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Revision as of 00:17, 30 January 2016 by Crutchy (talk | contribs) (→‎Bots)
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Contact if you are interested in working on one of these projects. Also, the IRC Page has information about getting started with IRC, and the IRC vision is worth checking out.

Who we are

IRC Team Main Page




xlefay Co-team leader UTC+2 (CEST)
juggs Co-team leader UTC+1 (BST)
paulej72 Member UTC-4 (EDT)
FunPika Member UTC-4 (EDT)
Landon Retired Member ?

IRC links

Current Projects

Chat bot (Python)

  • ELIZA module that uses Futurama personalities (to match the bot's current nick)
  • Modify bot logging to match existing formats (mIRC preferably)

Services (C)

  • Single sign on against the website (coordinate with NCommander)
  • Get the web IRC to use the website's sessions to sign in


  • Quick-Start/How-to guide for staff members (.op .topic nickserv commands etc.)

Misc bots

  • Anyone wanting to join existing bot development projects should contact the developer(s) noted below.

IRC Games

  • NerdRPG


  • servers
  • bots


Official channels

Channel Description Maintained by
#soylent General chat/lobby, mostly family-friendly All SoylentNews Staff
#staff Public Staff channel - Everyone's welcome to join, but messages from non-voiced are only send to the ops in the channel All SoylentNews Staff.
#editorial The home of the SoylentNews editors, here you can volunteer for duty, report typo's & ask for submission tips and the like. Editors & IRC Staff.
#dev The home of and for developers that help develop our fork of SlashCode. Development team & IRC staff.
#help This is the IRC help channel, where IRC operators and others provide help and answer any questions related to IRC you may have. IRC Staff.
#sysops This is the Sysops homefront, where most of the magic happens. We maintain the servers and services. Sysops & IRC Staff.
#wiki This is the Wiki's channel, nothing much happens here except for a bot reporting our every edit on the wiki! IRC Staff.
#irpg This is our "nerdRPG"'s (our fork of idleRPG) channel, feel free to idle along! IRC Staff.
#test Main testing chambers, feel free to test anything in here (just be friendly & be considerative) IRC Staff.

Private establishments (unofficial)

Channel Description Maintained by
## This is a channel which isn't family safe. It's mostly about bacon and stuff' team-bacon (kobach, xlefay)
# the batcave; bot testing/borking, random chaos, exec's home Alberto
#derp aqu4bot's origin and the portal to Universe 2. Bring own peanut butter. Subsentient
#sublight Sublight's bot home ground xlefay
#rss-bot various rss/atom feeds juggs
#debug bot error spew chromas
#comments comments feed crutchy
#github ~github-list repos push feed - checked every 5 mins crutchy


There are a few bots lurking in the Soylent IRC channels besides the services mentioned above.
Anyone wishing to develop bots should use #test or # for testing.
Please avoid flooding in private establishments and official channels (except #test and #). The #debug channel is used by bots for public error reporting.

nick channels triggers devs/ops/hosts source tasks usage/notes
  • #
  • ##
  • #Soylent
  • #derp
  • #test
  • $
  • aqu4:
  • Memos ($sticky)
  • Messaging ($tell)
  • Logging/user tracking
  • Channel control (in #derp)
  • $sr
  • $seen
  • $tell
  • $help
  • $burrito
  • #Soylent
  • ##
  • #
  • !
  • karma
  • todo
  • coffee++
  • !whoup
  • !todo stuff
  • !uid
  • #
  • Entertainment
  • !decide yes "other stuff"
  • 8ball (your question)
  • .country (2 digit code) - country lookup.
  • .bin2dec <binary value>
  • .binary2decimal <binary value>
  • .decimal <binary value>
  • .dec2bin <decimal value>
  • .decimal2binary <decimal value>
  • .binary <decimal value>
  • .calc <Equation> - Calculates a mathmatical equation.
  • .f2c <Fahrenheit> - Fahrenheit => Celsius.
  • .c2f <Celsius> - Celsius => Fahrenheit.
  • .ft2m <Feet> - Feet => Meters.
  • .m2ft <Meters> - Meters => Feet.
  • .mi2km <Miles> - Miles => Kilometers.
  • .km2mi <Kilometers> - Kilometers => Miles.
  • .lb2kgl <Pounds> - Pounds => Kilograms.
  • .kg2lb <Kilograms> - Kilograms => Pounds.
  • !word - word scramble game.
  • !idle - see who is idle.
  • !g (term) - google something.
  • !google (.countrycode) (term) - google something.
  • !google [] [define:|spell:]
  • <search terms> <1+1> <1 cm in ft> <patent ##>
  • <weather city|zip> <??? airport>
  • !images [] <search terms>
  • !groups [] <search terms>
  • !news [] <search terms>
  • !local [] <what> near <where>
  • !book [] <search terms>
  • !video [] <search terms>
  • !fight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two>
  • !trans region@region <text>
  • !gamespot <search terms>
  • !gamefaqs <system> in <region>
  • !blog [] <search terms>
  • !ebay [] <search terms>
  • !ebayfight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two>
  • !wikipedia [.2-digit-country-code] <search terms>[#subtag]
  • !wikimedia [[/wiki]] <search terms>[#subtag]
  • !locate <ip or hostmask>
  • !review <gamename> [@ <system>]
  • !torrent <search terms>
  • !best <system>
  • !worst <system>
  • !rgb2hex (r:XXX g:XXX b:XXX) - converts rgb value to hex.
  • !hex2rgb (XXXXXX) - converts hex color value to rgb.
  • !roll (1dX) - rolls a X sided die (1d4, 2d6).
  • !disc - discworld quotes
  • !dict (word) - dictionary, word lookup via
  • !dailymotion <search terms>
  • !ign <search terms>
  • !myspace <search terms>
  • !trends [] <YYYY-MM-DD>
  • !dawn - random dawn of war quote.
  • !bofh - random BOfH quote.
  • !duke - random duke nukem quote.
  • !coffee - order coffee for you or someone.
  • !coke - order coffee for you or someone.
  • !icecream - shows menu.
  • !order (nick) (something) - shows menu.
  • !pizza - shows menu.
  • #soylent
pircbot + piespy * Generation of piespy relationship maps for #soylent
  • #
  • #comments
  • #debug
  • #github
  • ~
  • SN comments feed (in #comments)
  • GitHub events feed (in #github)
  • refer to quick start guide
  • #Soylent
  • logging to
  • /invite Loggie
  • #
  • #Soylent
  • =
  • link title output
  • #irpg
  • outputs game data
  • #Soylent
  • #test
  • ;
  • Translate to Klingon
  • Get staff attention
  • Get help with commands
  • Get local weather
  • Set #weather location
  • Get time/date/channel/message of the last time someone spoke
  • Have a libertarian debate
  • #klingon
  • #battlestations
  • #help
  • #weather
  • #weatheradd
  • #seen
  • #socialist
  • #rss-bot
  • #soylent
  • !rss

Eggdrop v1.8.0+fixbotnetloop
rss-synd v0.6 plugin

  • various rss / atom feeds
  • logging only in #soylent for pisg stats
  • message correction
  • s/old/new/
  • nick: s/old/new/
  • #
  • #wiki
  • wiki events feed
  • #debug
  • #crutchy
  • ~
  • exec development


Bot projects / task ideas

Information for Sysops / IRC admins

Server Related Info

IRC services are now served up by beryllium. The core IRC services as well as several bots live on this server. They are mostly run from the sylnt user account out of /home/sylnt/

Start and stop scripts are in the ~/bin directory. start.all and stop.all will start and stop each of the services below with the appropriate script in a proper order. start.all is also set in sylnt's crontab to start at reboot. Individual services can be stopped or started with the appropriate script stop.service or start.service where .service is replaced with the suffix listed in the table below.

The services each have a cron.service script, also in ~/bin, that monitors that the service is running and restarts it if it does not find it. This is done by monitoring the pid, set at startup, and seeing if the job is still running. cron.all is run at 10 minute intervals from sylnt's crontab as well.

IRC Services






start/stop/cron suffix

Charybids 3.5.2 ircd services ~/charybdis 6667, 6697(ssl) .charybdis
Atheme Services 7.2.6 a modular IRC Services package ~/atheme-services internal only .atheme
Atheme Iris web frontend for IRC ~/atheme-iris 3989 (forwarded from 80) .iris
Bender jsonbot bot ~/.jsb internal only .bender
Loggie logging bot ~/logbot 80 .loggie
NerdRPG local Idle RPG ~/nerdrpg internal only .nerdrpg
Regurgitator local RSS aggregator based on Eggdrop ~/irc-bots/Regurgitator internal only .regurgitator
WikIRC wiki log bot ~/wikirc internal only .wikirc
ZNC IRC Bouncer service (n.b. repo install, config in sylnt home) ~/.znc internal only .znc

All of /home/sylnt/ started out as a copy from the original server xlefay setup on his systems. No new files were added to this, only certain services need to be recompiled. Source files for most of the services are found in ~/source, and copies of the original services that ran on original server are in ~/OLD. Test compiles of some of the services were moved to ~/test before bring up the current versions.

Charybdis was compiled with ./configure --prefix=/home/sylnt/charybdis/ --enable-epoll --enable-openssl --enable-ipv6 --disable-assert. Atheme was compiled with $ ./configure --prefix=/home/sylnt/atheme-services. Iris was configure by running ./compile from the ~/atheme-iris directory. The bots did not require a recompile from what was transferred from original server.

Config files were adjusted to set the proper ip addresses for the new server (both IPv4 and IPv6) and to adjust the staff who had admin access.

Information for IRC Operators

Useful Links