SoylentNews Site Policy

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SoylentNews Policy - DRAFT

Notes - Usage of 'he, his' etc. Any usage of the words he or his must be assumed to apply equally to members of either sex i.e. can be replaced with 'she, her' as appropriate.


We incorporated SoylentNews PBC on July 4th 2014. It's run by the Board of Directors comprised of a few of our staff that handle all the legal and business items. The rest of the operation is completely in the hands of the community of volunteers and staff (of which you are now a part). Along with the benefits of an email address [WHAT OTHER BENEFITS DO WE OFFER? - janrinok: no subscription fees - see below], comes the responsibility to uphold what this organization stands for.

    SoylentNews Mission:

We will be the best site for independent, not-for-profit journalism on the internet, where ideas can be presented and free discussion can take place without external needs overshadowing the community.

Except as required by law, no one will be banned or have their comments deleted due to stating a fact or opinion, no matter how unpopular or repugnant it is. We will not ban or silence a user for merely stating an opinion.

The right of our community to criticize, make suggestions, and help us improve our site will be respected. No staff or leader will ever be above criticism.

We recognize that mistakes will be made, as we are all human. It is both the right and privilege of others to correct us when needed.

If serious errors are made, we promise to revert them and fix the problems.


Lots of the work being done on SoylentNews is done by informal volunteers (story-submissions, suggestions, artwork, bug-hunting, etc.). Since you've been granted privileges on one or more of our systems, you are now considered part of the staff. In order to keep this project moving in the direction outlined in our [manifesto/vision], this document has been created to guide our actions.


The Board.

       The Board is responsible for ...
       The Board comprises of ...
       The Board will meet ...
   More details can be found on the wiki at ....

Management Group

While the Board has the formal, legal and financial responsibility for SoylentNews, the day-to-day management is conducted below Board level.

The management of the site comprises of various Teams, each with a specific function or range of functions. Each Team is led by a Team Leader (TL) and, together, the Team Leaders are known as the Management Group (MG). The MG has shared responsibility for the routine operation of the site and for providing guidance through each Team Leader to all staff to ensure that they are contributing in a coordinated manner to the maintenance and production of a high quality site.

Current TLs, and therefore the members of the MG, are shown in the wiki on page ....

Team Leaders

TLs are in charge of guiding their teams. Some responsibilities rest comfortably within a single team, but other resposibilities e.g. security, combatting spam, rogue comments in discussions etc, require the cooperation and coordination of 2 or more teams. TLs are responsible for deciding how the cooperation and coordination will take place, but the actual execution can be carried out by team members i.e. this responsibility does not place an undue additional burden upon TLs but permits the task to be carried out between relevant members of the staff.

Waiving of Subscription Fees

Once an individual has served as a staff member for (immediately, x weeks, y months?) they are no longer required to pay subscription fees to enjoy all the privileges of site membership.