Issues to Be Raised at the Next Board Meeting

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Revision as of 01:08, 21 August 2014 by BlackHole (talk | contribs)
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If there is an issue that you would like to be raised at the next Board meeting, please include it in the list below. The list will be cleared following each meeting. If you feel that your issue was not adequately addressed at the meeting, please feel free to add it to the list again, with additional detail as needed, and it will be raised at the following meeting.

Next meeting

Time: 11pm UTC (7pm EDT)
Place: (Webchat)
Chair: To Be Determined


  • Issue 1: What mechanism should we use to transfer important assets (accounts, domains, database, other rights, etc.) to the corporation? Here is a discussion of possible mechanisms. BlackHole
  • Issue 2: Notification best practices for future Staff and Board meetings. This meeting was not announced to the staff email list, nor the topic blurb on #Staff.
  • Issue 3: