$constants->{mainpage_skid}}};
        for my $bid (
                map { /^'?([^']+)'?$/; $1 }
                split /,/,
        ) {
                $slashboxes_hr->{$bid} = 1;
        for my $ary (sort { lc $a->[1] cmp lc $b->[1]} @$sections_description) {
                my($bid, $title, $boldflag) = @$ary;
                push @$box_order, $bid;
                $section_descref->{$bid}{checked} =
                                ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute}
                                : '';
                $title =~ s/<(.*?)>//g;
                $section_descref->{$bid}{title} = $title;

        my $dynamic_blocks = getObject("Slash::DynamicBlocks");
        my $extra_blocks = [];
        if ($dynamic_blocks) {
                my $userblocks = $dynamic_blocks->getUserBlocks("name", $user_edit->{uid}) || {};
                my $friendblocks = $dynamic_blocks->getFriendBlocks("name", $user_edit->{uid}) || {};
                push(@$extra_blocks, grep { $slashboxes_textlist =~ $_; } (keys(%$userblocks), keys(%$friendblocks)));

        # Userspace.
        my $userspace = $user_edit->{mylinks} || "";

        # Titles of stuff.
        my $tildeEd_title = getTitle('tildeEd_title');
        my $criteria_msg = getMessage('tilded_criteria_msg');
        my $customize_title = getTitle('tildeEd_customize_title');
        my $tilded_customize_msg = getMessage('tilded_customize_msg',
                { userspace => $userspace });
        my $tilded_box_msg = getMessage('tilded_box_msg');

        my $tilde_ed = slashDisplay('tildeEd', {
                user_edit               => $user_edit,
                title                   => $tildeEd_title,
                criteria_msg            => $criteria_msg,
                customize_title         => $customize_title,
                tilded_customize_msg    => $tilded_customize_msg,
                tilded_box_msg          => $tilded_box_msg,

                story023_default        => \%story023_default,
                authorref               => $author_hr,
                aid_order               => \@aid_order,
                topicref                => $topic_hr,
                topictid_order          => \@topictid_order,
                nexusref                => $nexus_hr,
                nexustid_order          => \@nexustid_order,

                section_descref         => $section_descref,
                box_order               => $box_order,

                userspace               => $userspace,
                extra_blocks            => $extra_blocks,
        }, 1);

        return $tilde_ed;

sub changePasswd {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        my $user_edit = {};
        my $title;
        my $suadmin_flag = ($user->{seclev} >= 10000) ? 1 : 0;

        my $admin_flag = ($user->{is_admin}) ? 1 : 0;
        my $admin_block = '';

        my $id = '';
        if ($admin_flag) {
                if ($form->{userfield}) {
                        $id ||= $form->{userfield};
                        if ($id =~ /^\d+$/) {
                                $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
                        } else {
                                $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($slashdb->getUserUID($id));
                } else {
                        $user_edit = $id eq '' ? $user : $slashdb->getUser($id);
                        $id = $user_edit->{uid};
        } else {
                $id = $user->{uid};
                $user_edit = $user;

        $admin_block = getUserAdmin($id, 'uid', 1) if $admin_flag;

        # print getMessage('note', { note => $form->{note}}) if $form->{note};

        $title = getTitle('changePasswd_title', { user_edit => $user_edit });

        my $session = $slashdb->getDescriptions('session_login');
        my $session_select = createSelect('session_login', $session, $user_edit->{session_login}, 1);

        my $clocation = $slashdb->getDescriptions('cookie_location');
        my @clocation_order = grep { exists $clocation->{$_} } qw(none classbid subnetid ipid);
        my $clocation_select = createSelect('cookie_location', $clocation,
                $user_edit->{cookie_location}, 1, 0, \@clocation_order

        my $got_oldpass = 0;
        if ($form->{oldpass}) {
                my $return_uid = $slashdb->getUserAuthenticate($id, $form->{oldpass}, 1);
                $got_oldpass = 1 if $return_uid && $id == $return_uid;

        slashDisplay('changePasswd', {
                useredit                => $user_edit,
                admin_flag              => $suadmin_flag,
                title                   => $title,
                session                 => $session_select,
                clocation               => $clocation_select,
                admin_block             => $admin_block,
                got_oldpass             => $got_oldpass

sub editUser {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $id = $hr->{uid} || '';
        my $note = $hr->{note} || '';

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $plugins = $slashdb->getDescriptions('plugins');

        my $user_edit = {};
        my($admin_block, $title);
        my $admin_flag = ($user->{is_admin}) ? 1 : 0;
        my $fieldkey;

        if ($admin_flag && $form->{userfield}) {
                $id ||= $form->{userfield};
                if ($form->{userfield} =~ /^\d+$/) {
                        $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
                        $fieldkey = 'uid';
                } else {
                        $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($slashdb->getUserUID($id));
                        $fieldkey = 'nickname';
        } else {
                $user_edit = $id eq '' ? $user : $slashdb->getUser($id);
                $fieldkey = 'uid';
                $id = $user_edit->{uid};
        return if isAnon($user_edit->{uid}) && ! $admin_flag;

        $admin_block = getUserAdmin($id, $fieldkey, 1) if $admin_flag;
        $user_edit->{homepage} ||= "http://";

        # Remove domain tags, they'll be added back in, in saveUser.
        for my $dat (@{$user_edit}{qw(sig bio)}) {
                $dat = parseDomainTags($dat, 0, 1);

        $title = getTitle('editUser_title', { user_edit => $user_edit});

        my $editkey = "";
        $editkey = editKey($user_edit->{uid}) if $fieldkey eq 'uid' && $plugins->{PubKey};

        slashDisplay('editUser', {
                useredit                => $user_edit,
                admin_flag              => $admin_flag,
                title                   => $title,
                editkey                 => $editkey,
                admin_block             => $admin_block,
                note                    => $note,

sub editHome {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $id = $hr->{uid} || '';
        my $note = $hr->{note} || '';

        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        my($formats, $title, $tzformat_select);
        my $user_edit = {};
        my $fieldkey;

        my $admin_flag = ($user->{is_admin}) ? 1 : 0;
        my $admin_block = '';

        if ($admin_flag && $form->{userfield}) {
                $id ||= $form->{userfield};
                if ($form->{userfield} =~ /^\d+$/) {
                        $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
                        $fieldkey = 'uid';
                } else {
                        $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($slashdb->getUserUID($id));
                        $fieldkey = 'nickname';
        } else {
                $user_edit = $id eq '' ? $user : $slashdb->getUser($id);
                $fieldkey = 'uid';
#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " user_edit: " . Dumper($user_edit);

        return if isAnon($user_edit->{uid}) && ! $admin_flag;
        $admin_block = getUserAdmin($id, $fieldkey, 1) if $admin_flag;

        $title = getTitle('editHome_title');

        return if $user->{seclev} < 100 && isAnon($user_edit->{uid});

        $formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('dateformats');
        $tzformat_select = createSelect('tzformat', $formats, $user_edit->{dfid}, 1);

        my $lb_check = $user_edit->{lowbandwidth} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $sd_check = $user_edit->{simpledesign} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $i_check = $user_edit->{noicons}     ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $w_check = $user_edit->{willing}     ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $classic_check = $user_edit->{index_classic} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';

        my $tilde_ed = tildeEd($user_edit);

        slashDisplay('editHome', {
                title                   => $title,
                admin_block             => $admin_block,
                user_edit               => $user_edit,
                tzformat_select         => $tzformat_select,
                i_check                 => $i_check,
                w_check                 => $w_check,
                lb_check                => $lb_check,
                sd_check                => $sd_check,
                classic_check           => $classic_check,
                tilde_ed                => $tilde_ed,
                note                    => $note,

sub editComm {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $id = $hr->{uid} || '';
        my $note = $hr->{note} || '';

        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $user_edit = {};
        my($formats, $commentmodes_select, $commentsort_select, $title,
                $uthreshold_select, $highlightthresh_select, $posttype_select,

        my $admin_block = '';
        my $fieldkey;

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        my $admin_flag = $user->{is_admin} ? 1 : 0;

        if ($admin_flag && $form->{userfield}) {
                $id ||= $form->{userfield};
                if ($form->{userfield} =~ /^\d+$/) {
                        $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
                        $fieldkey = 'uid';
                } else {
                        $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($slashdb->getUserUID($id));
                        $fieldkey = 'nickname';
        } else {
                $user_edit = $id eq '' ? $user : $slashdb->getUser($id);
                $fieldkey = 'uid';

        my $hi = $constants->{comment_maxscore} - $constants->{comment_minscore};
        my $lo = -$hi;
        my @range = map { $_ > 0 ? "+$_" : $_ } ($lo .. $hi);

        my @reasons = ( );
        my %reason_select = ( );
        if ($constants->{m1}) {
                my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
                my $reasons = $mod_reader->getReasons();
                for my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$reasons) {
                        push @reasons, $reasons->{$id}{name};
                # Reason modifiers
                for my $reason_name (@reasons) {
                        my $key = "reason_alter_$reason_name";
                        $reason_select{$reason_name} = createSelect(
                                $key, \@range, 
                                $user_edit->{$key} || 0, 1, 1

        # Zoo relation modifiers
        my %people_select;
        my @people =  qw(friend foe anonymous fof eof freak fan);
        for (@people) {
                my $key = "people_bonus_$_";
                $people_select{$_} = createSelect($key, \@range, 
                        $user_edit->{$key} || 0, 1, 1

        # New-user modifier
        my $new_user_bonus_select = createSelect('new_user_bonus', \@range, 
                        $user_edit->{new_user_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);
        my $new_user_percent_select = createSelect('new_user_percent',
                        [( 1..15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55,
                          60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 )], 
                        $user_edit->{new_user_percent} || 100, 1, 1);
        # Karma modifier
        my $karma_bonus = createSelect('karma_bonus', \@range, 
                        $user_edit->{karma_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);
        # Subscriber modifier
        my $subscriber_bonus = createSelect('subscriber_bonus', \@range, 
                        $user_edit->{subscriber_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);

        # Length modifier
        my $small_length_bonus_select = createSelect('clsmall_bonus', \@range, 
                        $user_edit->{clsmall_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);
        my $long_length_bonus_select = createSelect('clbig_bonus', \@range, 
                        $user_edit->{clbig_bonus} || 0, 1, 1);

        return if isAnon($user_edit->{uid}) && ! $admin_flag;
        $admin_block = getUserAdmin($id, $fieldkey, 1) if $admin_flag;

        $title = getTitle('editComm_title');

        $formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('commentmodes');
        $commentmodes_select=createSelect('umode', $formats, $user_edit->{mode}, 1);

        $formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('sortcodes');
        $commentsort_select = createSelect(
                'commentsort', $formats, $user_edit->{commentsort}, 1

        $formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('threshcodes');
        $uthreshold_select = createSelect(
                'uthreshold', $formats, $user_edit->{threshold}, 1

        $formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('threshcodes');
        $highlightthresh_select = createSelect(
                'highlightthresh', $formats, $user_edit->{highlightthresh}, 1

        $user_edit->{bytelimit} = $constants->{defaultbytelimit}
                if $user_edit->{bytelimit} < 0 || $user_edit->{bytelimit} > 7;
        my $bytelimit_desc = $user_edit->{is_subscriber} ? 'bytelimit' : 'bytelimit_sub';
        $formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions($bytelimit_desc);
        $bytelimit_select = createSelect(
                'bytelimit', $formats, $user_edit->{bytelimit}, 1

        my $h_check  = $user_edit->{hardthresh}          ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $r_check  = $user_edit->{reparent}            ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $n_check  = $user_edit->{noscores}            ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $s_check  = $user_edit->{nosigs}              ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $b_check  = $user_edit->{nobonus}             ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $sb_check = $user_edit->{nosubscriberbonus}   ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $p_check  = $user_edit->{postanon}            ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $nospell_check = $user_edit->{no_spell}       ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $s_mod_check = $user_edit->{mod_with_comm}    ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $s_m2_check = $user_edit->{m2_with_mod}       ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        my $s_m2c_check = $user_edit->{m2_with_comm_mod} ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';

        $formats = $slashdb->getDescriptions('postmodes');
        $posttype_select = createSelect(
                'posttype', $formats, $user_edit->{posttype}, 1

        slashDisplay('editComm', {
                title                   => $title,
                admin_block             => $admin_block,
                user_edit               => $user_edit,
                h_check                 => $h_check,
                r_check                 => $r_check,
                n_check                 => $n_check,
                s_check                 => $s_check,
                b_check                 => $b_check,
                sb_check                => $sb_check,
                p_check                 => $p_check,
                s_mod_check             => $s_mod_check,
                s_m2_check              => $s_m2_check,
                s_m2c_check             => $s_m2c_check,
                nospell_check           => $nospell_check,
                commentmodes_select     => $commentmodes_select,
                commentsort_select      => $commentsort_select,
                highlightthresh_select  => $highlightthresh_select,
                uthreshold_select       => $uthreshold_select,
                posttype_select         => $posttype_select,
                reasons                 => \@reasons,
                reason_select           => \%reason_select,
                people                  => \@people,
                people_select           => \%people_select,
                new_user_percent_select => $new_user_percent_select,
                new_user_bonus_select   => $new_user_bonus_select,
                note                    => $note,
                karma_bonus             => $karma_bonus,
                subscriber_bonus        => $subscriber_bonus,
                small_length_bonus_select => $small_length_bonus_select,
                long_length_bonus_select => $long_length_bonus_select,
                bytelimit_select        => $bytelimit_select,

sub saveUserAdmin {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my($user_edits_table, $user_edit) = ({}, {});
        my $author_flag;
        my $note = '';
        my $srcid;
        my $id;
        my $user_editfield_flag;
        my $banned = 0;
        my $banref;
        if ($form->{uid}) {
                $user_editfield_flag = 'uid';
                $id = $form->{uid};
                $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
                $srcid = $id;

        } elsif ($form->{subnetid}) {
                $user_editfield_flag = 'subnetid';
                ($id, $user_edit->{subnetid})  = ($form->{subnetid}, $form->{subnetid});
                $user_edit->{nonuid} = 1;
                $srcid = convert_srcid(subnetid => $id);

        } elsif ($form->{ipid}) {
                $user_editfield_flag = 'ipid';
                ($id, $user_edit->{ipid})  = ($form->{ipid}, $form->{ipid});
                $user_edit->{nonuid} = 1;
                $srcid = convert_srcid(ipid => $id);

        } elsif ($form->{md5id}) {
                $user_editfield_flag = 'md5id';
                my $fieldname = $form->{fieldname} || 'md5id';
                ($id, $user_edit->{$fieldname})
                        = ($form->{md5id}, $form->{md5id});
                warn "form field md5id specified, no srcid saving possible";

        } elsif ($form->{srcid}) {
                $user_editfield_flag = 'srcid';
                my $fieldname = $form->{fieldname} || 'srcid';
                ($id, $user_edit->{$fieldname})
                        = ($form->{srcid}, $form->{srcid});
                $srcid = $id;

        } else {
                # If we were not fed valid data, don't do anything.
                return ;

        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $all_al2types = $reader->getAL2Types;
        my $al2_change = { };

        # First, get a hash of what aclams (AL2's and ACLs) this user
        # had when the previous admin page was loaded.
        # XXXSRCID Right now acl_old is just calculated for debugging
        # printing purposes, not actually used.
        my @al2_old = ( );
        @al2_old =
                @{ $form->{al2_old_multiple}   } if $form->{al2_old_multiple};
        my %al2_old = ( map { ($_, 1) } @al2_old );
        my @acl_old = ( );
        @acl_old =
                @{ $form->{acl_old_multiple}   } if $form->{acl_old_multiple};
        my %acl_old = ( map { ($_, 1) } @acl_old );

        # Next, get the list of the new data submitted.  Separate
        # it out into AL2's which are legitimate.  Anything left
        # over is an ACL.
        my @al2_new_formfields = ( );
        @al2_new_formfields = @{ $form->{aclams_new_multiple} } if $form->{aclams_new_multiple};
        my @al2_new_submitted = map { s/^aclam_//; $_ } @al2_new_formfields;
        my @al2_new = grep { exists $all_al2types->{$_} } @al2_new_submitted;
        my %al2_new = ( map { ($_, 1) } @al2_new );
        my @acl_new = grep { !$al2_new{$_} } @al2_new_submitted;
        my %acl_new = ( map { ($_, 1) } @acl_new );

        # Find out what changed for AL2's.
        for my $al2 (@al2_old, @al2_new) {
                next if defined($al2_old{$al2}) && defined($al2_new{$al2})
                        && $al2_old{$al2} == $al2_new{$al2};
                $al2_change->{$al2} = $al2_new{$al2} ? 1 : 0;
#print STDERR "al2_change for '$srcid': " . Dumper($al2_change);
        # If there's a comment, throw that in.
        if ($form->{al2_new_comment}) {
                $al2_change->{comment} = $form->{al2_new_comment};
        $al2_change = undef if !keys %$al2_change;

