Editing Process

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The Editing Process


The editing process describes those actions taken to edit a submission from a member of our community into a suitable format for release as a story item. Some of these actions are typical of any editing process (e.g. spell checking, reformatting etc) but other actions are less obvious, at least to the new or inexperienced editor. This section aims to assist those new to the editing process to find their feet and help them gain experience. However, there are probably as many ways to edit a submission as there are editors; this section only describes one method which has been proven over time to work but do not feel that you must follow this guide slavishly if you have a better system that works for you.

The standard of submission can vary greatly from a title and a single URL link, to one which requires the minimum of effort on the part of the editor to prepare it for publication. Despite the Submission Guidelines, peoples' abilities differ and some are reluctant or unable to allocate sufficient time to fully prepare a submission. Nevertheless, it is the editor's responsibility to try to make a story out of what is given. In some cases this will prove to be impossible but, in the majority of instances, there will be enough to get the editor started although significantly more work will be necessary before a finished story is finally realised. Conversely, there may not be enough time for the editor to complete all the research necessary and (s)he must decide to hold the submission until sufficient time is available or delete the submission and move on to something more reasonable to work with.

Setting Up Your Computer

Story List

Submission List

The Submission

Initial Actions

Using the Editor