Talk:Server Architecture

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Potential DNS Providers

Re: DNS providers

I don't know if this is the right place to add this, but i can host secondary DNS (or primary as well if necessary) -sidd

After doing some more research, our hosting provider, Linode, offers a DNS service. I checked it out, it offers all the features we want so we're going to go with that. It's free as long as we're a customer Zford (talk) 19:48, 21 February 2014 (MST)

Automated deployment

Whatever provider is used, I recommend starting with an automated deployment from the beginning. It's a lot easier than incorporating it later and you'll thank me when you grow. Puppet is easier to work with unless you are already familiar with Chef. --Dean1012 (talk) 20:17, 20 February 2014 (MST)

I don't disagree. New infrastructure will be rolled out with tools, not by hand. That's part of the reason why the Management servers are in there. I'm a big fan of Puppet and Ansible myself Zford (talk) 21:31, 20 February 2014 (MST)

https service

Hi, any plans to add https/SSL ? sidd

HTTPS SSL is in the design from a system's perspective, however but there are some outstanding issues with HTTPS in slashcode. You can go to right now to see for yourself. Zford (talk) 15:22, 21 February 2014 (MST)
To further elaborate, we have a certificate but due to the old/mouldy state of SlashCode it's not as simple as dropping it into the system. Also, BlueHost (hosting our nameservers) apparently doesn't allow aaaa or a6 records (and I have no Eartly idea why), which are needed for IPV6 zone descriptions so we can't even have ipv6 IRC chats. :-( It's on the list of "future enhancements" --Barrabas