        # Find out what changed for ACL's.
        my $acl_change = { };
        for my $acl (@acl_old, @acl_new) {
                next if $acl_old{$acl} == $acl_new{$acl};
                $acl_change->{$acl} = $acl_new{$acl} ? 1 : 0;
        $acl_change = undef if !keys %$acl_change;

        if ($user->{is_admin} && $srcid) {
                $slashdb->setAL2($srcid, $al2_change);
        if ($user->{is_admin} && ($user_editfield_flag eq 'uid' ||
                $user_editfield_flag eq 'nickname')) {

                # This admin user cannot assign a seclev higher than he/she
                # already has.
                my $seclev = $form->{seclev};
                $seclev = $user->{seclev} if $seclev > $user->{seclev};
                $user_edits_table->{seclev} = $seclev;

                $user_edits_table->{section} = $form->{section};
                $user_edits_table->{author} = $form->{author} ? 1 : 0 ;
                $user_edits_table->{defaultpoints} = $form->{defaultpoints};
                $user_edits_table->{tokens} = $form->{tokens};
                $user_edits_table->{tag_clout} = $form->{tag_clout};
                $user_edits_table->{m2info} = $form->{m2info};
                $user_edits_table->{acl} = $acl_change if $acl_change;
                $user_edits_table->{shill_static_marquee} = $form->{shill_static_marquee} ? 1 : undef;
                $user_edits_table->{u2_friends_bios} = $form->{u2_friends_bios} ? 1 : undef;
                $user_edits_table->{shill_rss_url} = $form->{shill_rss_url} ? $form->{shill_rss_url} : undef;

                my $author = $slashdb->getAuthor($id);
                my $was_author = ($author && $author->{author}) ? 1 : 0;

                $slashdb->setUser($id, $user_edits_table);

                $note .= getMessage('saveuseradmin_saveduser', { field => $user_editfield_flag, id => $id });

                if ($was_author xor $user_edits_table->{author}) {
                        # A frequently-asked question for new Slash admins is
                        # why their authors aren't showing up immediately.
                        # Give them some help here with an informative message.
                        $note .= getMessage('saveuseradmin_authorchg', {
                                basedir =>      $slashdb->getDescriptions("site_info")
                                virtuser =>     $slashdb->{virtual_user},


        if (!$user_edit->{nonuid}) {
                if ($form->{expired} && $form->{expired} eq 'on') {
#                       $slashdb->setExpired($user_edit->{uid});

                } else {
#                       $slashdb->setUnexpired($user_edit->{uid});

        my $data = { uid => $id };
        $data->{note} = $note if defined $note;

sub savePasswd {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $note = $hr->{noteref} || undef;

        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my $error_flag = 0;
        my $user_edit = {};
        my $uid;

        my $user_edits_table = {};

        if ($user->{is_admin}) {
                $uid = $form->{uid} || $user->{uid};
        } else {
                $uid = ($user->{uid} == $form->{uid}) ? $form->{uid} : $user->{uid};

        $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($uid);

        if (!$user_edit->{nickname}) {
                $$note .= getError('cookie_err', { titlebar => 0 }, 0, 1)
                        if $note;

        if ($form->{pass1} ne $form->{pass2}) {
                $$note .= getError('saveuser_passnomatch_err', { titlebar => 0 }, 0, 1)
                        if $note;

        if (!$form->{pass1} || length $form->{pass1} < 6) {
                $$note .= getError('saveuser_passtooshort_err', { titlebar => 0 }, 0, 1)
                        if $note;

        if (!$user->{is_admin}){
                # not an admin -- check old password before changing passwd
                my $return_uid = $slashdb->getUserAuthenticate($uid, $form->{oldpass}, 1);
                if (!$return_uid || $return_uid != $uid) {
                        $$note .= getError('saveuser_badoldpass_err', { titlebar => 0 }, 0, 1) 
                                if $note;


        if (! $error_flag) {
                $user_edits_table->{passwd} = $form->{pass1} if $form->{pass1};
                $user_edits_table->{session_login} = $form->{session_login};
                $user_edits_table->{cookie_location} = $form->{cookie_location};

                # changed pass, so delete all logtokens
                $slashdb->deleteLogToken($form->{uid}, 1);

                if ($user->{admin_clearpass}
                        && !$user->{state}{admin_clearpass_thisclick}) {
                        # User is an admin who sent their password in the clear
                        # some time ago; now that it's been changed, we'll forget
                        # about that incident, unless this click was sent in the
                        # clear as well.
                        $user_edits_table->{admin_clearpass} = '';

                $slashdb->setUser($uid, $user_edits_table) ;
                $$note .= getMessage('saveuser_passchanged_msg',
                        { nick => $user_edit->{nickname}, uid => $user_edit->{uid} },
                0, 1) if $note;

                # only set cookie if user is current user
                if ($form->{uid} eq $user->{uid}) {
                        $user->{logtoken} = bakeUserCookie($uid, $slashdb->getLogToken($form->{uid}, 1));
                        setCookie('user', $user->{logtoken}, $user_edits_table->{session_login});

        return $error_flag;

sub saveUser {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $gSkin = getCurrentSkin();
        my $plugins = $slashdb->getDescriptions('plugins');
        my $uid;
        my $user_editfield_flag;

        $uid = $user->{is_admin} && $form->{uid} ? $form->{uid} : $user->{uid};
        my $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($uid);

        my($note, $formname);

        $note .= getMessage('savenickname_msg', {
                nickname => $user_edit->{nickname},
        }, 1);

        if (!$user_edit->{nickname}) {
                $note .= getError('cookie_err', 0, 1);

        # Check to ensure that if a user is changing his email address, that
        # it doesn't already exist in the userbase.
        if ($user_edit->{realemail} ne $form->{realemail}) {
                if ($slashdb->existsEmail($form->{realemail})) {
                        $note .= getError('emailexists_err', 0, 1);
                        $form->{realemail} = $user_edit->{realemail}; # can't change!

        my(%extr, $err_message, %limit);
        $limit{sig} = 120;  # schema is 200, give an extra buffer for domain tags
        $limit{bio} = $constants->{users_bio_length} || 1024; # can be up to 2^16

        for my $key (keys %limit) {
                my $dat = chopEntity($form->{$key}, $limit{$key});
                $dat = strip_html($dat);
                $dat = balanceTags($dat, { deep_nesting => 2, length => $limit{$key} });
                $dat = addDomainTags($dat) if $dat;

                # If the sig becomes too long to fit (domain tagging causes
                # string expansion and tag balancing can too), warn the user to
                # use shorter domain names and don't save their change.
                if ($key eq 'sig' && defined($dat) && length($dat) > 200) {
                        print getError('sig_too_long_err');
                        $extr{sig} = undef;

                # really, comment filters should ignore short length IMO ... oh well.
                if (length($dat) > 1 && ! filterOk('comments', 'postersubj', $dat, \$err_message)) {
                        print getError('filter message', {
                                err_message     => $err_message,
                                item            => $key,
                        $extr{$key} = undef;
                } elsif (! compressOk('comments', 'postersubj', $dat)) {
                        print getError('compress filter', {
                                ratio           => 'postersubj',
                                item            => $key,
                        $extr{$key} = undef;
                } else {
                        $extr{$key} = $dat;

        # We should do some conformance checking on a user's pubkey,
        # make sure it looks like one of the known types of public
        # key.  Until then, just make sure it doesn't have HTML.
        $form->{pubkey} = $plugins->{'PubKey'} ? strip_nohtml($form->{pubkey}, 1) : '';

        my $homepage = $form->{homepage};
        $homepage = '' if $homepage eq 'http://';
        $homepage = fudgeurl($homepage);
        $homepage = URI->new_abs($homepage, $gSkin->{absolutedir})
                        ->as_string if $homepage ne '';
        $homepage = substr($homepage, 0, 100) if $homepage ne '';

        my $calendar_url = $form->{calendar_url};
        if (length $calendar_url) {
                # fudgeurl() doesn't like webcal; will remove later anyway
                $calendar_url =~ s/^webcal/http/i;
                $calendar_url = fudgeurl($calendar_url);
                $calendar_url = URI->new_abs($calendar_url, $gSkin->{absolutedir})
                        ->as_string if $calendar_url ne '';

                $calendar_url =~ s|^http://||i;
                $calendar_url = substr($calendar_url, 0, 200) if $calendar_url ne '';

        # for the users table
        my $user_edits_table = {
                homepage        => $homepage,
                realname        => $form->{realname},
                pubkey          => $form->{pubkey},
                copy            => $form->{copy},
                quote           => $form->{quote},
                calendar_url    => $calendar_url,
                yahoo           => $form->{yahoo},
                jabber          => $form->{jabber},
                aim             => $form->{aim},
                aimdisplay      => $form->{aimdisplay},
                icq             => $form->{icq},
                playing         => $form->{playing},
                mobile_text_address => $form->{mobile_text_address},

        if ($constants->{wow}) {
                my $wowdb = getObject("Slash::WoW");
                if ($wowdb) {
                        $user_edits_table->{wow_main_name} = "\L\u$form->{wow_main_name}";
                        $user_edits_table->{wow_main_realm} = $form->{wow_main_realm};
                        my $charid = $wowdb->getCharidCreate($user_edits_table->{wow_main_realm},
                        $wowdb->setChar($charid, { uid => $uid }, { if_unclaimed => 1 }) if $charid;

        for (keys %extr) {
                $user_edits_table->{$_} = $extr{$_} if defined $extr{$_};

        # don't want undef, want to be empty string so they
        # will overwrite the existing record
        for (keys %$user_edits_table) {
                $user_edits_table->{$_} = '' unless defined $user_edits_table->{$_};

        if ($user_edit->{realemail} ne $form->{realemail}) {
                $user_edits_table->{realemail} =
                        chopEntity($form->{realemail}, 50);
                my $new_fakeemail = ''; # at emaildisplay 0, don't show any email address
                if ($user->{emaildisplay}) {
                        $new_fakeemail = getArmoredEmail($uid, $user_edits_table->{realemail})
                                if $user->{emaildisplay} == 1;
                        $new_fakeemail = $user_edits_table->{realemail}
                                if $user->{emaildisplay} == 2;
                $user_edits_table->{fakeemail} = $new_fakeemail;

                $note .= getMessage('changeemail_msg', {
                        realemail => $user_edit->{realemail}
                }, 1);

                my $saveuser_emailtitle = getTitle('saveUser_email_title', {
                        nickname  => $user_edit->{nickname},
                        realemail => $form->{realemail}
                }, 1);
                my $saveuser_email_msg = getMessage('saveuser_email_msg', {
                        nickname  => $user_edit->{nickname},
                        realemail => $form->{realemail}
                }, 1);

                sendEmail($form->{realemail}, $saveuser_emailtitle, $saveuser_email_msg);
                doEmail($uid, $saveuser_emailtitle, $saveuser_email_msg);

        $slashdb->setUser($uid, $user_edits_table);

        editUser({ uid => $uid, note => $note });

sub saveComm {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my($uid, $user_fakeemail);

        if ($user->{is_admin}) {
                $uid = $form->{uid} || $user->{uid};
        } else {
                $uid = ($user->{uid} == $form->{uid}) ?
                        $form->{uid} : $user->{uid};

        # Do the right thing with respect to the chosen email display mode
        # and the options that can be displayed.
        my $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($uid);
        my $new_fakeemail = '';         # at emaildisplay 0, don't show any email address
        if ($form->{emaildisplay}) {
                $new_fakeemail = getArmoredEmail($uid)          if $form->{emaildisplay} == 1;
                $new_fakeemail = $user_edit->{realemail}        if $form->{emaildisplay} == 2;

        my $name = $user->{seclev} && $form->{name} ?
                $form->{name} : $user->{nickname};

        my $note = getMessage('savenickname_msg',
                { nickname => $name });

        print getError('cookie_err') if isAnon($uid) || !$name;

        # Take care of the lists
        # Enforce Ranges for variables that need it
        $form->{commentlimit} = 0 if $form->{commentlimit} < 1;
        my $cl_max = $constants->{comment_commentlimit} || 0;
        $form->{commentlimit} = $cl_max if $cl_max > 0 && $form->{commentlimit} > $cl_max;
        $form->{commentspill} = 0 if $form->{commentspill} < 1;

        # For some of these values, namely the ones that we happen to
        # know get stored in users_param, we change them to 'undef'
        # if they are the default value.  This deletes them from the
        # users_param table, which has the same effect as storing the
        # default except it's faster all around.  If we ever change
        # the schema to promote these fields from params into a
        # proper users_* table, then this will no longer be correct.
        # See prepareUser().
        my $max = $constants->{comment_maxscore} - $constants->{comment_minscore};
        my $min = -$max;
        my $karma_bonus = ($form->{karma_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? "+1" : $form->{karma_bonus};
        my $subscriber_bonus = ($form->{subscriber_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? "+1" : $form->{subscriber_bonus};
        my $new_user_bonus = ($form->{new_user_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? 0 : $form->{new_user_bonus};
        my $new_user_percent = (($form->{new_user_percent} <= 100 && $form->{new_user_percent} >= 0) 
                        ? $form->{new_user_percent}
                        : 100); 
        my $clsmall_bonus = ($form->{clsmall_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? 0 : $form->{clsmall_bonus};
        my $clbig_bonus = ($form->{clbig_bonus} !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/) ? 0 : $form->{clbig_bonus};

        # plum
        $form->{d2_comment_q} = (isSubscriber($user_edit) || $user_edit->{seclev} >= 100)
                ? $form->{d2_comment_q}
                : ($form->{d2_comment_q} eq '0')
                        ? 1
                        : $form->{d2_comment_q};

        my $user_edits_table = {
                # MC: More D2 neutring
                #discussion2            => $form->{discussion2} || undef,
                #d2_comment_q           => $form->{d2_comment_q} || undef,
                #d2_comment_order       => $form->{d2_comment_order} || undef,
                clsmall                 => $form->{clsmall},
                clsmall_bonus           => ($clsmall_bonus || undef),
                clbig                   => $form->{clbig},
                clbig_bonus             => ($clbig_bonus || undef),
                commentlimit            => $form->{commentlimit},
                bytelimit               => $form->{bytelimit},
                commentsort             => $form->{commentsort},
                commentspill            => $form->{commentspill},
                domaintags              => ($form->{domaintags} != 2 ? $form->{domaintags} : undef),
                emaildisplay            => $form->{emaildisplay} || undef,
                fakeemail               => $new_fakeemail,
                highlightthresh         => $form->{highlightthresh},
                mode                    => $form->{umode},
                posttype                => $form->{posttype},
                threshold               => $form->{uthreshold},
                nosigs                  => ($form->{nosigs}     ? 1 : 0),
                reparent                => ($form->{reparent}   ? 1 : 0),
                noscores                => ($form->{noscores}   ? 1 : 0),
                hardthresh              => ($form->{hardthresh} ? 1 : 0),
                no_spell                => ($form->{no_spell}   ? 1 : undef),
                nobonus                 => ($form->{nobonus} ? 1 : undef),
                nosubscriberbonus       => ($form->{nosubscriberbonus} ? 1 : undef),
                postanon                => ($form->{postanon} ? 1 : undef),
                new_user_percent        => ($new_user_percent && $new_user_percent != 100
                                                ? $new_user_percent : undef),
                new_user_bonus          => ($new_user_bonus || undef),
                karma_bonus             => ($karma_bonus ne '+1' ? $karma_bonus : undef),
                subscriber_bonus        => ($subscriber_bonus || undef),
                textarea_rows           => ($form->{textarea_rows} != $constants->{textarea_rows}
                                                ? $form->{textarea_rows} : undef),
                textarea_cols           => ($form->{textarea_cols} != $constants->{textarea_cols}
                                                ? $form->{textarea_cols} : undef),
                user_comment_sort_type  => ($form->{user_comment_sort_type} != 2
                                                ? $form->{user_comment_sort_type} : undef ),
                mod_with_comm           => ($form->{mod_with_comm} ? 1 : undef),
                m2_with_mod             => ($form->{m2_with_mod} ? 1 : undef),
                m2_with_comm_mod                => ($form->{m2_with_mod_on_comm} ? 1 : undef),


