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CssWork parent

Provided Administrative Helper Programs in slash/bin

What they are and what they do.



Usage: backup-blocks [OPTIONS]

Populate the backup_blocks table.  Will delete existing data
and insert the data from the blocks table.

        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")


bitchslap [OPTIONS] ... [UIDs]


Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")
        -f      Force slap.

        [UIDs]  Space separated list of IDs to slap.

(reduces peoples Karma, modpoints, etc.)


 chkuser [ nickname | email ]

Prints users data


Usage: install-plugin [OPTIONS]

Installs Slash plugins.

Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")
        -l      Does not install plugins, just lists known plugins
        -L      Install files in htdocs using symlinks [y/n]


This is the main install program for slash. It gets input as to what your sitename is, what theme, plugins, etc. It should only be run once. You must uninstall before running it again.



Installs Slash tagboxes.

Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")
        -l      Does not install tagboxes, just lists known tagboxes


Usage: install-theme [OPTIONS]

Installs Slash themes.

Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")
        -l      Does not install themes, just lists known themes
        -L      Install files using symlinks [y/n]


Seems to do a lot of random things for test purposes.


Usage: modslap [OPTIONS] ... [UIDs]


Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")

        [UIDs]  Space separated list of IDs to slap.

Reduces peoples mod points?


Usage: purge-read-log [OPTIONS] ... [FILES]


Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")
        -d      Discussions that are more than -d days old will be purged


Usage: reload_armor [OPTIONS] ... {spamarmor_file}


Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -q      Quiet (no output to STDOUT)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")

Note: If {spamarmor_file} is not specified, then the default file for the given
site will be used. Default = <SLASH_PREFIX>/site/<SITENAME>/spamarmors


Usage: runtask [OPTIONS] task_name

This utility runs an individual slashd task from the command line;
it's useful when you don't want to have to wait for its timespec to
come around on slashd, when another task is occupying slashd's time,
or just for testing purposes.  Output is sent to both slashd.log and
the console.

Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (must exist in /usr/local/slash/slash.sites)
        -A      cycle though all of the sites installed

        -l      List tasks for this virtual user

        -V      Verbosity (overrides the vars {runtask,slashd}_verbosity)

        -o      String of comma separated list of key=value pairs. Each 
                task can define its own set of options, see task specific
                documentation for more details.

task_name       Name of the task in DATADIR/tasks to run
                (usually /usr/local/slash/site/SITENAME/tasks/)


Usage: slashmon [OPTIONS] ... [UIDs]

Monitor the Slash site's database.

Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version

        -u      Virtual user (default "slash")
        -w      Width max in columns (default 76)
        -r      Height max in (r)ows (default 20)
        -s      Sleep time (default 10)
        -t      Min time before showing slow DB queries (default 1)

Global stats are the left 3 columns:
        time    Elapsed seconds
        load    CPU load on this machine
        pps     Pages per second
        cps     Comments per second
        qpp     Queries per page (total)

For each DB, the data is:
        qps     Queries per second
        sps     Slow queries per second
        qpp     Queries per page
        h       InnoDB cache hit rate percent (MySQL 4.x only)
                ("+" means > 99%, "-" means 96-99%, "X" means < 96%)


Usage: symlink-tool [OPTIONS] <template templateN>

Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")
        -t      Test run, report but don't do anything
        -T      Synonym for -t
        -U      Upgrade your symlinks to the latest for your theme and plugins

Debugging options:
        -V      Increases verbosity.


Usage: template-check [DIRECTORY]

This program will show the differences between installed
templates (after they have been dumped to DIRECTORY),
and templates in the installation directory (usually
in /usr/local/slash/themes/ and /usr/local/slash/plugins/).

If -u is not specified, -b and -t must be specified.

Dump your templates out using template-tool, then
run this program on that directory.

Main options:
                Directory to diff against (default is current dir)
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user
        -b      Specify the basedir to compare against
        -t      Specify the theme to use


Usage: template-tool [OPTIONS] <template templateN>

Main options:
        -h      Help (this message)
        -v      Version
        -u      Virtual user (default is "slash")
        -U      Upgrade your templates to the latest for your theme and
                plugins, scans base install dir (default /usr/local/slash)
                and "does the right thing"
        -D      Print out which templates are in the DB, but not on disk
                (works only with -U)
        -t      test saved files, this will return what files are new
                or modified but does not change the templates

        -B      generates a blank template (specify the name of the file
                after the option)
        -d      dump templates
        -i      use tpid (template id) instead of template name
        -l      list template(s) and their descriptions
        -m      only perform list and get actions if the template matches
                this pattern
        -f      <templatefilename> filename of template being dumped or
                created (single template)
        -s      create/save/update template
        -O      directory where templates are saved or created
        -P      <page> template page
        -S      <skin> template skin
        -r      deletes template(s) (don't shoot yourself in the foot!)

        Notes on the -s "save" option:
        *       With no args except filename, uses filename to derive
                skin, page and template name.
        *       -s <filenames> allows you to save specific templates from
                the given files. This needs to be a template in a template
                file format. Use -b to generate blank ones.
        *       If you don't supply a template name, or leave the skin
                and page unset, the name will try to be derived from the
        *       If you supply a skin and/or page and you're reading files
                out of a directory, those templates will be saved with those
                skins. If you want to read from a directory and not have
                your skin or page changed, don't provide these arguments.

skin, page, and template args logic for listing and dumping functions:
        -S      <skin> all templates in a skin
        -S      <skin> <template templateN> all templates in a skin
                having the name(s)
        -P      <page> all templates for a page
        -P      <page> <template templateN> all templates for a page having
                the name(s)
        -S      <skin> -P <page> all templates for a page and skin
        -S      <skin> -P <page> <template templateN> templates for a page
                and skin with the name(s) <template templateN> all
                templates having the name(s) all other template fields should
                be modified via web interface

Debugging options:
        -c      Compiles named template into Perl code for testing
        -O      <directory> Destination directory of compiled templates
                (default is ".")

        -T      Test listed templates.
                [ WARNING: This can be computationally intensive. Please refrain
                  from running on production sites ]
        -V      Increases verbosity.

        Compiled templates are saved as <template-name>.ttc in the
        destination directory.