        # set our default values for the items where an empty-string won't do 
        my $defaults = {
                posttype        => 2,
                highlightthresh => 4,
                reparent        => 1,
                commentlimit    => 100,
                commentspill    => 50,
                mode            => 'thread'

        my $mod_reader = getObject("Slash::$constants->{m1_pluginname}", { db_type => 'reader' });
        my @reasons = ( );
        my $reasons = $mod_reader->getReasons();
        for my $id (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$reasons) {
                push @reasons, $reasons->{$id}{name};

        for my $reason_name (@reasons) {
                my $key = "reason_alter_$reason_name";
                my $answer = $form->{$key} || 0;
                $answer = 0 if !$answer || $answer !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/;
                $user_edits_table->{$key} = ($answer == 0) ? '' : $answer;

        for (qw| friend foe anonymous fof eof freak fan |) {
                my $answer = $form->{"people_bonus_$_"};
                $answer = 0 if $answer !~ /^[\-+]?\d+$/;
                $user_edits_table->{"people_bonus_$_"} = ($answer == 0) ? '' : $answer;
        setToDefaults($user_edits_table, {}, $defaults) if $form->{restore_defaults};
        $slashdb->setUser($uid, $user_edits_table);

        editComm({ uid => $uid, note => $note });

sub saveHome {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my($uid, $error);

        if ($user->{is_admin}) {
                $uid = $form->{uid} || $user->{uid} ;
        } else {
                $uid = ($user->{uid} == $form->{uid}) ?
                        $form->{uid} : $user->{uid};
        my $edit_user = $slashdb->getUser($uid);

        my $name = $user->{seclev} && $form->{name} ?
                $form->{name} : $user->{nickname};
        $name = substr($name, 0, 20);

        my $note = getMessage('savenickname_msg',
                { nickname => $name });

        if (isAnon($uid) || !$name) {
                my $cookiemsg = getError('cookie_err');
                print $cookiemsg;

        # Using the existing list of slashboxes and the set of
        # what's checked and not, build up the new list.
        # (New arrivals go at the end.)
        my $slashboxes = $edit_user->{slashboxes};
        # Only go through all this if the user clicked save,
        # not "Restore Slashbox Defaults"!
        my($boxes, $skinBoxes) = $slashdb->getPortalsCommon();
        my $default_slashboxes_textlist = join ",",
        if (!$form->{restore_slashbox_defaults}) {
                $slashboxes = $default_slashboxes_textlist if !$slashboxes;
                my @slashboxes = split /,/, $slashboxes;
                my %slashboxes = ( );
                for my $i (0..$#slashboxes) {
                        $slashboxes{$slashboxes[$i]} = $i;
                # Add new boxes in.
                for my $key (sort grep /^showbox_/, keys %$form) {
                        my($bid) = $key =~ /^showbox_(\w+)$/;
                        next if length($bid) < 1 || length($bid) > 30 || $bid !~ /^\w+$/;
                        if (! exists $slashboxes{$bid}) {
                                $slashboxes{$bid} = 999; # put it at the end
                # Remove any boxes that weren't checked.
                for my $bid (@slashboxes) {
                        delete $slashboxes{$bid} unless $form->{"showbox_$bid"};

                for my $key (sort grep /^dynamic_/, keys %$form) {
                        my($bid) = $key =~ /^dynamic_(.+)$/;
                        next if length($bid) < 1;
                        if (! exists $slashboxes{$bid}) {
                                $slashboxes{$bid} = 999;

                @slashboxes = sort {
                        $slashboxes{$a} <=> $slashboxes{$b}
                        $a cmp $b
                } keys %slashboxes;
                # This probably should be a var (and appear in tilded_customize_msg)
                $#slashboxes = 19 if $#slashboxes > 19;
                $slashboxes = join ",", @slashboxes;
        # If we're right back to the default, that means the
        # empty string.
        if ($slashboxes eq $default_slashboxes_textlist) {
                $slashboxes = "";

        # Set the story_never and story_always fields.
        my $author_hr = $slashdb->getDescriptions('authors');
        my $tree = $slashdb->getTopicTree();
        my(@story_never_topic,  @story_never_author,  @story_never_nexus);
        my(@story_always_topic, @story_always_author);
        my(@story_always_nexus, @story_full_brief_nexus, @story_brief_always_nexus, @story_full_best_nexus, @story_brief_best_nexus);
        my($story_topic_all, $story_author_all, $story_nexus_all) = (0, 0, 0);

        # Topics are either present (value=2) or absent (value=0).  If absent,
        # push them onto the never list.  Otherwise, do nothing.  (There's no
        # way to have an "always" topic, at the moment.)  If the hidden
        # field topictids_present is false, then there are no topic tids,
        # skip this.
        if ($form->{topictids_present}) {
                for my $tid (
                        sort { $a <=> $b }
                        grep { !$tree->{$_}{nexus} }
                        keys %$tree
                ) {
                        my $key = "topictid$tid";
                        if (!$form->{$key}) {           push @story_never_topic, $tid   }
        # Authors are either present (value=2) or absent (value=0).  If
        # absent, push them onto the never list.  Otherwise, do nothing.
        # (There's no way to have an "always" author, at the moment.)
        for my $aid (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$author_hr) {
                my $key = "aid$aid";
                if (!$form->{$key}) {                   push @story_never_author, $aid  }
        # Nexuses can have value 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  
        # 0 means the never list,
        # 1 means brief view of mainpage articles only
        # 2 means full view of mainpage articles only
        # 3 means brief view of all content
        # 4 means full view of mainpage content, brief view of sectional
        # 5 means full view of all content
        for my $tid (
                sort { $a <=> $b }
                map { /^nexustid(\d+)$/; $1 }
                grep { /^nexustid\d+$/ }
                keys %$form
        ) {
                my $key = "nexustid$tid";
                next unless $tid && $tree->{$tid} && $tree->{$tid}{nexus};
                   if (!$form->{$key}) {                push @story_never_nexus, $tid   }
                elsif ($form->{$key} == 5 ) {           push @story_always_nexus, $tid  }
                elsif ($form->{$key} == 4 ) {           push @story_full_brief_nexus, $tid }
                elsif ($form->{$key} == 3 ) {           push @story_brief_always_nexus, $tid }
                elsif ($form->{$key} == 2 ) {           push @story_full_best_nexus, $tid }
                elsif ($form->{$key} == 1 ) {           push @story_brief_best_nexus, $tid }

#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " s_n_t '@story_never_topic' s_n_a '@story_never_author' s_n_n '@story_never_nexus' s_a_n '@story_always_nexus' form: " . Dumper($form);
        # Sanity check.
        $#story_never_topic             = 299 if $#story_never_topic   > 299;
        $#story_never_author            = 299 if $#story_never_author  > 299;
        $#story_never_nexus             = 299 if $#story_never_nexus   > 299;
        $#story_always_topic            = 299 if $#story_always_topic  > 299;
        $#story_always_author           = 299 if $#story_always_author > 299;
        $#story_always_nexus            = 299 if $#story_always_nexus  > 299;
        $#story_full_brief_nexus        = 299 if $#story_full_brief_nexus > 299;
        $#story_brief_always_nexus      = 299 if $#story_brief_always_nexus > 299;
        $#story_brief_best_nexus        = 299 if $#story_brief_best_nexus > 299;
        $#story_full_best_nexus         = 299 if $#story_full_best_nexus > 299;

        my $story_never_topic   = join ",", @story_never_topic;
        $story_never_topic = ($constants->{subscribe} && $user->{is_subscriber})
                ? checkList($story_never_topic, 1024)
                : checkList($story_never_topic);
        my $story_never_author          = checkList(join ",", @story_never_author);
        my $story_never_nexus           = checkList(join ",", @story_never_nexus);
        my $story_always_topic          = checkList(join ",", @story_always_topic);
        $story_always_topic = ($constants->{subscribe} && $user->{is_subscriber})
                ? checkList($story_always_topic, 1024)
                : checkList($story_always_topic);
        my $story_always_author         = checkList(join ",", @story_always_author);

        my $story_always_nexus          = checkList(join ",", @story_always_nexus);
        my $story_full_brief_nexus      = checkList(join ",", @story_full_brief_nexus);
        my $story_brief_always_nexus    = checkList(join ",", @story_brief_always_nexus);
        my $story_brief_best_nexus      = checkList(join ",", @story_brief_best_nexus);
        my $story_full_best_nexus       = checkList(join ",", @story_full_best_nexus);

        my $user_edits_table = {
                story_never_topic               => $story_never_topic,
                story_never_author              => $story_never_author,
                story_never_nexus               => $story_never_nexus,
                story_always_topic              => $story_always_topic,
                story_always_author             => $story_always_author,
                story_always_nexus              => $story_always_nexus,
                story_brief_always_nexus        => $story_brief_always_nexus,
                story_full_brief_nexus          => $story_full_brief_nexus,
                story_full_best_nexus           => $story_full_best_nexus,
                story_brief_best_nexus          => $story_brief_best_nexus,

                slashboxes      => checkList($slashboxes, 1024),

                maxstories      => 30, # XXXSKIN fix this later
                noboxes         => ($form->{useslashboxes} ? 0 : 1),
                lowbandwidth    => ($form->{lowbandwidth} ? 1 : 0),
                simpledesign    => ($form->{simpledesign} ? 1 : 0),
                noicons         => ($form->{noicons} ? 1 : 0),
                willing         => ($form->{willing} ? 1 : 0),
                index_classic   => ($form->{index_classic} ? 1 : undef),

        if (defined $form->{tzcode} && defined $form->{tzformat}) {
                $user_edits_table->{tzcode} = $form->{tzcode};
                $user_edits_table->{dfid}   = $form->{tzformat};
                $user_edits_table->{dst}    = $form->{dst};

        # Force the User Space area to contain only known-good HTML tags.
        # Unfortunately the cookie login model makes it just too risky
        # to allow scripts in here;  CSS's steal passwords.  There are
        # no known vulnerabilities at this time, but a combination of the
        # social engineering taking place (inviting users to put Javascript
        # from websites in here, and making available script URLs for that
        # purpose), plus the fact that this could be used to amplify the
        # seriousness of any future vulnerabilities, means it's way past
        # time to shut this feature down.  - Jamie 2002/03/06

        # it's a VARCHAR ...
        my $mylinks_limit = 255;
        $user_edits_table->{mylinks} = balanceTags(strip_html(
                chopEntity($form->{mylinks} || '', $mylinks_limit)
        ), { deep_nesting => 2, length => $mylinks_limit });

        $user_edits_table->{mylinks} = '' unless defined $user_edits_table->{mylinks};

        $error = 1;
        # must select at least 1/4 of nexuses, topics, authors
        if      ( scalar(@story_never_author) > ($story_author_all * 3/4) ) {
                $note = getError('editHome_too_many_disabled');
        } elsif ( scalar(@story_never_nexus) > ($story_nexus_all * 3/4) ) {
                $note = getError('editHome_too_many_disabled');
        } elsif ( scalar(@story_never_topic) > ($story_topic_all * 3/4) ) {
                $note = getError('editHome_too_many_disabled');
        } else {
                $error = 0;

        unless ($error) {
                # If a user is unwilling to moderate, we should cancel all points, lest
                # they be preserved when they shouldn't be.
                if (!isAnon($uid) && !$form->{willing}) {
                        $slashdb->setUser($uid, { points => 0 });

                if ($form->{restore_defaults}) {
                        setToDefaults($user_edits_table, {}, {
                                maxstories      => 30,
                                tzcode          => "EST",
                                # XXX shouldn't this reset ALL the defaults,
                                # not just these two?
                if ($form->{restore_slashbox_defaults}) {
                        setToDefaults($user_edits_table, {
                                'story_never_topic' => 1,
                                'story_never_author' => 1,
                                'story_never_nexus' => 1,
                                'story_always_topic' => 1,
                                'story_always_author' => 1,
                                'story_always_nexus' => 1,
                                'story_full_brief_nexus' => 1,
                                'story_brief_always_nexus' => 1,
                                'story_full_best_nexus' => 1,
                                'story_brief_best_nexus' => 1,
                                'maxstories' => 1,
                                'noboxes' => 1,
                                'light' => 1,
                                'noicons' => 1,
                                'willing' => 1
                        }, { slashboxes => "" });

#print scalar(localtime) . " uet: " . Dumper($user_edits_table);
                $slashdb->setUser($uid, $user_edits_table);

        editHome({ uid => $uid, note => $note });

# A generic way for a site to allow users to edit data about themselves.
# Most useful when your plugin or theme wants to let the user change
# minor settings but you don't want to write a whole new version
# of to provide a user interface.  The user can save any
# param of the format "opt_foo", as long as "foo" shows up in
# getMiscUserOpts which lists all the misc opts that this user can edit.
# This is *not* protected by formkeys (yet), so assume attackers can make
# users click and accidentally edit their own settings: no really important
# data should be stored in this way.
sub editMiscOpts {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $user = getCurrentUser(); 
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $note = $hr->{note} || "";

        return if $user->{is_anon}; # shouldn't be, but can't hurt to check

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        my $edit_user = $slashdb->getUser($user->{uid});
        my $title = getTitle('editMiscOpts_title');

        my $opts = $slashdb->getMiscUserOpts();
        for my $opt (@$opts) {
                my $opt_name = "opt_" . $opt->{name};
                $opt->{checked} = $edit_user->{$opt_name} ? 1 : 0;

        slashDisplay('editMiscOpts', {
#               useredit        => $user_edit,
                title           => $title,
                opts            => $opts,
                note            => $note,

sub saveMiscOpts {
        my($hr) = @_;
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        return if $user->{is_anon}; # shouldn't be, but can't hurt to check

        my $edit_user = $slashdb->getUser($user->{uid});
        my %opts_ok_hash = ( );
        my $opts = $slashdb->getMiscUserOpts();
        for my $opt (@$opts) {
                $opts_ok_hash{"opt_$opt->{name}"} = 1;

        my $update = { };
        for my $opt (grep /^opt_/, keys %$form) {
                next unless $opts_ok_hash{$opt};
                $update->{$opt} = $form->{$opt} ? 1 : 0;

        # Make the changes.
        $slashdb->setUser($edit_user->{uid}, $update);

        # Inform the user the change was made.  Since we don't
        # require formkeys, we always want to print a message to
        # make sure the user sees what s/he did.  This is done
        # by passing in a note which ends up passed to the
        # editMiscOpts template, which displays it.
        editMiscOpts({ note => getMessage('savemiscopts_msg') });

sub listReadOnly {
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });

        my $readonlylist = $reader->getAL2List('nopost');

        slashDisplay('listReadOnly', {
                readonlylist => $readonlylist,


sub listBanned {
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });

        my $bannedlist = $reader->getAL2List('ban');

        slashDisplay('listBanned', {
                bannedlist => $bannedlist,


sub topAbusers {
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });

        my $topabusers = $reader->getTopAbusers();

        slashDisplay('topAbusers', {
                topabusers => $topabusers,

sub listAbuses {
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my $abuses = $reader->getAbuses($form->{key}, $form->{abuseid});

        slashDisplay('listAbuses', {
                abuseid => $form->{abuseid},
                abuses  => $abuses,

sub forceAccountVerify {
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my $uid = $form->{uid};
        my $useredit = $slashdb->getUser($uid);

        if ($useredit->{uid}) {
                my $newpasswd = $slashdb->resetUserAccount($uid);
                $slashdb->deleteLogToken($uid, 1);
                my $emailtitle = getTitle('reset_acct_email_title', {
                        nickname        => $useredit->{nickname}
                }, 1);

                my $msg = getMessage('reset_acct_msg', {
                        newpasswd       => $newpasswd,
                        tempnick        => $useredit->{nickname},
                }, 1);

                $slashdb->setUser($useredit->{uid}, {
                        waiting_for_account_verify => 1,
                        account_verify_request_time => $slashdb->getTime()

                doEmail($useredit->{uid}, $emailtitle, $msg) if $useredit->{uid};

        print getMessage("reset_acct_complete", { useredit => $useredit }, 1);

sub displayForm {
        my($hr) = @_;

        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $form = getCurrentForm();
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();

        my $suadmin_flag = $user->{seclev} >= 10000 ? 1 : 0;

        print createMenu("users", {
                style           => 'tabbed',
                justify         => 'right',
                color           => 'colored',
                tab_selected    => $hr->{tab_selected_1} || "",

        my $op = $hr->{op} || $form->{op} || 'displayform';

        my $ops = {
                displayform     => 'loginForm',
                edithome        => 'loginForm',
                editcomm        => 'loginForm',
                edituser        => 'loginForm',
#               mailpasswdform  => 'sendPasswdForm',
#               newuserform     => 'newUserForm',
                userclose       => 'loginForm',
                userlogin       => 'loginForm',
                editmiscopts    => 'loginForm',
                savemiscopts    => 'loginForm',
                default         => 'loginForm'

        $op = 'default' if !defined($ops->{$op});

        my($title, $title2, $msg1, $msg2) = ('', '', '', '');

        if ($op eq 'userclose') {
                $title = getMessage('userclose');

        } elsif ($op eq 'displayForm') {
                $title = $form->{unickname}
                        ? getTitle('displayForm_err_title')
                        : getTitle('displayForm_title');
        } elsif ($op eq 'mailpasswdform') {
                $title = getTitle('mailPasswdForm_title');
        } elsif ($op eq 'newuserform') {
                $title = getTitle('newUserForm_title');
        } else {
                $title = getTitle('displayForm_title');

        $form->{unickname} ||= $form->{newusernick};

        if ($form->{newusernick}) {
                $title2 = getTitle('displayForm_dup_title');
        } else {
                $title2 = getTitle('displayForm_new_title');

        $msg1 = getMessage('dispform_new_msg_1');
        if (! $form->{newusernick} && $op eq 'newuserform') {
                $msg2 = getMessage('dispform_new_msg_2');
        } elsif ($op eq 'displayform' || $op eq 'userlogin') {
                $msg2 = getMessage('newuserform_msg');

        slashDisplay($ops->{$op}, {
                newnick         => nickFix($form->{newusernick}),
                suadmin_flag    => $suadmin_flag,
                title           => $title,
                title2          => $title2,
                logged_in       => $user->{is_anon} ? 0 : 1,
                msg1            => $msg1,
                msg2            => $msg2

# this groups all the messages together in
# one template, called "messages;users;default"
sub getMessage {
        my($value, $hashref, $nocomm) = @_;
        $hashref ||= {};
        $hashref->{value} = $value;
        return slashDisplay('messages', $hashref,
                { Return => 1, Nocomm => $nocomm });

# this groups all the errors together in
# one template, called "errors;users;default"
sub getError {
        my($value, $hashref, $nocomm) = @_;
        $hashref ||= {};
        $hashref->{value} = $value;
        return slashDisplay('errors', $hashref,
                { Return => 1, Nocomm => $nocomm });

# this groups all the titles together in
# one template, called "users-titles"
sub getTitle {
        my($value, $hashref, $nocomm) = @_;
        $hashref ||= {};
        $hashref->{value} = $value;
        return slashDisplay('titles', $hashref,
                { Return => 1, Nocomm => $nocomm });

# getUserAdmin - returns a block of HTML text that provides
# information and editing capabilities for admin users.
# Most of this data is already in the getUserAdmin template,
# but really, we should try to get more of this logic into
# that template.
sub getUserAdmin {
        my($id, $field, $seclev_field) = @_;
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $logdb = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'log_slave' });

        my $user        = getCurrentUser();
        my $form        = getCurrentForm();
        my $constants   = getCurrentStatic();
        my $slashdb     = getCurrentDB();
        $id ||= $user->{uid};

        my($expired, $uidstruct, $readonly);
        my($user_edit, $user_editfield, $ipstruct, $ipstruct_order, $authors, $author_flag, $topabusers, $thresh_select,$section_select);
        my $srcid;
        my $proxy_check = {};
        my @accesshits;
        my $user_editinfo_flag = (!$form->{op} || $form->{op} eq 'userinfo'
                || $form->{userinfo} || $form->{saveuseradmin}
                ) ? 1 : 0;
        my $authoredit_flag = ($user->{seclev} >= 10000) ? 1 : 0;
        my $sectionref = $reader->getDescriptions('skins');
        $sectionref->{''} = getData('all_sections');

        $field ||= 'uid';
        if ($field eq 'uid') {
                $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($id);
                $user_editfield = $user_edit->{uid};
                $srcid = convert_srcid( uid => $id );
                #$expired = $slashdb->checkExpired($user_edit->{uid}) ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
                $ipstruct = $slashdb->getNetIDStruct($user_edit->{uid});
                @accesshits = $logdb->countAccessLogHitsInLastX($field, $user_edit->{uid}) if defined($logdb);
                $section_select = createSelect('section', $sectionref, $user_edit->{section}, 1);

        } elsif ($field eq 'nickname') {
                $user_edit = $slashdb->getUser($slashdb->getUserUID($id));
                $user_editfield = $user_edit->{nickname};
                #$expired = $slashdb->checkExpired($user_edit->{uid}) ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
                $ipstruct = $slashdb->getNetIDStruct($user_edit->{uid});
                @accesshits = $logdb->countAccessLogHitsInLastX('uid', $user_edit->{uid}) if defined($logdb);
                $section_select = createSelect('section', $sectionref, $user_edit->{section}, 1);

        } elsif ($field eq 'md5id') {
                $user_edit->{nonuid} = 1;
                $user_edit->{md5id} = $id;
                if ($form->{fieldname} && $form->{fieldname} =~ /^(ipid|subnetid)$/) {
                        $uidstruct = $slashdb->getUIDStruct($form->{fieldname}, $user_edit->{md5id});
                        @accesshits = $logdb->countAccessLogHitsInLastX($form->{fieldname}, $user_edit->{md5id}) if defined($logdb);
                } else {
                        $uidstruct = $slashdb->getUIDStruct('md5id', $user_edit->{md5id});
                        @accesshits = $logdb->countAccessLogHitsInLastX($field, $user_edit->{md5id}) if defined($logdb);

        } elsif ($field eq 'ipid') {
                $user_edit->{nonuid} = 1;
                $user_edit->{ipid} = $id;
                $srcid = convert_srcid( ipid => $id );
                $user_editfield = $id;
                $uidstruct = $slashdb->getUIDStruct('ipid', $user_edit->{ipid});
                @accesshits = $logdb->countAccessLogHitsInLastX('host_addr', $user_edit->{ipid}) if defined($logdb);

                if ($form->{userfield} =~/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)$/) {
                        if ($1 ne "0"){
                                $proxy_check->{available} = 1;
                                $proxy_check->{results} = $slashdb->checkForOpenProxy($form->{userfield}) if $form->{check_proxy};

        } elsif ($field eq 'subnetid') {
                $user_edit->{nonuid} = 1;
                $srcid = convert_srcid( ipid => $id );
                if ($id =~ /^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(?:\.\d)?/) {
                        $id = $1 . ".0";
                        $user_edit->{subnetid} = $id;
                } else {
                        $user_edit->{subnetid} = $id;

                $user_editfield = $id;
                $uidstruct = $slashdb->getUIDStruct('subnetid', $user_edit->{subnetid});
                @accesshits = $logdb->countAccessLogHitsInLastX($field, $user_edit->{subnetid}) if defined($logdb);

        } elsif ($field eq "srcid") {
                $user_edit->{nonuid} = 1;
                $user_edit->{srcid}  = $id;
                $srcid = $id;

        } else {
                $user_edit = $id ? $slashdb->getUser($id) : $user;
                $user_editfield = $user_edit->{uid};
                $ipstruct = $slashdb->getNetIDStruct($user_edit->{uid});
                @accesshits = $logdb->countAccessLogHitsInLastX('uid', $user_edit->{uid}) if defined($logdb);

        # Put together the array and hashref that the template will need
        # to construct the list for display to the admin.
        # Note that currently a srcid which is not a uid (i.e. which
        # represents an IP address or masked IP network) cannot have
        # any ACLs assigned to it.  This may change in the future.
        # The term "aclam" is used because it has a field set for both
        # every ACL and every access modifier (i.e. AL2 bit) that is set
        # for this user or srcid.
        # For now, ACLs will be listed for IPs as well.
        # First get the list of ACLs that can be used.
        my $all_acls_ar = $reader->getAllACLNames();
        my $all_acls_hr = { map { ( $_, 1 ) } @$all_acls_ar };
        # Add in any ACLs selected for this user (just in case
        # getAllACLNames is cached and stale).
        for my $acl (keys %{$user_edit->{acl}}) {
                $all_acls_hr->{$acl} = 1;
        # Start creating the $all_aclam_hr data, in which the keys are
        # the HTML selection names that all begin with aclam_ and the
        # the values are their names/descriptions shown to the admin.
        # First put all the ACLs into the hash, if we're editing a user.
        my $all_aclam_hr = { };
        if (!$user_edit->{nonuid}) {
                $all_aclam_hr = { map { ( "aclam_$_", "ACL: $_" ) } keys %$all_acls_hr };
        # Next put in all the al2 types.
        my $all_al2types = $reader->getAL2Types;
        for my $key (keys %$all_al2types) {
                next if $key eq 'comment'; # skip the 'comment' type
                $all_aclam_hr->{"aclam_$key"} = $all_al2types->{$key}{title};
        # Finally, sort the keys of the hash into the order that we
        # want them displayed to the admin (ACLs first).
        my $all_acls_longkeys_hr = { map { ( "aclam_$_", 1 ) } keys %$all_acls_hr };
        my $all_aclam_ar = [
                sort {
                        (exists($all_acls_longkeys_hr->{$a}) ? -1 : 1) <=> (exists($all_acls_longkeys_hr->{$b}) ? -1 : 1)
                        $all_aclam_hr->{$a} cmp $all_aclam_hr->{$b}
                } keys %$all_aclam_hr
        # Now put together the hashref that identifies which of those
        # items are selected for this user.
        my $user_aclam_hr = { };
        for my $acl (keys %{ $user_edit->{acl} }) {
                $user_aclam_hr->{"aclam_$acl"} = 1;
        my $al2_tid_comment = $all_al2types->{comment}{al2tid} || 0;
        my $al2_log_ar = [ ];
        my $al2_hr = { };
        # XXXSRCID Once we get rid of the silly 'md5id' field and all the
        # other bizarre backward-compatibility code paths early in this
        # function, this won't be necessary, but until then we need this
        # sanity check...
        if ($srcid) {
                # getAL2 works with either a srcids hashref or a single srcid
                $al2_hr = $slashdb->getAL2($srcid);
                for my $al2 (keys %{ $al2_hr }) {
                        $user_aclam_hr->{"aclam_$al2"} = 1;
                $al2_log_ar = $slashdb->getAL2Log($srcid);
        # Generate al2_nick_hr, which will be populated with keys of all
        # the (presumably) admin uids who have logged rows for this al2,
        # and values of their nicks.
        my $al2_nick_hr = { };
        for my $al2_log (@$al2_log_ar) {
                my $uid = $al2_log->{adminuid};
                next if !$uid; # odd error, might want to flag this
                $al2_nick_hr->{$uid} ||= $slashdb->getUser($uid, 'nickname');

        $user_edit->{author} = ($user_edit->{author} && $user_edit->{author} == 1)
                ? $constants->{markup_checked_attribute} : '';
        if (! $user->{nonuid}) {
                my $threshcodes = $reader->getDescriptions('threshcode_values','',1);
                $thresh_select = createSelect('defaultpoints', $threshcodes, $user_edit->{defaultpoints}, 1);

        if (!ref $ipstruct) {
                undef $ipstruct;
        } else {
                @$ipstruct_order = sort { $ipstruct->{$b}{dmin} cmp $ipstruct->{$a}{dmin} } keys %$ipstruct;

        my $m2total = ($user_edit->{m2fair} || 0) + ($user_edit->{m2unfair} || 0);
        if ($m2total) {
                $user_edit->{m2unfairpercent} = sprintf("%.2f",
        my $mod_total = ($user_edit->{totalmods} || 0) + ($user_edit->{stirred} || 0);
        if ($mod_total) {
                $user_edit->{stirredpercent} = sprintf("%.2f",
        if ($constants->{subscribe} and my $subscribe = getObject('Slash::Subscribe')) {
                $user_edit->{subscribe_payments} =
                $user_edit->{subscribe_purchases} =
                        $subscribe->getSubscriptionsPurchasedByUser($user_edit->{uid},{ only_types => [ "grant", "gift" ] });
        my $ipid = $user_edit->{ipid};
        my $subnetid = $user_edit->{subnetid};
        my $post_restrictions = {};
        my ($subnet_karma, $ipid_karma);

        if ($ipid && !$subnetid) {
                $ipid = md5_hex($ipid) if length($ipid) != 32;
                $proxy_check->{ipid} = $ipid;
                $proxy_check->{currently} = $slashdb->getKnownOpenProxy($ipid, "ipid");
                # This next call is very slow.
                $subnetid = $reader->getSubnetFromIPIDBasedOnComments($ipid);

        if ($subnetid) {
                $subnetid = md5_hex($subnetid) if length($subnetid) != 32;
                # These next three calls can be very slow.  In fact, getNetIDKarma
                # is actually called twice on the same subnetid;  if we can cache
                # that data somehow that wouldn't be a bad idea.
                $post_restrictions = $reader->getNetIDPostingRestrictions("subnetid", $subnetid);
                $subnet_karma = $reader->getNetIDKarma("subnetid", $subnetid);
                $ipid_karma = $reader->getNetIDKarma("ipid", $ipid) if $ipid;

        my $clout_types_ar = [ sort grep /\D/, keys %{$slashdb->getCloutTypes} ];

        return slashDisplay('getUserAdmin', {
                field                   => $field,
                useredit                => $user_edit,
                srcid                   => $srcid,
                all_aclam_ar            => $all_aclam_ar,
                all_aclam_hr            => $all_aclam_hr,
                user_aclam_hr           => $user_aclam_hr,
                al2_old                 => $al2_hr,
                al2_log                 => $al2_log_ar,
                al2_tid_comment         => $al2_tid_comment,
                al2_nick                => $al2_nick_hr,

                userinfo_flag           => $user_editinfo_flag,
                userfield               => $user_editfield,
                ipstruct                => $ipstruct,
                ipstruct_order          => $ipstruct_order,
                uidstruct               => $uidstruct,
                accesshits              => \@accesshits,
                seclev_field            => $seclev_field,
                expired                 => $expired,
                topabusers              => $topabusers,
                readonly                => $readonly,
                thresh_select           => $thresh_select,
                authoredit_flag         => $authoredit_flag,
                section_select          => $section_select,
                all_acls                => $all_acls_hr,
                proxy_check             => $proxy_check,
                subnet_karma            => $subnet_karma,
                ipid_karma              => $ipid_karma,
                post_restrictions       => $post_restrictions,

                clout_types_ar          => $clout_types_ar,
        }, 1);

# this is to allow alternate parameters to be specified.  pass in
# your hash reference to be passed to setUser(), and this will
# add in those extra parameters.  add the parameters to string_param,
# type = otherusersparam, code = name of the param.  they will
# be checked for the main user prefs editing screens, and on
# user creation -- pudge
sub getOtherUserParams {
        my($data) = @_;
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });

        my $user    = getCurrentUser();
        my $form    = getCurrentForm();
        my $params  = $reader->getDescriptions('otherusersparam');

        for my $param (keys %$params) {
                if (exists $form->{$param}) {
                        # set user too for output in this request
                        $data->{$param} = $user->{$param} = $form->{$param} || undef;

# This modifies a hashref to default values -- if nothing
# else we assume the empty string which clears items in the
# user_param table 
# takes 3 hashrefs currently
# $data     - hashref to change to defaults
# $skip     - hashref of keys to skip modifying
# $defaults - hashref of defaults to set to something other 
#             than the empty string
sub setToDefaults {
        my($data, $skip, $defaults) = @_;
        foreach my $key (keys %$data) {
                next if $skip->{$key};
                $data->{$key} = exists $defaults->{$key} ? $defaults->{$key} : "";

sub getCommentListing {
        my ($type, $value,
                $min_comment, $time_period, $cc_all, $cc_time_period, $cid_for_time_period,
                $non_admin_limit, $admin_time_limit, $admin_non_time_limit,
                $options) = @_;
        my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
        my $slashdb = getCurrentDB();
        my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
        my $user = getCurrentUser();
        my $store_cutoff = $options->{use_uid_cid_cutoff} ? $constants->{store_com_page1_min_cid_for_user_com_cnt} : 0;

        my $s_opt = {};
        my $num_wanted = 0;
        if ($min_comment) {
                if ($user->{is_admin}) {
                        $num_wanted = $admin_non_time_limit;
                } else {
                        $num_wanted = $non_admin_limit;
        } else {

                if ($user->{is_admin}) {
                        if ($cc_time_period >= $admin_non_time_limit) {
                                $s_opt->{cid_at_or_after} = $cid_for_time_period;
                                $num_wanted = $admin_time_limit;
                        } else {
                                $num_wanted = $admin_non_time_limit;
                                        my $min_cid = $reader->getUser($value,
                                        $s_opt->{cid_at_or_after} = $min_cid
                                                if $min_cid && $min_cid =~ /^\d+$/;
                } else {
                        if ($cc_time_period >= $non_admin_limit ) {
                                $s_opt->{cid_at_or_after} = $cid_for_time_period;
                                $num_wanted = $non_admin_limit;
                        } else {
                                $num_wanted = $non_admin_limit;
                                        my $min_cid = $reader->getUser($value,
                                        $s_opt->{cid_at_or_after} = $min_cid
                                                if $min_cid && $min_cid =~ /^\d+$/;
        if ($type eq "uid") {

                my $comments = $reader->getCommentsByUID($value, $num_wanted, $min_comment, $s_opt) if $cc_all;
                if ($store_cutoff
                        && $comments && $cc_all >= $store_cutoff && $min_comment == 0 
                        && scalar(@$comments) == $num_wanted) {
                        my $min_cid = 0;
                        for my $comment (@$comments) {
                                $min_cid = $comment->{cid}
                                        if !$min_cid || ($comment->{cid} < $min_cid); 
                        if ($min_cid && $min_cid =~/^\d+$/) {
                                $slashdb->setUser($value, {
                                        "com_num_".$num_wanted."_at_or_after_cid" => $min_cid

                return $comments;
        } elsif ($type eq "ipid"){
                return $reader->getCommentsByIPID($value, $num_wanted, $min_comment, $s_opt) if $cc_all;
        } elsif ($type eq "subnetid"){
                return $reader->getCommentsBySubnetID($value, $num_wanted, $min_comment, $s_opt) if $cc_all;
        } else {
                return $reader->getCommentsByIPIDOrSubnetID($value, $num_wanted, $min_comment, $s_opt) if $cc_all;
